
As the saying goes, "good and evil look at the mouth, rich and poor look at the hands and feet", the ancients used this to recognize people, nine times out of ten?

author:Chenben cloth
As the saying goes, "good and evil look at the mouth, rich and poor look at the hands and feet", the ancients used this to recognize people, nine times out of ten?
As the saying goes, "good and evil look at the mouth, rich and poor look at the hands and feet", the ancients used this to recognize people, nine times out of ten?
As the saying goes, "good and evil look at the mouth, rich and poor look at the hands and feet", the ancients used this to recognize people, nine times out of ten?

As the saying goes, "good and evil look at the mouth, and the rich and poor look at the hands and feet" is a method used by the ancients to recognize people, which reflects the wisdom of the ancients in observing people's character and destiny. The meaning of this phrase is that a person's good or evil can be judged by looking at his mouth and eyes, and his or her wealth and poverty can be inferred by looking at his hands and feet.

Specifically, here is a detailed explanation of this sentence:

1. **Good and evil look at the mouth**:

- **Mouth**: The ancients believed that the mouth was not only an organ for eating, but also a tool for expressing speech. A person's speech can reflect his moral cultivation. For example, a person who constantly lies and slanders others may be seen as a bad person.

- **Eyes**: Eyes are known as "windows to the soul" and can reflect a person's inner world. A person whose eyes flicker or who avoid looking away may be considered impure or dishonest.

2. **穷富看手脚**:

- Palmistry: Palmistry has a long history in physiognomy, where the shape of the hand, the length of the fingers, and the texture of the palm are all used to predict a person's fate and wealth. For example, some physiognomy believes that people with slender fingers and thick palms may have better financial luck.

- **Feet**: Although the observation of feet is rarely mentioned in modern physiognomy, in ancient times, the shape of the feet and the way they walked were also used to judge a person's origin and wealth status.

However, these methods of recognizing people are not absolute, they are more based on the experience of the ancients and the theories of traditional physiognomy. In modern society, people evaluate a person's character and ability more by their behavior, educational background, professional achievements, etc.

Overall, this proverb reflects the wisdom of the ancients in observing human character and destiny, but its accuracy is not guaranteed to be nine times out of ten. In modern society, we should understand and evaluate a person more comprehensively and scientifically.