
The price of erythromycin ointment in pharmacies has sparked heated discussions: the price difference between online and offline is 10 times, who is cutting leeks?

author:Pick up the light 2022


For the same drug, there is a huge difference between online and offline prices, why is this?

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Overview of the event

Recently, a netizen's complaint exploded on social media: an ordinary erythromycin ointment costs only 3.6 yuan on the e-commerce platform, while the price of offline pharmacies is as high as 39 yuan, a difference of more than ten times. This phenomenon quickly aroused the attention and discussion of the majority of netizens, and the response of the Market Administration further intensified the heat of this topic.

The price of erythromycin ointment in pharmacies has sparked heated discussions: the price difference between online and offline is 10 times, who is cutting leeks?

Event thinking

First of all, it is undeniable that merchants have the right to set their own prices. Whether online or offline, merchants have the right to determine the price of goods based on their own costs, market positioning, sales strategies and other factors. However, when the price difference is so large, we can't help but ask: is this pricing strategy justified?

The price of erythromycin ointment in pharmacies has sparked heated discussions: the price difference between online and offline is 10 times, who is cutting leeks?

From the perspective of market law, price differences reflect the relationship between supply and demand and the competitive situation. Offline pharmacies may have higher costs due to factors such as rent and labor costs, so they need to raise prices to maintain profits. E-commerce platforms, on the other hand, can offer lower prices because they reduce intermediate links and operating costs. In addition, there may also be differences in the target customer base between online and offline pharmacies, which can also affect pricing strategies.

The price of erythromycin ointment in pharmacies has sparked heated discussions: the price difference between online and offline is 10 times, who is cutting leeks?

However, this does not mean that offline pharmacies can set prices at will. As part of public services, pharmacies should take into account the interests of consumers when providing medicines, and should not blindly pursue profit maximization. If the price is too high, not only the rights and interests of consumers will be damaged, but the reputation and long-term development of the pharmacy may also be affected.

For consumers, the price difference between online and offline is too large, and our choice should be more flexible and rational. If time permits, it is entirely possible to buy medicines on e-commerce platforms to enjoy better prices. Of course, we should also pay attention to the quality and safety of the drug and choose a reputable merchant to buy.

The price of erythromycin ointment in pharmacies has sparked heated discussions: the price difference between online and offline is 10 times, who is cutting leeks?

In addition, we cannot ignore the advantages of pharmacies in providing pharmaceutical services. Pharmacies can provide more professional consultation and recommendation services to help consumers choose the right medicines. At the same time, pharmacies can also provide more convenient ways to purchase, such as swiping the medical insurance card to purchase drugs covered in the medical insurance. These advantages are irreplaceable by e-commerce platforms.

At the end of the article

All in all, the controversy over the price of erythromycin ointment in pharmacies reflects the complexity of market rules and supply and demand. Merchants have the right to set their own prices, but they also need to take into account the interests of consumers and the competitive situation in the market. As consumers, we should consume rationally and choose a more appropriate way to buy. At the same time, we also expect pharmacies to play a greater role in providing pharmaceutical services and provide consumers with better and more convenient services.