
On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

author:Yumeng watches the ball
On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

Since the summer vacation last year, the popularity of words such as the Daxun Incident and Wuershan Strict Selection has been like an aesthetic feast, bringing a fresh trend to domestic entertainment.

The audience's aesthetic concept has quietly changed in this trend, no longer only focusing on the gorgeous decoration of the appearance, but paying more attention to the texture and inner charm of the actors themselves.

The hit of "My Altay" has become a clear sign of the aesthetic transformation of domestic entertainment.

Yu Shi played a northwest man in the play, showing a masculine and healthy temperament, which made many viewers feel excited.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

Netizens said that this image gave them a deeper understanding of why Ding Zhen was so popular in the first place.

Seeing Yu Shi's character, I felt like I had returned to my childhood, running in the Northwest Prairie.

Netizen Xiao Ming commented excitedly.

His every expression is full of sunshine and vitality, and he is really handsome! Netizen Xiaofang sighed.

At the London Fashion Extravaganza, the audience witnessed a feast for the eyes.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

Young actor Zhang Linghe and others are dressed in fashionable clothes and have exquisite appearances, but they seem to lack something.

In stark contrast, Nicholas Tse shows people in a natural, no-makeup state, but shows a unique personality charm, which is impressive.

Zhang Linghe's dress is very fashionable, but he feels that he lacks some personality.

Netizen Xiao Li left such a comment.

Nicholas Tse doesn't need flashy costumes and heavy makeup, his every expression is full of charm.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

Netizen Xiao Wang said this about Nicholas Tse's evaluation.

This comparison sparked a heated discussion about the aesthetics of internal entertainment.

Some netizens said that they prefer natural and real expressions rather than overly flashy appearances.

Today's aesthetics are not only about appearance, but also about inner temperament and personality.

Netizen Xiao Zhang gave his opinion.

Nicholas Tse shows a real and natural beauty, which is what we should strive for.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

Netizen Xiao Liu expressed his recognition of Nicholas Tse's image.

That's right, he is indeed a unique artist with a very deep musical background.

Netizen Xiao Zhang added.

Nicholas Tse's singing skills are very good, his voice is rough, calm and very explosive, and his singing voice is very infectious, which can successfully control the emotions of the audience.

Listening to his songs always brings me a lot of emotion, and every time I sing, it is a shock to my soul.

Netizen Xiao Li shared his feelings.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

In his music, there are not only mature, rational, calm and profound thoughts beyond his age, but also the bravery, stubbornness, impulsiveness and passion unique to the new new human beings.

His lyrics always touch people's hearts and make people feel empowered while feeling emotional.

Netizen Xiao Wang was full of praise for Nicholas Tse's music.

Nicholas Tse in the movie is even more charming and exciting, his handsome appearance is undoubtedly his great advantage, but what cannot be ignored is his excellent acting skills and diligent and hard-working spirit.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

His performance in movies is always impressive, both in terms of character creation and the details of his performance.

Netizen Xiao Liu spoke highly of Nicholas Tse's acting skills.

Nicholas Tse is strong, resolute, stubborn and fearless, persistent and enthusiastic about his ideals.

His spiritual outlook is also an example for us to follow, constantly pursuing our dreams and never giving up.

Netizen Xiao Zhang said with emotion.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

Nicholas Tse's image is not only the beauty of the outside, but also the embodiment of the inner charm and perseverance, he has shown his unique charm in the field of music and film, and has won the love and respect of many fans.

Nicholas Tse is not the kind of star who pursues gorgeous appearance, he pays more attention to his inner temperament and personality.

This is on full display in his latest film, "Customs Front".

He played the role of coast guard Zhou Zhengli in the film, showing a heroic and refreshing image, which was deeply loved by the audience.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

The film is scheduled for July 5, and the theme highlights ordinary heroes and emphasizes the values of realism.

Seeing Nicholas Tse's performance in "Customs Front", I felt a real heroic temperament.

Netizen Xiao Wang commented excitedly.

His character shows the greatness of ordinary people, which is exactly the positive energy we need in our lives.

Netizen Xiao Li was deeply touched by the theme of the movie.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

In the future, Nicholas Tse will continue to be active on the big screen.

He is about to participate in the filming of "New Police Story 2", working with well-known actors such as Jackie Chan, and will continue to exert his influence in Hong Kong films.

His previous outstanding performances in other films have made him a guarantee of box office and word-of-mouth.

Looking forward to Nicholas Tse's wonderful performance in "New Police Story 2"! Netizen Xiao Zhang expressed his expectations for his new work.

The cooperation between Nicholas Tse and Jackie Chan will surely bring a wonderful visual feast! Netizen Xiao Liu said excitedly.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

This series of events once again proves Nicholas Tse's status as a powerful actor, and the truth and inner charm he shows are deeply loved and recognized by the audience.

This series of events reflects the transformation of the aesthetics of domestic entertainment.

In recent years, the aesthetic trend of domestic entertainment male stars has begun to return to a natural and healthy style.

The masculine and healthy beauty advocated by Wu Ershan has gradually become the mainstream, and the era of excessive beauty and excessive makeup has passed.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

From "Fengshen Part 1" to "Removing the Three Evils Around the Week", the actors' no-makeup performances reveal a real and natural beauty, leading the new trend of domestic entertainment aesthetics.

In some TV series and movies I have seen recently, the male stars appear without makeup, which feels more real.

Netizen Xiao Zhang expressed his views on the forum.

I like the kind of natural and handsome male stars more and more, and I no longer like those stars with heavy makeup.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

Netizen Xiao Li expressed his views on the post.

In this era full of changes, natural texture has become the new favorite of the domestic entertainment industry.

The audience no longer pursues the gorgeousness of the appearance, but pays more attention to the inner charm and personality characteristics of the actor himself.

I now prefer actors with strength and connotation, rather than stars who only look at their appearance.

Netizen Xiao Wang left a message.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

This shift has given more truly talented actors a broader stage.

Netizen Xiao Liu is delighted with the changes in the aesthetics of domestic entertainment.

This transformation is not only an aesthetic update, but also a profound baptism of the domestic entertainment industry.

It provides a broader stage for more powerful and connotative actors, and also gives the audience more real and natural aesthetic enjoyment.

On this night in London, the beauty of Xiao Xianrou is no longer popular, but he was amazed by the black-skinned Nicholas Tse

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