
The Taliban overestimated themselves and made a three-pronged bid between China, the United States and Russia, and the results could be painful

author:Thinking Navigation Station

The delicate game between China, the United States, and Russia on the geopolitical stage seems to be having a subtle impact on the Afghan issue.

In this complex chess game, each country is trying to find the strategy that is most beneficial to itself, and Afghanistan has become an important pawn in this game.

The Taliban overestimated themselves and made a three-pronged bid between China, the United States and Russia, and the results could be painful

China and Russia are actively promoting the substantive settlement of the Afghan issue through multilateral coordination.

They understand that stability and prosperity in the region can only be maintained through a peaceful solution to the Afghan problem.

At the same time, the United States, although it has withdrawn from Afghanistan, still retains some influence in the region.

This influence is felt not only at the political and military level, but also at the economic and cultural levels.

However, the trilateral game between China, the United States and Russia has given the Taliban an an opportunity to take advantage of.

They seem to see the possibility of taking advantage of this delicate situation to gain geopolitical interests for themselves.

The Taliban may believe that they can maximize their own interests by maneuvering between the great powers.

However, this may be overly optimistic.

Pakistani analysts believe that if the Taliban do start using Afghanistan's geostrategic significance to bargain with major powers, Pakistan could be in a very passive position.

Because Pakistan and Afghanistan share thousands of kilometers of borders, and there are complex historical and practical issues between the two countries.

If Afghanistan becomes a destabilizing factor, then Pakistan's security and stability will also be seriously threatened.

From Pakistan's point of view, they may very much hope that China and the United States can cooperate on Afghanistan.

The Taliban overestimated themselves and made a three-pronged bid between China, the United States and Russia, and the results could be painful

China is an important neighbor and partner of Pakistan, while the United States has a long-standing defense partnership with Pakistan.

If both sides can respond positively to Pakistan's demands, then many intractable problems can be easily solved.

The problem, however, is that Afghanistan is no longer a priority of the U.S. foreign strategy, and they have kept only a bare minimum of attention to it.

In addition, judging from the current game situation between China and the United States, Pakistan itself is also facing the pressure of the United States to "choose sides".

It is beyond Pakistan's ability to bring China and the United States together to discuss Afghanistan.

However, Pakistan's fears may be unfounded. Because Atta is not yet strong enough to fully represent Afghanistan, they want to bargain with the big powers, even between China, the United States and Russia, and the Taliban interim government does not have the political capacity to do so.

Despite their recent efforts to demonstrate their governance capacity and political will, there is still a long way to go before they can gain recognition and support from the international community.

The differences in the attitudes of China, the United States and Russia towards the Afghan issue make the solution of the Afghan issue even more complicated.

After the withdrawal of US troops, they have ostensibly stayed out of the situation, but as a great power, they can still influence the development of the situation by mobilizing Western countries to exert political pressure on Afghanistan.

The Taliban overestimated themselves and made a three-pronged bid between China, the United States and Russia, and the results could be painful

This pressure is not only at the political level, but also at the economic and cultural levels.

Russia's attitude towards the Taliban is more complicated. On the one hand, they said that they would recognize the legitimacy of the Taliban by sending them to the United Nations to replace the seats of the previous government.

On the other hand, it has stepped up its interaction with Central Asian countries to ensure that the security crisis in Afghanistan does not spill over to Central Asia.

This strategy reflects both the importance that Russia attaches to Afghanistan and its cautious approach to regional security.

China's attitude towards Afghanistan is more pragmatic and steady. Their focus is on promoting economic and trade cooperation and multilateral coordination, and they hope to resolve the Afghan issue through peaceful means.

China is probably one of the most patient of its neighbors when it comes to dealing with Atta.

They don't rush things, but they respond flexibly according to the actual situation.

Such a steady and pragmatic attitude is not only conducive to maintaining regional stability and prosperity, but also conducive to promoting the peaceful settlement of the Afghan issue.

However, Atta, for his part, was acting in a hurry.

They have recently begun to talk with China about reopening the Wakhan Corridor, hoping to strengthen ties and cooperation with China and other neighboring countries.

The Taliban overestimated themselves and made a three-pronged bid between China, the United States and Russia, and the results could be painful

However, we have reservations about this, because the internal situation in Afghanistan is not stable and the hasty reopening of the Wakhan corridor carries a high security risk.

In addition, Atta needs to do more in the areas of internal management and political reform to meet the expectations of neighbouring countries and the international community for its security commitments.

Objectively speaking, after the United States withdrew its troops from Afghanistan, it did leave a so-called "influence" vacuum.

However, from our standpoint, the key is not to fill this gap, but how to clean up the mess left by the United States and put Afghanistan on the path of independent development.

This requires the joint efforts and promotion of the international community, not just relying on the strength of a single major country or organization.

China is doing just that, and it's driving its neighbors to do the same. They hope to resolve the Afghan issue through peaceful means and promote regional stability and prosperity.

What Atta needs to do now is to cooperate with the process as much as possible, rather than having some unrealistic distractions.

For example, they claim to be the geopolitical partners of China and Russia, engage in some kind of "anti-American alliance", or have eyebrows with the United States.

Far from helping to resolve the Afghan issue, these practices will exacerbate tension and instability in the region.

To put it bluntly, China's approach to Afghanistan is very different from that of the United States.

China is mainly in contact with the interim government, hoping that Atta will gradually demonstrate good governance skills, gradually gain recognition from neighboring countries, and finally slowly break out of isolation.

The Taliban overestimated themselves and made a three-pronged bid between China, the United States and Russia, and the results could be painful

This steady and pragmatic attitude is worth learning from and learning from the international community.

However, Atta wants to take shortcuts and exploit the loopholes of the trilateral game between China, the United States and Russia, which is suspected of putting the cart before the horse, and the solution of the Afghan issue requires time and patience, and we cannot rush to achieve results, let alone hope to use the game between major powers to seek their own interests, which is not only unrealistic, but may also bring greater disasters to Afghanistan.

As we have stressed many times in the past, it is necessary for the interim government to realize that the only way to be recognized is to meet its security commitments to neighboring countries, and that the interim government now has no capital to bargain with China, the United States, and Russia, and even its own internal factional differences and the domestic opposition cannot be resolved.

The Taliban overestimated themselves and made a three-pronged bid between China, the United States and Russia, and the results could be painful

In addition, it is also necessary to make it clear that the reason why neighboring countries are willing to engage with the Taliban and are open to establishing relations is because the Taliban has promised that they will not become a security threat to neighboring countries, and if they fail to do so, the premise of communication will not be satisfied, in other words, not to mention the big powers such as China, the United States and Russia, and even bargaining with neighboring countries, the Taliban does not have the capital and conditions to do so.

Therefore, Atta must cooperate in resolving the Afghan problem, and there are no shortcuts.

They need to let go of unrealistic illusions and distractions and focus on meeting the expectations of neighbouring countries and the international community for their security commitments.

Only in this way will Afghanistan be able to embark on the path of self-reliance and achieve peace and prosperity.

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