
So beautiful! Wang Fengyan's blessing is not shallow, his new girlfriend's appearance and temperament are better than Zhang Ziyi's, what does she want?

author:Early Summer Words

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Rock singer Wang Feng is unique in the music scene with his unique voice and self-asserting spirit. His many failures in his love life have also become the focus of attention from the outside world.

So beautiful! Wang Fengyan's blessing is not shallow, his new girlfriend's appearance and temperament are better than Zhang Ziyi's, what does she want?

52-year-old Wang Feng was once again exposed to the news of dating his new love Li Qiao. The appearance of this post-90s beauty is not inferior to Wang Feng's ex-wife Zhang Ziyi, which makes people ask, what does she want Wang Feng?

Wang Feng's feelings are turbulent and his marriage has failed many times, which has attracted criticism

Wang Feng's love life is magnificent, and he has been entangled with many beautiful women. In 2003, he married singer Qi Dan Lightning, and announced his divorce less than a year later.

Later, he got together with the post-80s model Ge Huijie, and announced their breakup after only one year. In 2011, Wang Feng got married for the third time, and the object was the popular actress Kang Zuoru. The marriage lasted until 2013 and ended in divorce.

So beautiful! Wang Fengyan's blessing is not shallow, his new girlfriend's appearance and temperament are better than Zhang Ziyi's, what does she want?

In 2015, Wang Feng's relationship with international actress Zhang Ziyi was exposed. The two registered their marriage in 2016. In 2018, the two also announced their divorce.

Frequent marriage failures, Wang Feng was not only accused of being inattentive and choosing objects at will, but also questioned whether he lacked a sense of family responsibility and did not know how to maintain a relationship.

Some commentators bluntly said that his marriage is as changeable as the seasons. Wang Feng's supporters defended him, and the feelings were not forced, as long as both parties were happy. But opponents denounced his style as too irresponsible, how can he always treat marriage as a child's play.

So beautiful! Wang Fengyan's blessing is not shallow, his new girlfriend's appearance and temperament are better than Zhang Ziyi's, what does she want?

The new love Li Qiaozi is not inferior to Zhang Ziyi, and she is accused of fame and fortune

Not long after Wang Feng divorced Zhang Ziyi, he was revealed to be dating a new love, Li Qiao. The two appeared together in public on Mother's Day.

Li Qiao was born in 1990, nearly 20 years younger than Wang Feng, and is an Internet celebrity. She has an elegant temperament and delicate facial features, and was praised by netizens as "more beautiful and temperamental than Zhang Ziyi".

Indeed, Li Qiao's appearance conditions are not inferior to that of a popular actress, and she also served as the deputy secretary general of the Xinjiang Tourism Association, so it can be said that she attaches equal importance to beauty and talent.

So beautiful! Wang Fengyan's blessing is not shallow, his new girlfriend's appearance and temperament are better than Zhang Ziyi's, what does she want?

Wang Feng changes his spouse so frequently, people can't help but ask, how charming is he? An international actress like Zhang Ziyi can't grow old with him for a long time, will this Li Qiao be a flash in the pan, or can he really grow old with him? What's more, an outstanding woman like Li Qiao, what is Wang Feng?

Some comments bluntly said that Li Qiao came for Wang Feng's fame and wealth. After all, most girls like handsome and golden men. And Wang Feng is not only a well-known singer, but also has considerable assets, which can bring her a better life.

Zhang Ziyi, who is used to living in a villa in a luxury car, did not continue to maintain this marriage in the end. We should not judge this relationship only from the material conditions, but also look at whether the two people really love each other.

So beautiful! Wang Fengyan's blessing is not shallow, his new girlfriend's appearance and temperament are better than Zhang Ziyi's, what does she want?

Feelings need both parties to manage with their hearts and live together to test their sincerity

Love needs to be managed by both parties. It is difficult to maintain a long-term relationship with one-sided giving. Judging from Wang Feng's historical marriage, frequent failures are also issues he needs to reflect on.

Married life is more than just two hearts together. The trivialities of daily life need to be dealt with together, and differences of opinion need to be properly handled.

This requires a mature mindset and sufficient understanding on both sides. It's not enough to just be immersed in love, you also have to learn to think about each other and cherish your feelings.

So beautiful! Wang Fengyan's blessing is not shallow, his new girlfriend's appearance and temperament are better than Zhang Ziyi's, what does she want?

In addition, the two people may have different values due to their different family backgrounds. This requires the husband and wife to communicate with each other and find the greatest common divisor. Married life is also a process of constantly adapting to each other and tolerating each other.

Whether Wang Feng learns lessons from his failed marriage, whether he and Li Qiao really love each other, and whether they can withstand the test of life are the keys to whether their relationship can last for a long time.

Although we can guess what this woman is trying to do from the outside world, the maintenance of the relationship requires the joint efforts of two people to succeed.

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