
Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

author:Mr. Gao talked about the past and the present

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Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

Time flies, and it's 2023 in a blink of an eye. Sun Yue, a Chinese female singer who was once popular all over the world, once again stepped into the much-anticipated music hall after many years of silence. This time, she was determined to cross the age limit and bravely participated in the popular reality show "Sister Lang".

Unexpectedly, this 51-year-old "queen of music" has re-emerged on the stage in today's era, but has suffered ruthless criticism and accusations. Back then, she became famous with the popular classic song "I Wish You Peace", and went hand in hand with the queen Na Ying of the same period, becoming one of the brightest stars in the Chinese music scene in the 90s.

However, today's Sun Yue is no longer as radiant as in the past.

In the show, Sun Yue was given the title of "the first female singer in the mainland". However, her actual performance was far from adequate for this important role. Her singing skills are mediocre, her dance moves are stiff and rusty, like a "dancing god", far from a true professional dancer.

Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

When she competes with other contestants, her true strength is even more exposed, like the end of a strong crossbow.

The audience said that Sun Yue's artistic talent was really limited, and he was just lucky to take a ride on the music scene. Now she is completely outdated, and her whole person exudes a greasy, contrived, and strange aura of being out of place.

Even Lu Jingshan, a young actor with little qualifications, performed better than her.

The reason why Sun Yue is notorious and controversial is mainly because she has been caught in three emotional entanglements, which has caused huge social repercussions.

Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

The first is the relationship between her and her agent Ju Peng. Ju Peng is not only Sun Yue's agent, but also her lover. When the two met, it can be said that they met late, and they met just right.

When Sun Yue was short of funds and unable to create new songs, Ju Peng generously donated money to solve her urgent need. Sun Yue was full of gratitude to Ju Peng and entrusted all his property to him to manage.

In this way, they supported each other and spent five difficult years together, and their relationship was very deep.

However, who would have thought that Ju Peng would already have a family, and his wife Wang Qian had no idea about it. When Ju Peng was unfortunately killed, Sun Yue panicked, but found that all his property had fallen into the hands of Wang Qian.

Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

Sun Yue, who once made a name for herself in the music world, has won the love and pursuit of countless fans with her sweet voice and charming temperament, but her life experience is full of twists and turns, which makes people sigh! It is precisely because of those malicious rumors spread among the people that Sun Yue became the target of public criticism, and the positive image that had been carefully constructed for many years collapsed in an instant.

Time goes back to three years after Ju Peng's death, at that time, Sun Yue met an actor Ming Ming, and the two quickly fell in love. But who would have expected that this love process, which should have been full of warmth and happiness, had not yet come to an end, and it was suddenly swept into another storm - various rumors caused by Zhang Junlei's imprisonment.

According to a well-known media report, legend has it that Sun Yue pursued the musical genius Zhang Junlei at any cost in order to regain his strength in the Chinese music scene, however, when the matter seemed to be a foregone conclusion, Zhang Junlei was imprisoned for his crime, but Sun Yue left without a trace and ended it all.

Although Sun Yue ran around to deny it, the powerful force of public opinion made the public almost convinced that she was the role of the so-called "third party".

Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

Under the verbal criticism of the keyboard warriors, Sun Yue had to face the cruel reality, broke up with Ming Ming, and took on the notoriety of "negative girl". However, just when everyone thought that Sun Yue's emotional road was bumpy enough, three years later, the media broke the scandal of her relationship with wealthy businessman Li Houlin.

The report pointed out that the reason why Sun Yue intersected with Li Houlin was because Li Houlin gave her diamonds worth up to 10 million yuan, however, when Li Houlin was facing financial difficulties, Sun Yue chose to leave without hesitation.

However, this is not the case, the emotional entanglement between Sun Yue and Li Houlin is actually only short-lived, and the real reason for the breakup of the two is not money, but Li Houlin's ambiguous attitude towards other female singers, which made Sun Yue unbearable and finally chose to leave.

In this way, Sun Yue was labeled as "Little San" and "Kefu" again and again, and her life fell into an endless haze. These groundless accusations and attacks have undoubtedly caused her great harm and seriously affected her future career.

Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

In order to get rid of the disturbances of the entertainment industry and get rid of all kinds of infamy, Sun Yue finally chose to marry Wu Feizhou, stay away from the focus of the flash, and live an ordinary life.

Wu Feizhou, a young and promising businessman, once relied on his talent and hard work to create a computer company called "Si Strange" in the IT industry, although the two are ten years apart in age, and Wu Feizhou has a history of marriage, he fell in love with Sun Yue at first sight and took the initiative to propose to her.

Life after marriage was not as smooth as expected, and Wu Feizhou's company suffered serious financial difficulties at some stage and almost fell into a desperate situation of bankruptcy.

Faced with such a grim situation, Sun Yue decided without hesitation to selflessly dedicate all his savings to Wu Feizhou's ex-wife to help her survive the current economic crisis.

Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

As a result, the former "queen of the music world" chose to return to the family and lived a dull life of husband and children. She founded a small but vibrant entertainment company at home, and in her spare time she writes songs, discovers new stars, and lives a stable and fulfilling life.

Under his careful management and efforts, Wu Feizhou's Si Te Qi Company has gradually come out of the trough and has now developed into a large enterprise with a market value of more than 2 billion yuan.

As the children gradually grew into adults, one day, the son said to Sun Yue: "Mom, I am no longer a child. Sun Yue laughed with tears in her eyes, and her heart swelled with a strong desire to return to the stage and challenge herself again.

She enthusiastically signed up for the most popular reality show "Sister Lang", thus opening a new chapter in her life.

Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

After leaving the stage for many years, Sun Yue finally ushered in a precious opportunity to regain her old dream on the popular reality show "Sister Lang". This show, which brings together many powerful singers, has undoubtedly become an ideal platform for her to return to the stage and create brilliance.

With endless love and passion for the music industry, Sun Yue devoted herself to the preparation of the show. She is full of endless anticipation and desire for herself to be able to stand on the stage again and return to her peak form.

However, what is surprising is that when the show was officially broadcast, Sun Yue was given the very important identity of "the first female singer in the mainland". As a leading figure in the mainland music scene in the 90s of the last century, Sun Yue, who was once as famous as the queen Na Ying, has undoubtedly received high expectations, and people are expecting her to show her former style in the show.

However, it is a pity that when Sun Yue stood on stage again, her performance failed to meet the audience's expectations. This high-profile "No. 1 female singer in the mainland" is quite ordinary in terms of singing skills and dance level.

Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

On the initial stage, Sun Yue's once thunderous and high-spirited voice has disappeared, and the expression of the lyrics has become bland, without any passionate color.

What's even more laughable is that her dancing posture is quite stiff, as if she is dancing an ancient prayer ritual, which looks clumsy and funny.

Her level of authenticity pales in comparison to those true professional dancers, like the end of a strong crossbow, unable to reproduce the glory of the past.

Some viewers mercilessly pointed out that Sun Yue has completely failed to keep up with the pace of the times, and the whole person exudes a grotesque atmosphere that is out of place and pretentious. Even the young actor Lu Jingshan, who is still young, is more natural and fluent than her in performance.

Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

What is even more unacceptable is that Sun Yue blatantly adopted double standards for his teammates in the show. She unabashedly favored Chen Yihan, turned a blind eye to Xu Jingyun, who was more powerful, and even ruthlessly eliminated him in front of everyone.

When everyone had practiced the song to perfection, Sun Yue was stubborn and insisted on reviewing it again, claiming that this was to give Chen Yihan "another chance". When Chen Yihan shed tears because of excessive pressure, Sun Yue did not shy away from giving her warm hugs and words of encouragement.

In the small test, although Chen Yihan's performance was far less than Xu Jingyun's, Sun Yue resolutely chose to keep Chen Yihan. She explains for a seemingly noble reason: "I was deeply touched by the perseverance that Chen Yihan has put in tremendous efforts and made remarkable progress.

However, the irony is that Sun Yue kept saying that he wanted to choose the "strong", but in fact, he deliberately retained Chen Yihan, who was slightly weaker, and ruthlessly eliminated the better Xu Jingyun.

Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

When Xu Jingyun, who was eliminated, was puzzled, Sun Yue put on an arrogant posture and turned a blind eye to her.

Sun Yue's support for Chen Yihan can be said to be unreserved, but when the results of the game were announced, Chen Yihan was in pain due to failure, Sun Yue suddenly changed his face, his face was full of clouds, and he also turned a blind eye to Chen Yihan, who had been protected by himself, and judged the two of them.

Sun Yue's double standards towards his teammates made the audience deeply dissatisfied. Many people frankly said that Sun Yue lacked sincerity, and the whole person exuded a sense of discomfort of greasy and pretentiousness.

Regarding Sun Yue's performance in the hit variety show "Sister Lang", the audience was extremely disappointed. Some viewers directly and sharply said that Sun Yue's artistic talent was indeed extremely limited, and even questioned that her fame may have been just the favor of Lady Luck, which happened to coincide with the golden age of prosperity in the music industry, thus ushering in the peak of her career.

Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

In the face of the current Sun Yue, it seems that he has completely failed to keep up with the rapid development of the times. Her stage performance is too monotonous and boring, lacking innovative spirit, and her dance moves are archaic and stiff, making it difficult to attract the favor of the new generation audience.

Over the years, she has consistently repeated those outdated clichés, like an ancient artifact placed in a modern art gallery, which looks out of place and extremely glaring.

What's more serious is that some viewers mercilessly pointed out that Sun Yue's frequent mistakes in the show are due to her lack of sincerity in her heart. She treats her teammates with double standards, turning a blind eye to the more powerful Xu Jingyun and sneering, but she cares and cares for the slightly inferior Chen Yihan, this kind of pretentious and hypocritical behavior has completely exposed her true colors.

A senior music critic even sharply pointed out that Sun Yue's whole person exudes an indescribable greasy and contrived atmosphere, which makes people feel disgusted. Her inconsistent words and deeds, and her hypocritical style have completely lost the glory and glory of the former "queen of the music world".

Sun Yue, who has "disappeared from the screen for many years", took advantage of the wind and waves on the stage, showing his style back then

There is no doubt that Sun Yue's attempt to return to the stage this time not only failed to restore her past glory, but further deepened the public's negative impression of her. Incredibly, will this notorious and controversial "veteran singer" still be able to find a way to regain his strength and climb to the top again?

However, we do not completely dismiss Sun Yue's artistic talent. Her masterpiece "I Wish You Peace" has undoubtedly become a classic in the Chinese music scene and will forever be recorded in history. It's just a pity that many years later, Sun Yue seems to be unable to create the same excellent works.

She should let go of her past attachments and return to the essence of music with a modest and cautious attitude, instead of being willing to fall into self-depravity and pursue grandstanding and maverickism. Only in this way, there may still be a glimmer of hope that she can win the love of the public again.

Of course, whether this road is smooth or not ultimately depends on Sun Yue's own choice.

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