
The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?

author:Little entertainer


The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?

Recently, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and Secretary of State Mike Ponzo issued statements on Twitter announcing a new round of sanctions against Huawei. They said the U.S. would restrict licenses for companies like Intel and Qualcomm to sell semiconductor chips to Huawei, arguing the move was in the U.S. national security interest. As soon as this move came out, it immediately aroused widespread heated discussions in the international community, and once again cast a tense "reassurance" on Sino-US trade relations.

The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?
The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?

1. The U.S. sanctions on Huawei chips have aroused widespread concern in the international community

The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?

The U.S. government has been cracking down on Huawei since last year, first by adding it to the "Entity List" and then aggressively lobbying allies to remove Huawei equipment. Now, the United States has imposed chip sanctions on Huawei, restricting the licenses of its own companies to sell semiconductor chips to Huawei, which can be described as "adding insult to injury". In this regard, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross said that the United States' high-end conductor technology is critical to national security, and for national security considerations, it is necessary for the United States to regulate the supply of semiconductors.

The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?

In fact, the U.S. crackdown on Huawei is not a "national security" issue, but a geopolitical consideration. The U.S. government has been cracking down on Chinese companies around the world, and has actively rallied allies to crack down on Huawei in an attempt to curb China's technological development. However, this move of the US Government has aroused widespread concern and doubts from the international community, and many countries have expressed dissatisfaction and opposition to what the United States has done.

The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?
The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?

Second, the United States imposed chip sanctions on Huawei, which may affect the global chip supply chain

The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?

The direct impact of the U.S. chip sanctions on Huawei may disrupt the global chip supply chain. As a world-renowned communications equipment manufacturer, Huawei's business spreads all over the world, and the demand for chips is also very huge. If Huawei is unable to obtain the chips it needs from American companies, it will bring great difficulties to its production and R&D, and it will also affect its global partners.

The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?

In addition, the U.S. sanctions on Huawei chips may also have an impact on other industries. For example, the automobile manufacturing industry, electronic equipment manufacturing industry, communication equipment manufacturing industry, etc., all need a large number of chips to support their manufacturing, once there is a problem with the supply of chips, it will lead to the production of these industries to be limited, and even there is a shortage of supply.

The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?
The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?

Third, China-US trade relations are once again tense, and win-win cooperation is the right way

The U.S. sanctions on Huawei chips are actually "adding fuel to the fire" of Sino-US trade relations, making the already tense Sino-US trade relations tense again. In fact, the trade between China and the United States has been very frequent, and the trade volume has been growing, which is very beneficial to the global economic development.

However, the U.S. government has been taking various measures to try to contain China's development, not only in the field of science and technology, but also in the field of economy and trade. The U.S. crackdown on Huawei is a very typical example, which has cast a very big shadow on China-US trade relations and made China very dissatisfied with some of the U.S. practices.

In fact, if we want to promote the stable development of the global economy, win-win cooperation is the right way. It is hoped that the US government will face up to the current situation, stop all provocations and suppressions, sincerely carry out dialogue and cooperation with China, and jointly promote the healthy development of the global economy.

The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?

Fourth, China should strengthen its own solidarity and improve its independent research and development capabilities

In the face of various sanctions and repression by the United States, China cannot rest on its laurels, but must respond to challenges more proactively, strengthen its own unity, and adjust its development strategy. Especially in the field of science and technology, China should increase investment in independent research and development to improve its own scientific and technological innovation capabilities.

At present, China's independent research and development capabilities have been continuously improved, for example, in the field of chips, China has made some important breakthroughs, and is expected to get rid of the excessive dependence on external chip supply. In the future, with the further improvement of independent research and development capabilities, China is expected to have a greater say in the global high-tech field and make greater contributions to global scientific and technological development.

The United States failed to sanction Huawei, and instead suppressed its own companies to vent its anger: can't even the Chinese be cured?


The U.S. sanctions on Huawei chips will undoubtedly have a certain impact on the global technology industry, and will also make Sino-US trade relations tense again. It is hoped that the US government will carefully consider what it has done, stop all provocations and suppression, and sincerely engage in dialogue and cooperation with China.

At the same time, we also hope that the international community will be able to view the contradictions and differences between China and the United States more rationally, and believe that with China's unremitting efforts, it will certainly be able to achieve a higher level of opening up to the outside world and make greater contributions to world peace and development.

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