
10 super-hunting prehistoric creatures that you'll be glad to be happy to have gone extinct!

author:Encounter the boat

10 super-hunting prehistoric creatures that you'll be glad to be happy to have gone extinct!

In today's rapid development of science and technology, we are often attracted by all kinds of novel technologies and inventions, but have you ever thought that there were some amazing prehistoric creatures on our planet? They have unique physiology, large size, or incredible ability to survive. Today, let's walk into the world of these extinct super-hunting prehistoric creatures and feel the magic and shock of nature.

10 super-hunting prehistoric creatures that you'll be glad to be happy to have gone extinct!

1. Megalodon: The ultimate predator of the ocean

Megalodon, a prehistoric giant shark that lived between about 15 million and 2.6 million years ago. It is huge, estimated to reach a maximum length of 20 meters and weigh more than 60 tons. Megalodons have a strong bite force and are able to easily crush the bones of their prey. Although it has been lost from the earth for millions of years, scientists can still feel the horror and ferocity of this prehistoric giant through fossil research.

10 super-hunting prehistoric creatures that you'll be glad to be happy to have gone extinct!

2. Titan Python: The longest snake in history

The Titan Python, a prehistoric python that lived about 60 million years ago. It can reach a body length of up to 15 meters, which is longer than any modern snake. The Titan Python's method of predation is mainly to wrap around its prey and then crush it to death with its huge body. Although this prehistoric python is extinct, its fossils still shed light on this colossal creature that once existed on Earth.

10 super-hunting prehistoric creatures that you'll be glad to be happy to have gone extinct!

3. Dinosaurs: The overlords of the land

Dinosaurs, a prehistoric creature that lived on Earth for 150 million years. With their massive size, strong limbs, and sharp teeth, they are the overlords of land. There are many types of dinosaurs, including herbivorous, carnivorous, and flying. Although dinosaurs have been missing from the Earth for about 65 million years, their fossils are still found all over the world, becoming important evidence for scientists to study the history of the Earth and the evolution of life.

10 super-hunting prehistoric creatures that you'll be glad to be happy to have gone extinct!

4. Archaeopteryx: A bridge between birds and dinosaurs

Archaeopteryx, a prehistoric creature that lived about 150 million years ago. Its fossils testify to the close relationship between birds and dinosaurs, and are known as a bridge connecting birds and dinosaurs. Archaeopteryx's feathers and bone structure were very similar to those of modern birds, but they also retained some of the characteristics of dinosaurs, such as long tails and sharp claws. The discovery of Archaeopteryx reveals the mystery of the origin of birds.

10 super-hunting prehistoric creatures that you'll be glad to be happy to have gone extinct!

5. Emperor crocodile: The largest crocodile in prehistory

Emperor crocodile, a prehistoric crocodile that lived about 110 million years ago. It can reach a body length of up to 12 meters, making it one of the largest crocodiles in prehistory. With sharp teeth and a strong tail, the emperor crocodile is able to swim quickly in the water and catch its prey. Although the emperor crocodile is extinct, their fossils still reveal the habits and ecology of this prehistoric giant.

10 super-hunting prehistoric creatures that you'll be glad to be happy to have gone extinct!

6. Shrimp: The "Big Mac" of the ocean

Odd shrimp, a prehistoric creature that lived about 530 million years ago. It could reach a body length of 2 meters, making it the "giant" of the ocean at that time. Odd shrimp have strong pincers and sharp eyes that allow them to catch their prey quickly. Although the odd shrimp are extinct, their fossils still reveal to us the diversity and complexity of early marine life.

10 super-hunting prehistoric creatures that you'll be glad to be happy to have gone extinct!

7. Giant Veined Dragonfly: The largest flying insect in prehistory

Giant dragonfly, a prehistoric insect that lived about 300 million years ago. With a wingspan of up to 0.7 meters, it was the largest flying insect of its time. The giant vein dragonfly is very capable of flying and is able to quickly catch prey in the air. Although the giant veined dragonfly is extinct, their fossils still reveal to us the wonders and evolution of the insect world.

10 super-hunting prehistoric creatures that you'll be glad to be happy to have gone extinct!

8. Lidont: A beast of prey on land

The Rodont, a prehistoric mammal that lived about 250 million years ago. It is massive, with sharp teeth and strong limbs. The Rodont is a terrestrial beast capable of preying on a variety of animals. Although the lidont is extinct, their fossils still reveal important stages in mammalian evolution.

10 super-hunting prehistoric creatures that you'll be glad to be happy to have gone extinct!

9. Spiral Tooth Shark: Unique tooth structure

The whirling tooth shark, a prehistoric shark that lived about 290 million years ago. Its teeth are arranged in a spiral shape and are very distinctive. Whirltooth sharks have a very specific way of hunting, they can use their rotating teeth to cut their prey into small pieces. Although the whirltooth shark is extinct, their fossils still reveal to us the diversity and complexity of shark evolution.

10 super-hunting prehistoric creatures that you'll be glad to be happy to have gone extinct!

10. Pterodactyl: Overlord of the sky

Pterodactyl, a prehistoric flying animal that lived about 220 million years ago. They have huge wings and strong pectoral muscles that allow them to soar freely through the sky. Pterodactyls were the overlords of the skies and were able to prey on a variety of flying and land animals. Although pterosaurs are extinct, their fossils still reveal important clues to the evolution of flying animals such as birds and bats.

These extinct prehistoric creatures make us marvel at the wonder and greatness of nature. Although they have been lost to the earth for millions or even hundreds of millions of years, their fossils and relics still reveal important information about the history and biological evolution of the earth for us. With the continuous development of science and technology, we believe that more prehistoric creatures will be discovered and studied in the future, allowing us to have a deeper understanding of this colorful and colorful earth world.