
Finale! 28800 Drop Off Fare Regret Wedding Bride Regret! Bringing his parents to the door to apologize, the groom is too wise



The three words "get off the bus" have recently become the focus of heated discussions at a wedding in Shangqiu, Henan. This is not only an episode of a wedding, but also a microcosm of the conflict between modern social values and traditional customs. When the bride's best friend suddenly asked the groom to pay 28,800 "drop-off fees" at the wedding, the direction of this wedding surprised everyone.

Finale! 28800 Drop Off Fare Regret Wedding Bride Regret! Bringing his parents to the door to apologize, the groom is too wise

The turmoil at the wedding scene

Wedding is a witness to the love of two people and a place where the blessings of family and friends gather. However, when "drop-off fees" become part of weddings, has its meaning changed? At this wedding in Shangqiu, the bride's best friend asked for the "drop-off fee" that embarrassed the groom, and made the bride feel extremely regretful, which eventually led to the decision to regret the marriage. This scene undoubtedly sounded the alarm bell for everyone: which is more important, money or emotion?

The collision of traditional wedding customs and modern values

As a traditional wedding custom, the "drop-off fee" was originally a thank you and blessing from the couple to the guests. However, in modern society, this custom has been misinterpreted by some people as a monetary transaction, or even as a means of accumulating money. This change reflects the conflict between traditional marriage customs and modern values. People are beginning to question whether this money-mediated blessing still has its original meaning.

Finale! 28800 Drop Off Fare Regret Wedding Bride Regret! Bringing his parents to the door to apologize, the groom is too wise

A contest between friendship and money

In this incident, the bride's best friend became the focus of controversy. Her actions are seen by some as a betrayal of friendship and a moral challenge. Under the lure of money, the value of friendship seems to become fragile. This incident has sparked deep thinking about the relationship between friendship and money, and has also led many to reflect on how we should balance the relationship between the two in modern society.

Finale! 28800 Drop Off Fare Regret Wedding Bride Regret! Bringing his parents to the door to apologize, the groom is too wise

The power of social media

The wedding dispute quickly went viral and became a hot topic on social media. The public's discussion and concern have had an impact on the development of the incident, and have also played a guiding role in public opinion and moral concepts. This phenomenon once again proves the importance of social media in today's society, which is not only a platform for information dissemination, but also an important tool for the public to monitor and guide social development.

Reflection on the concept of money

Money, as an important medium in modern society, plays an increasingly important role in people's lives. However, when the idea of money is too strong, does it erode people's emotions and morals? In this wedding turmoil, we have seen the impact of money on emotions, and we have also seen people's reflection on the concept of money.

The true meaning of wedding

A wedding should not only be a monetary transaction, nor should it be a betrayal of friendship. It should be a testimony of two people's love and a gathering of blessings from family and friends. After this turmoil, the bride and her parents came to apologize, and the groom's wisdom and generosity also won people's respect. This move may be able to draw a successful end to this turmoil, but it leaves us with far from the end of thinking.

Finale! 28800 Drop Off Fare Regret Wedding Bride Regret! Bringing his parents to the door to apologize, the groom is too wise


This wedding dispute incident allows us to see the contest between money and emotion, and it reminds us that we should not ignore the value of emotion while pursuing material wealth. At future weddings, we expect to see more blessings and tenderness than money transactions. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can stick to the innocence and kindness in their hearts when facing the temptation of money, and treat everything in life with understanding and tolerance.


On the scales of money and emotion, how should we make a choice? This is a question worth pondering for everyone. Wedding, as one of the most important ceremonies in life, should not be overshadowed by money. Let's re-examine the meaning of the wedding and find that innocent blessing and warmth.