
"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

author:Frye talks about gossip

1. A grand opening, emphasizing Liu Tao's sincere enthusiasm and persistence for marriage

Liu Tao sat quietly, in front of the bright makeup mirror, his slightly trembling eyes looked a little confused. At this moment, the past is flooding back, and the affectionate vow of her husband Wang Ke that she heard more than ten years ago comes to her mind: "I married you precisely to realize our wish to grow old together, whether we are poor or rich, none of this can change our sincerity."


"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

Although this sentence seems to be unremarkable, for Liu Tao, it is like a lighthouse of tenacity, which has always given her endless strength and hope in the ups and downs of marriage.

Looking back on those years, her marriage with Wang Ke is like a modern version of "Romeo and Juliet" In the special year of 2008, they decided to enter the marriage hall after only knowing each other for more than 20 days.

However, the tricks of fate are always so ruthless, in the second year of the newlywed Yan'er, Wang Ke's career suffered a heavy blow, and fell from the former glory to the bottom overnight, becoming destitute, surrounded by walls, and the whole person fell into deep despair.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

In the face of difficulties, Liu Tao did not hesitate to stand up and began to devote herself to her acting career with all her might, using the income she earned to pay off huge debts In 2011, she was only able to rest for 4 hours a day, and the rest of the time was devoted to intense filming work.

In just one year, she has taken on 7 eye-catching film and television works, traveling between various cities and crews. Sometimes, her body can't bear the huge pressure and can only be relieved by injecting drugs, but she never chooses to give up.

With Liu Tao's unremitting efforts, he finally succeeded in helping her husband repay all the debts.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

However, the good times are short-lived, and just when people thought their lives were about to get back on track, Wang Ke once again fell into deeper debt due to business failure.

This time, not only is the scale of the debt larger, but the pressure of public opinion is also getting heavier, and the outside world's doubts and accusations against Liu Tao have come like a series of cannonballs, portraying her as a "poor person" and "victim" who has been deceived by a "wealthy family".

Second, show Liu Tao's kind nature in the "chaotic" life

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

Perhaps in the eyes of onlookers, Liu Tao's life is like a mess, full of traces of "chaos". However, in fact, there is always a warm flame burning in her heart, constantly calling for kindness and love.

Since stepping into the entertainment industry, she has always actively exerted her influence and devoted herself to public welfare undertakings to help those in urgent need.

Whenever a disaster strikes like a beast, Liu Tao, as a public figure, always stands up without hesitation and quickly rushes to the disaster area, giving endless warmth and strength to the compatriots there.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

As if predestined, on May 12, 2008, the Wenchuan earthquake that shocked the world ruthlessly erupted; She was the first to bear the brunt of the bright stars who rushed to the scene to bring the light of hope to all the victims!

In this arduous and long journey, she was fearless, and her journey was as determined as her mission, only to reach the front line as quickly as possible and bring the most urgently needed assistance to the affected people.

When she finally arrived in the disaster area, Liu Tao and her team immediately plunged into the intense rescue work, actively raising relief materials and funds, and personally delivering these precious resources to each affected family.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

She fought together with the victims, and perfectly interpreted the sense of social responsibility that a public figure should have with her practical actions.

"Although we cannot change the tragedy of the past, we can make the future a better place through our efforts." In the face of those homeless victims, Liu Tao said such words affectionately.

It was this kindness that deeply touched people's hearts that made her win the respect and love of countless people during those difficult days.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

In addition to actively participating in disaster relief, Liu Tao often goes to remote areas to donate school supplies to children there. Everywhere she went, she was infected by the innocent smiles of the children, and her heart was filled with an indescribable warmth.

However, in stark contrast to Liu Tao's kind and simple image, it is her seemingly "chaotic" living habits. The refrigerator in her home is comparable to that of the "diabetes hardest" – a variety of delicious cream cakes, tiramisu and macarons fill every inch of space.

And Liu Tao himself is undoubtedly a loyal lover of these desserts, and often enjoys the pleasure of food until he is satisfied.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

"She's like a child who has never been exposed to the world, and has an almost insane obsession with sweets." Liu Tao's assistant said helplessly. Once, Liu Tao secretly ate an entire box of tiramisu in one go, and after eating, he ran to the treadmill in a panic and ran for 3 hours in a row before barely consuming calories.

However, despite Liu Tao's deep love for sweets, her figure is still very good, and she does not have the appearance of a foodie who is "pointed out by a thousand people". The secret lies in how she knows how to balance diet and exercise.

Once she realizes that she has overeaten, she will work out with all her might to burn off all the excess calories.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

In addition to her extreme love for desserts, Ms. Liu Tao's wardrobe is undoubtedly like a chaotic battlefield. All kinds of shoes, skirts and other clothes are scattered everywhere, making it completely difficult to sort out.

Whenever this lady needs to find a favorite piece of clothing, she often spends a lot of time searching for it in this chaotic pile, and sometimes even has to fail in the end.

The main reason for this phenomenon is that our Ms. Liu Tao is an out-and-out "online shopping maniac". Her Taobao account is like her second bank account, which must be carefully browsed every day, and a steady stream of various products is waiting for her on the road.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

She often buys hundreds of new clothes at once, sometimes even having trouble telling if she has ever bought them, and only waits for the moment the courier arrives to find out.

Ms. Liu Tao's courier brother has long regarded her as an old friend, and every time they meet, he always humorously jokes: "Sister Liu, you are here again today!" Ms. Liu Tao only responded with a shy smile, and then gladly accepted the goods.

Fourth, back to the theme, Ms. Liu Tao's firm dedication to marriage stems from the innocence, kindness and bravery in her heart

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

In the face of cynicism from all walks of life, Ms. Liu Tao has always firmly guarded her marriage. Even when relatives and friends urged her to divorce and seek new happiness, she firmly refused: "Whether rich or poor, I will always be by his side."

It is this kind of innocence, kindness and brave inner strength that has supported her through one hardship after another.

In 2011, Mr. Wang Ke again fell into a huge debt dilemma due to the failure of his business investment. This time, not only is the scale of the debt huge, but the pressure of public opinion is even more heavy. The outside world has been constantly attacking and accusing Ms. Liu Tao, calling her a "poor worm" and "victim" who has been deceived by a "wealthy family".

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

In the face of such tremendous pressure, Ms. Liu Tao was once shaken and wanted to comply with everyone's opinions, choose to divorce and find new happiness. However, every time she recalls her original vow, she has unprecedented courage and conviction in her heart.

"Now that I've become someone else's wife, I'm never going to give up." Ms. Liu Tao made up her mind and chose to stick to it again. Therefore, she still devotes herself to her acting career with all her might, earning an income, ignoring the doubts of the outside world, just to maintain the survival of this marriage.

Seeing Ms. Liu Tao's firm dedication to marriage, are you also deeply moved? It is true that her lifestyle may seem a little "chaotic", but on the road of pursuing love, she has always been steadfast and has never wavered in the slightest.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

Standing on the long axis of time, looking back at Liu Tao's faltering and unswerving efforts to maintain her seemingly difficult and challenging marriage, you will be surprised to find that it is precisely the pure, flawless, brave and resolute power that leads her through many difficulties and along the way.

In the face of all kinds of accusations and criticisms in the world, she has always been able to unswervingly grit her teeth and persevere, and the fundamental reason is her deep dedication and sincerity to love.

This tenacious and unswerving love undoubtedly makes the story of her and Wang Ke a legendary story. It vividly shows the purest and most sincere side of love - facing difficulties together, supporting each other, and never giving up.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

On their bodies, you can't find gorgeous decorations, nor can you get a glimpse of the extravagant life, only the most unpretentious companionship and dependence.

5. To sum up, the most dazzling thing about Liu Tao is his pure, flawless, brave and resolute heart.

To this day, although the doubts from the outside world are still coming and going, the relationship between Liu Tao and Wang Ke has never wavered in the slightest. Sometimes, they will appear in variety shows together, pour out each other's hearts, look at each other and smile, and their eyes are full of deep affection.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

Even though Wang Ke's career has fallen into a trough, the relationship between them is still as strong and indestructible as it was at the beginning.

As we gaze at this "ill-fated" couple, we can't help but wonder: what is the force that has sustained them through such a long time? In fact, the source of all this stems from the pure, flawless, brave and resolute core in Liu Tao's heart.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

On the surface, Liu Tao's life seems to be chaotic, and there is an atmosphere of "decadence" everywhere. Her obsession with desserts, the clutter of her wardrobe, and her habit of frequent online shopping have all made people mistakenly believe that her life is too casual and free.

However, you must admit that behind this superficial "chaos", there is a pure, immaculate, brave and resolute female figure. Whenever disaster strikes, she always stands up to send warmth to the affected people; Whenever she sees children in poor areas, she will always lend a helping hand without hesitation, and she has demonstrated her sense of social responsibility as a public figure with practical actions.

It is this kind of vast mind that gives the ordinary and simple Liu Tao a unique and extraordinary inner temperament. Although she is known as a "merry wife", there is always a warm current surging in her heart, always preaching kindness and love.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

On the road of her perseverance in marriage, the spirit of never giving up and never giving up shows her inner quality to the fullest.

Although she has suffered a lot of criticism and slander from the outside world, she has always firmly gritted her teeth and stuck to her beliefs, just because of her incomparable devotion and focus on love!

So when you catch another glimpse of Liu Tao, don't just see him as a shining star in the "bustling world." Because beneath that dazzling exterior, the world inside her is truly a treasure worth exploring.

"Merry and virtuous wife" Liu Tao's fancy world, her "chaos" you can't imagine at all

A kind and innocent her, with the spirit of selfless dedication, in a unique way to show her true self. And her firm dedication to marriage shows her unswerving piety and single-mindedness to love.

This is the most real and moving side of Liu Tao, let us praise this brave and tenacious woman!

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