
In the spring triangle, a surface temperature is 20,000 °C higher than the sun, and one can hold 17,000 suns

author:The erudite fourth brother


In the starry sky, the stars at night twinkle, like twinkling beads, constellations are the imagination of human beings in the early days of combining stars into various images, thus giving stars different story colors, and are now divided into 88 constellations.

The triangle represents strength in human consciousness, and it is the unwavering courage and indomitable heart of human beings.

At the same time, the triangle also represents a spirit of human struggle in the process of space exploration, so the constellations composed of triangles are also particularly eye-catching, and among the 88 constellations, the constellations composed of triangles are particularly eye-catching, known as the "Spring Triangle".

The Spring Triangle is made up of the constellations Penta, Albes and Arcturus, which are highlighted by Albedira and Arcturus.

In the spring triangle, a surface temperature is 20,000 °C higher than the sun, and one can hold 17,000 suns

So what's so special about this spring triangle?

How are these three stars made up?

1. The ancients constituted the constellations.

The time of observing stars can be traced back to the ancient times of mankind, when people did not have a light source that could illuminate their surroundings at night, they had to face the dark night, point light sources in deep space, and climb to a platform away from the grassland jungle ground to see the side of the sky.

These point light sources1 are called stars, which inspired mankind to take a keen interest in astronomy.

At the same time, constellations are made up of these interests, and the ancients discovered that there were many different stars in the night sky, and they gave different "images" to the stars with their imaginations and mythological stories, thus forming various constellations.

At the same time, the constellations are also the signs of many species at night, and people follow them up.

In the spring triangle, a surface temperature is 20,000 °C higher than the sun, and one can hold 17,000 suns

The ancients combined the stars in the sky into the shapes of various creatures, and gave them different biological characteristics, thus forming different constellations, and derived various legends and myths from these constellations, which were passed down by later generations.

Today, the constellations of the sky are reduced to 88 constellations, which represent most of the stars that can be seen in the night sky in the northern and southern hemispheres, and are also shaped into various shapes and represent different cultures and legends.

In the spring triangle, a surface temperature is 20,000 °C higher than the sun, and one can hold 17,000 suns

The constellations that the ancients saw from the sky also originated from the influence of life and culture, and many constellations carried a kind of yearning and dream of the ancients for the night sky.

From ancient times to the present, astronomical observation and constellation formation have also been one of the most fascinating activities, and human beings have used various ways and means to explore stars in space.

Second, the composition of the spring triangle.

Humans have divided the constellations in the sky, and the Spring Triangle is composed of three stars, the Five Emperors, the One and the Arcturus, united to form a triangular constellation.

This triangular constellation is made up of these three stars, which in turn are made up of three bright stars at night.

The constellation is the brightest star in the spring triangle, and it is located at the top of the triangular constellation, so it forms the topmost bright star in the night sky.

The Five Emperors have other names, known as Betelgeuse, and his brightness is the second level, that is, the second level of bright stars.

But this Pentatris is the brightest star in the spring triangle, and its brightness is even higher than that of the brighter star - Aldebara, we often say that the brightness of the star in the night sky is higher and the lower the magnitude, and the brightness of the Pentadius is 0.90.

The name "Five Emperors" comes from the sacrificial activities of the ancients, and the Five Emperors are also the gods of the East, whose duty is to lead the growth of all things and the beginning of spring.

The name of the Five Emperors One comes from the observation of the ancients in the night starry night, they found that there is a very bright star in the night sky, this star has a very high brightness, and at the same time, in the spring night, he is even higher in the sky, guiding the farmers to sow seeds, so it was given the "Five Emperors One".

The surface temperature of the Five Emperors is also very high, as high as 25,000K, which is 4 times the temperature of the corona, which makes the Five Emperors One more and more dazzling in the night sky.

The light emitted by the Five Emperors One is blue, which also makes the Five Emperors One in the night sky have a blue color, and at the same time, because of his very high brightness, it is particularly dazzling in the night sky.

The constellation is made up of three stars, and in the night sky, we can see that the Constellation One is not just one star, it is made up of three stars.

In the spring triangle, a surface temperature is 20,000 °C higher than the sun, and one can hold 17,000 suns

And among these three stars, the brightest one is the one of the five emperors.

Arcturus, also known as the night market and the Ox Lodge, is a stellar extra-large bright star, and the night market is a place where the ancients bought and sold people at night, and Arcturus is very bright in the night sky.

Arcturus is the light of the night market, illuminating the road ahead at night, and at the same time, Arcturus is also part of the constellation.

Arcturus is a corner of the constellation Triangular Major in spring, and it is also located in the middle of this triangle, Arcturus is very close to Arcturus, and the distance between them is also very short.

Arcturus is located 36.7 light-years from Earth, and it is 110 times brighter than the Sun.

In the spring triangle, a surface temperature is 20,000 °C higher than the sun, and one can hold 17,000 suns

Arcturus is a red giant, and its size is very large, and if we compare the volume of the Sun with the volume of Arcturus, we can know that it is 17,000 times the size of the Sun.

Arcturus is evolving into a red giant, its surface temperature is 3500 K, while the Sun is at 5500 K, the surface temperature of the Sun is 8000 K, Arcturus has a very low surface temperature, so it glows red in the night sky.

In the spring triangle, a surface temperature is 20,000 °C higher than the sun, and one can hold 17,000 suns

Arcturus is also particularly dazzling on spring nights, its brightness is very high, and it is also the brightest star in the spring triangle.

It is the third brightest star in the spring triangle, with a magnitude of 1.65 and is also the second bright star, given the name "Napolea", and its brightness is relatively low compared to other stars.

3. The special features of the Spring Triangle.

So how is the Spring Triangle composed, and how is it composed of the Five Emperors, the Arcturus, and the Arcturus?

Where on our planet are they again?

The Big Dipper is a frequently used constellation, it represents the direction of the North Pole and is also a very important presence in navigation.

The Big Dipper is also associated with Arcturus, according to which you can find the positions of the three stars of the Spring Triangle.

We can observe the position of the North Pole on a spring night, and if the position of the Big Dipper is very far from the North Pole, it means that we are experiencing the rotation of the Earth, and at this time there is actually a certain angle between the position of the Big Dipper and the North Pole.

We only need to connect the positions of the Big Dipper, and then go down in this direction, and then make a certain distance to find the location of Arcturus and Arcturus.

The position of the Big Dipper points exactly to Arcturus and Spectacus, so that you can follow the Big Dipper to find the location of Arcturus and Arcturus, thus forming the Spring Triangle.

In the spring triangle, a surface temperature is 20,000 °C higher than the sun, and one can hold 17,000 suns

The most dazzling of the spring triangles are the Perians and Pentatrids, two stars that form a triangle on a spring night, facing just north.

On the night of spring, we can see that spring is a very clean season, this season does not have a lot of cloudy water vapor during the day, because the sky is clear, so we can observe the stars in the night sky more clearly.

The distribution of stars in the night sky is also very even, and the light emitted by the Five Emperors and the Horn One in the night sky is very bright, so the night sky is very bright in this season.

Arcturus is a beautiful star in the spring night, and his brightness is also very high, so the spring triangle is a very bright constellation and a beautiful scenery in the night sky.

In the spring triangle, a surface temperature is 20,000 °C higher than the sun, and one can hold 17,000 suns

The three stars of the Great Triangle in spring, except for the brightness that is eye-catching, they all have different characteristics, the Pentatis and Arcturus are both blue rays, while Arcturus is red.

Each of these three stars has its own emphasis and makes for a beautiful landscape on a spring night.

At the same time, the Spring Triangle, as the northern constellation, attracts special attention at night in the north, because the most constellations can be seen in the northern night.


The formation of the spring triangle is inseparable from the ancients who observed the sky and their imagination of the night sky, and it is also inseparable from the guidance of the Big Dipper.

Constellations are also an object of astronomical research, but constellations are not only the results of astronomy, but also part of human culture and tradition, and human beings have their own yearning and admiration for constellations.

Zodiac signs are often given different meanings and stories, and at the same time, they also carry people's dreams and a sense of belonging.

Human beings have been constantly looking for their own place in the process of exploring the night sky, and human exploration is a process of continuous deepening, and this exploration is also the source of human happiness.