
New regulations for electric vehicles: If the conditions are met, they will be exempted from inspection and fine

author:Ayan talks about sports

First, the tortuous process of the "new life" of electric vehicles

On December 31, 2023, this day of great significance for countless electric vehicle users has finally arrived. After years of controversy and disputes, the new national standard for the management of electric vehicles in mainland China was finally fully implemented on this day.


For the majority of electric vehicle owners, this is undoubtedly a long-awaited good news. Over the years, they have been plagued by the "one-size-fits-all" urban policy, frequently encountering restrictions such as traffic restrictions and driving bans, and the problem of inconvenient travel has been suffered. But from tomorrow onwards, all that will change dramatically.

According to the provisions of the new national standard, different types of electric vehicles such as electric bicycles (referred to as trams), electric mopeds (referred to as electric light motorcycles), and electric motorcycles (referred to as electric motorcycles) will be subdivided and managed according to performance and driving requirements. As long as the owner has the appropriate driver's license and insures the vehicle, it can drive unhindered on city roads.

New regulations for electric vehicles: If the conditions are met, they will be exempted from inspection and fine

This undoubtedly brings new travel options for electric vehicle owners. No longer confined to a narrow speed limit, they can choose between high-performance electric motorcycles for long-distance commuting, or economical and durable trams to solve the needs of the last mile. Since then, electric vehicles will get rid of the past "three nos" state and usher in a new era of their own.

However, this change does not seem to have been smooth sailing. In the eyes of some local governments, the implementation of the new regulations on electric vehicles has undoubtedly brought great challenges to the original traffic governance order. As a result, while electric vehicle owners were ecstatic, some local governments took the lead in introducing unsatisfactory control measures, which caused an uproar again.

Can the new regulations for electric vehicles be successfully implemented? Can the freedom of travel of urban and rural residents be effectively guaranteed? Or will the contradiction between electric vehicle control and urban governance escalate again into a new "car repair" problem? This series of questions is undoubtedly curious.

New regulations for electric vehicles: If the conditions are met, they will be exempted from inspection and fine

2. Why are the new regulations blocked? Concerns for local governments

On the surface, the introduction of the new regulations for electric vehicles is undoubtedly a measure to benefit the people. It not only eliminates the "one-size-fits-all" control of different types of electric vehicles in the past, but also provides more abundant travel options for the majority of car owners. In the context of energy saving, environmental protection and smart travel, this is undoubtedly a positive reform in line with the trend of the times.

However, in the eyes of some local governments, the implementation of new regulations for electric vehicles is a headache.

The main concern is whether the relaxation of electric vehicle regulations will lead to a collapse of traffic order. After all, electric vehicle owners have long been accustomed to various restrictions, and if they lose their restraints for a while, they are likely to have problems such as wanton violations and uncivilized driving, which will lead to a high incidence of traffic accidents. This will undoubtedly put heavy pressure on the management of the city.

On the other hand, some local governments are also worried that the relaxation of restrictions on electric vehicles will have an impact on the existing fuel motorcycle industry. After all, electric vehicles, with their advantages of energy saving, environmental protection, and low cost of use, are likely to divert a large number of market shares from fuel motorcycles. This will hit the local government's original fuel motorcycle management system, causing related industries to fall into trouble.

New regulations for electric vehicles: If the conditions are met, they will be exempted from inspection and fine

What's more, the public transport system in some regions may also be affected by the mass adoption of electric vehicles. After all, if more residents choose flexible and convenient electric vehicles, bus ridership could drop dramatically. This will bring uncertainty to the survival and development of the bus industry.

It can be said that these hidden worries have caused many local governments to have huge concerns and worries about the full liberalization of the new regulations for electric vehicles. As a result, when the new regulations were officially implemented, some local governments took the lead in taking restrictive measures in an attempt to maintain the original traffic control order.

3. The delicate balance between relaxation and control

In fact, the introduction of new regulations for electric vehicles is not a hasty move without consideration. Both the central government and local administrations have experienced a careful trade-off in advancing this reform.

New regulations for electric vehicles: If the conditions are met, they will be exempted from inspection and fine

On the one hand, the public's desire for the freedom of electric vehicle travel is indeed a realistic demand that cannot be ignored. For a long time, they have been plagued by "one-size-fits-all" control, and are in urgent need of policy relaxation and liberation. The full implementation of the new regulations is undoubtedly an important step to meet this demand.

On the other hand, the concerns of local governments in maintaining urban traffic order are also legitimate. After all, the surge in the number of electric vehicles will indeed bring some pressure to urban transportation governance. If the control measures are lax, it is likely to lead to rampant violations of electric vehicles, which will bring hidden dangers to road safety.

Therefore, when formulating new regulations for electric vehicles, policymakers must find a delicate balance between the pros and cons of these two aspects.

The concrete embodiment of this balance is the differentiated management of different types of electric vehicles in the new regulations. According to the regulations, electric bicycles belong to the category of "non-motorized vehicles" because of their low speed and short mileage, and do not need to go through procedures such as licenses; High-power electric vehicles, such as electric motorcycles, are classified as "motor vehicles" and require corresponding driver's licenses and insurance.

New regulations for electric vehicles: If the conditions are met, they will be exempted from inspection and fine

This approach of classified management not only satisfies the public's demand for free tram travel, but also takes necessary control measures for electric vehicles with stronger performance, so as to maximize travel convenience while ensuring safety.

At the same time, in response to the concerns of local governments, the new regulations also leave some "space" for them. For example, local governments are allowed to formulate targeted management measures according to the actual situation and make appropriate adjustments to the rules for electric vehicles. This flexible approach of "adapting measures to local conditions" will undoubtedly help balance the demands of different stakeholders.

It can be said that the formulation of the new regulations for electric vehicles is a vivid microcosm of the balance between "meeting the needs of the masses" and "maintaining order and safety". This not only fully respects the legitimate rights and interests of the people, but also takes into account the practical predicament of the local management departments, and reaches a delicate compromise in the game of interests. Fourth, the local government's policy of adapting measures to local conditions

After the official implementation of the new regulations on electric vehicles, local governments have introduced targeted control measures according to their own actual conditions.

This move undoubtedly sent a timely rain to local electric car owners and alleviated their long-term travel troubles.

New regulations for electric vehicles: If the conditions are met, they will be exempted from inspection and fine

For the Yancheng municipal government, the reason for this decision is mainly due to in-depth consideration of the actual local situation. First of all, Yancheng is a typical medium-sized city, the road network is relatively reasonable, and the traffic volume is not as concentrated as that of large cities. Therefore, the control measures can be appropriately relaxed to provide more convenient travel options for the general public.

Secondly, the Yancheng Municipal Government also deeply understands that compared with electric motorcycles with stronger power, electric light motorcycles are more suitable for ordinary citizens in terms of driving difficulty and cost. Therefore, the passage of electric light motorcycles within a controllable range can not only meet the needs of the masses, but also will not bring too much impact on the traffic order.

In addition to Yancheng, Zhenjiang City has also made a series of adjustments in a timely manner after the implementation of the new regulations for electric vehicles. For example, allowing licensed electric bicycles (trams) to pass freely on the city's main roads, no longer limited to small roads or secondary roads, has undoubtedly greatly improved the convenience of the majority of electric vehicle owners.

It is worth mentioning that when Zhenjiang adjusted the policy, it also made clear management requirements for electric bicycles. For example, the maximum speed of the tram should not exceed 25 kilometers per hour, and the owner is required to wear safety protection equipment such as helmets. This approach of deregulating while still focusing on safety fully demonstrates the cautious attitude of local governments.

New regulations for electric vehicles: If the conditions are met, they will be exempted from inspection and fine

Through these control measures adapted to local conditions, the local government not only alleviates the travel troubles of electric vehicle owners, but also escorts the original traffic order. On the one hand, electric vehicle owners can enjoy a smoother travel experience under the premise of legal compliance; On the other hand, local governments can also ensure that road safety is not threatened through scientific and reasonable control.

It can be said that local governments have not simply adopted a "one-size-fits-all" approach when faced with the thorny problem of new regulations for electric vehicles. Instead, they conducted an in-depth analysis of the local situation and the demands of the masses, seeking a delicate balance between satisfying the needs of the people and maintaining order. This flexible approach to local conditions has undoubtedly laid a good foundation for the arrival of a new era of electric vehicles.

Fifth, the civilized travel of electric vehicles in the new era

The full implementation of the new regulations for electric vehicles marks the official beginning of a new era. As a means of personal mobility, electric vehicles will become the standard equipment for more families. However, behind this positive development also means new challenges for EV users.

The first thing is to cultivate the awareness of safe and civilized driving. For a long time, many electric vehicle owners have developed some bad driving habits, such as wanton speeding, running red lights, etc. With the implementation of the new rules, these behaviors will no longer be tolerated.

New regulations for electric vehicles: If the conditions are met, they will be exempted from inspection and fine

Therefore, every electric vehicle owner should take the initiative to enhance safety awareness, strictly abide by traffic rules, do not drink and drive, do not speed, and always maintain due vigilance. Only when everyone becomes a practitioner of civilized driving can we create a good traffic environment.

In addition, electric vehicle users should also consciously maintain urban order. For example, when parking, the vehicle should be parked in an orderly manner and not occupy the motor lane or sidewalk; When passing, it is also necessary to actively avoid pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles, and respect the right of way of others.

Only when everyone develops good car habits can social civilization truly take root. It's not just about personal interests, it's about sustainable urban development. Therefore, electric vehicle owners should shoulder their social responsibilities and take the initiative to create a new trend of civilized travel.

New regulations for electric vehicles: If the conditions are met, they will be exempted from inspection and fine

There is no doubt that with the advent of the new era of electric vehicles, the travel rights and interests of the general public will be better protected. But at the same time, electric vehicle users should also improve their own quality and become the leader of civilized transportation. Only on the basis of safety and order, the implementation of the new regulations for electric vehicles can truly benefit thousands of households and realize the beautiful vision of co-construction, co-governance and sharing.

Let's work together for such a future! Welcome all readers to leave a message and contribute your valuable opinions to the civilized travel of electric vehicles.

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