
Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

author:Moist Entertainment

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: Why did this App fall into the situation of "visiting kilns"?

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

In today's rapid development of technology, mobile apps are an indispensable part of people's daily lives, and their quality and experience directly affect user satisfaction. However, recently, a well-known app was publicly rebuked on social media by a well-known influencer with millions of followers due to its over-commercialization and the proliferation of vulgar content, saying that its use experience was like "visiting a kiln".

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

1. The complaint of millions of big Vs: The user experience has seriously declined

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

The million-dollar tweeted on social media that he used to be a loyal user of the app, but recently noticed that its content and features had changed dramatically. Advertisements pop up frequently and vulgar content is flooded with them, which seriously affects my user experience. Big V bluntly pointed out that the app has lost its original intention and is becoming more and more like a "kiln" full of vulgar information and over-commercialization.

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

2. Case analysis: vulgar content and the proliferation of advertising

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

According to user feedback and data analysis, the problems of this app are mainly manifested in the following aspects:

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

Vulgar content is overflowing: In order to attract attention and traffic, the app constantly pushes content involving sensitive topics such as vulgarity and pornography. These contents not only violate social morality and laws and regulations, but also seriously damage the user's perception and experience.

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

Frequent pop-up of ads: The app has a huge amount of ads, and users are frequently interrupted by ads during use. These advertisements not only affect the normal use of users, but also may cause users to accidentally touch them and generate unnecessary consumption.

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

Decline in functional experience: Due to over-commercialization, the app has also declined in functional experience. Some of the features that were originally popular were weakened or eliminated, while some of the new features had many problems and shortcomings.

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

3. Cause analysis: the game between business interests and user experience

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

The reason for the above problems is mainly due to the imbalance in the game between business interests and user experience. In order to get more traffic and revenue, the app constantly pushes vulgar content and ads to attract users to click and buy. However, this practice ignores the importance of user experience, leading to user churn and a decline in word of mouth.

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

4. Future Prospects: How to Reshape User Experience?

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

For this app, in order to reinvent the user experience, the relationship between business interests and user experience must be re-examined. Specifically, you can start from the following aspects:

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

Strict content review: Strengthen the review and supervision of content, and put an end to the publication of vulgar, pornographic and other sensitive topics. At the same time, actively guide users to publish healthy and valuable content and improve the overall content quality.

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

Optimize ad delivery: Reduce the volume of ads and improve the quality and relevance of your ads. At the same time, a more humanized advertising display method is adopted to avoid frequent interruptions to users.

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

Improve the functional experience: Pay attention to the needs and feedback of users, and continuously optimize and improve the functional experience. At the same time, new technologies and innovation points are introduced to enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of products.

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln

In short, as a well-known app, it should always focus on user experience and continuously improve the quality of products and services. Only in this way can we be invincible in the fierce market competition and win the trust and support of users.

Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln
Millions of big Vs angrily reprimanded: This App is like visiting a kiln