
The wife accidentally bumped into her foot and hurt so much that she jumped on one leg, and the husband mistakenly thought that his wife wanted to play, so he picked up his foot and got on

author:Playground Carol 5L4M

On an ordinary Saturday afternoon, Wang Xiaohong, who lives in an old house in an urban village, is busy doing housework. While wiping the tabletop, she was thinking about what good dishes she would make for her husband Zhang Jianguo later. At this moment, Wang Xiaohong accidentally kicked the sofa leg, and she screamed in pain and jumped up on one leg. Xiaohong, what's wrong Hearing his wife's scream, Zhang Jianguo, who was reading the newspaper in the living room, hurriedly put down the newspaper and ran over.

The wife accidentally bumped into her foot and hurt so much that she jumped on one leg, and the husband mistakenly thought that his wife wanted to play, so he picked up his foot and got on

Seeing his wife standing on one leg, her body curled up slightly, and her face showing a painful expression, Zhang Jianguo immediately realized that something was wrong. He hurriedly stepped forward and picked up Wang Xiaohong's legs. Baby, what's wrong with you, tell me quickly, I'll help you. Zhang Jianguo said as he leaned Wang Xiaohong's legs against him.

The wife accidentally bumped into her foot and hurt so much that she jumped on one leg, and the husband mistakenly thought that his wife wanted to play, so he picked up his foot and got on

Wang Xiaohong was a little flustered for a while, what are you doing, I kicked my foot, it hurts, you let me down, don't be afraid, I'll hold you. Just looking at your limping, I thought you wanted to play with me again. Zhang Jianguo smiled and kissed Wang Xiaohong's leg while holding it. What's the matter with you I really hurt, don t mess around Wang Xiaohong glared at her husband angrily, kicked him hard in the chest, and kicked him away. Ouch, why are you beating me, I just want to coax you. Zhang Jianguo rubbed his kicked chest with an aggrieved face, I thought you were coquettish, and wanted me to hug you and kiss you. Ass! My feet are really hurting, you go find the medicine box and bandage me Wang Xiaohong limped to the edge of the sofa, complaining about her husband's stupidity.

The wife accidentally bumped into her foot and hurt so much that she jumped on one leg, and the husband mistakenly thought that his wife wanted to play, so he picked up his foot and got on

Wang Xiaohong limped to the edge of the sofa and sat down, with a distorted expression of pain on her face. She looked at Zhang Jianguo with an apologetic face helplessly, and secretly scolded this fool with freckles in her heart for why she had no eyesight to see.

Oops, it really hurts me! You go find a medical kit and help me bandage it, Wang Xiaohong muttered quietly while rubbing her injured ankle.

Baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my stupid fault. Don't be angry, I'll go get the medicine kit for you to deal with. Zhang Jianguo hurriedly turned around to find the medicine box, muttering that he was really stupid.

After Zhang Jianguo found the medicine box and carefully bandaged Wang Xiaohong's wounds, the two of them calmed down. Honey, I'm really sorry that I didn't immediately realize that you were hurt, but thought you were being coquettish. Zhang Jianguo held his wife's hand with a guilty face and said softly.

The wife accidentally bumped into her foot and hurt so much that she jumped on one leg, and the husband mistakenly thought that his wife wanted to play, so he picked up his foot and got on

I know you're not being coquettish, I was too slow to react just now, I'm so sorry for you. Wang Xiaohong sighed, reached out and squeezed her husband's hand, indicating that she forgave him.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the atmosphere eased up. But at this moment, suddenly there was a commotion from outside.

What's going on, what's going on Zhang Jianguo walked to the window in confusion and looked out, only to see that there were many people downstairs talking about something in a whisper.

Looks like something happened downstairs, let's go take a look. Wang Xiaohong was also a little curious and tried to stand up.

The wife accidentally bumped into her foot and hurt so much that she jumped on one leg, and the husband mistakenly thought that his wife wanted to play, so he picked up his foot and got on

Oh, don't force yourself, I'll help you to take a look. Zhang Jianguo hurriedly stretched out his hand to support his wife, and the two walked to the window together and looked down.

I saw a lot of people gathered downstairs, and from time to time someone pointed upstairs and talked about it. It seems that something terrible has happened.

Honey, you have a good rest here, I'll go downstairs and see what's going on. Zhang Jianguo was about to go out as he spoke, but was pulled by Wang Xiaohong.

Don't mess around, you're injured too, I'll go with you to take a look. Although her feet hurt a little, Wang Xiaohong still went downstairs with Zhang Jianguo.

The wife accidentally bumped into her foot and hurt so much that she jumped on one leg, and the husband mistakenly thought that his wife wanted to play, so he picked up his foot and got on

The two went downstairs and saw a large group of people surrounding an apparently injured woman. The woman was slumped on the ground, one leg crooked at an unnatural angle, apparently broken.

What's going on, what's going on, Zhang Jianguo hurriedly stepped forward and asked. The surrounding neighbors explained that it turned out to be a young woman who accidentally fell from the second floor, causing serious injuries.

Hearing this, Wang Xiaohong and Zhang Jianguo looked at each other, and couldn't help but feel sorry for the unfortunate woman. They hurried forward to see if there was anything they could do to help.

At this moment, a doctor in a white coat hurried over, followed by a policeman. The doctor quickly examined the woman's injuries and frowned and said that her leg bone should have been broken and she had to be taken to the hospital immediately.

The wife accidentally bumped into her foot and hurt so much that she jumped on one leg, and the husband mistakenly thought that his wife wanted to play, so he picked up his foot and got on

The police also began questioning the surrounding residents to find out what was going on. Soon, an ambulance arrived at the scene, and doctors and police carefully lifted the woman into the car and left.

Watching the ambulance whizz away, Wang Xiaohong couldn't help but sweat for what happened to the woman. If she had fallen like herself, I don't know what would have happened. Fortunately, Zhang Jianguo found and bandaged his wound in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Wang Xiaohong silently held her husband's hand and said softly: Jianguo, thank you for your considerate care just now. I know you're slow at first, but you quickly realized and took care of me in the end. You're a good husband.

The two of them walked home nong, and they both felt very heartbroken for the accident that had just happened. However, at this moment, they cherish each other more and cherish the existing happy life.

The wife accidentally bumped into her foot and hurt so much that she jumped on one leg, and the husband mistakenly thought that his wife wanted to play, so he picked up his foot and got on

Back home, Wang Xiaohong gently leaned on the sofa to rest. Zhang Jianguo carefully poured her a glass of warm water and asked her if she was okay with concern.

My dear, are you sure it's okay, do you want me to check the wound for you again Zhang Jianguo asked with a worried face.

It's okay, it doesn't hurt too much anymore. Thank you for caring so much about me. Wang Xiaohong smiled slightly, took the water cup and took a sip.

The two of them sat relatively wordless for a moment, both pondering what had just happened. Wang Xiaohong couldn't help but sigh with emotion, if she really accidentally fell from the upstairs like that woman at that time, how terrible the consequences would be.

The wife accidentally bumped into her foot and hurt so much that she jumped on one leg, and the husband mistakenly thought that his wife wanted to play, so he picked up his foot and got on

Xiaohong, you're right, we're really lucky. The accident just made me realize that there are always some accidents that may happen in our daily lives, but as long as we take care of each other, we will definitely get through it. Zhang Jianguo nodded and held his wife's hand tightly.

The two men were silent for a moment, both thinking about what had just happened. After a long time, Wang Xiaohong said: Jianguo, do you know that I have always felt that we can live happily in this community because our neighbors care about each other.

Do you mean those neighbors just now Zhang Jianguo asked with some confusion.

Zhang Jianguo nodded suddenly in realization. Yes, if we weren't all able to help each other and care for each other, our community wouldn't be so harmonious. He said with emotion.

The wife accidentally bumped into her foot and hurt so much that she jumped on one leg, and the husband mistakenly thought that his wife wanted to play, so he picked up his foot and got on

What do you say, how can you lose your love, Zhang Jianguo asked with some puzzlement.

Zhang Jianguo frowned, as if he was a little confused by his wife's question. You're too hypothetical, how can our neighbors become cold and ruthless, this community has always been about helping each other.

You're right, I'm just assuming an extreme case. However, if one day, our community loses this kind of care and becomes indifferent and ruthless, what kind of community will it be?