
The mother-in-law thought that her daughter-in-law was cheating, and after hating her daughter-in-law for many days, she killed her

author:Who am I 19862

That day, the sun was just right and the breeze was not dry, but Wang Lei suddenly received a mysterious text message: "Wang Lei, your life hangs by a thread, be careful of the people around you." After reading the text message, Wang Lei's heart sank suddenly, and a chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. He looked around, the crowd was bustling, who would be the one who threatened his life?

Wang Lei is an ordinary office worker, who follows the rules on weekdays and has never offended anyone. This sudden threat made him feel unprecedented fear. He didn't dare to make a noise, so he could only investigate secretly, hoping to find out the truth.

That night, Wang Lei did not go home directly after work, but came to a nearby café. He chose a place by the window and sat down, his eyes swept out of the window from time to time, for fear that something might happen. After a while, a familiar figure walked into the café, it was his colleague Zhang Qiang.

Zhang Qiang is a veteran employee of the company and usually takes good care of Wang Lei. But at this moment, Wang Lei involuntarily began to suspect Zhang Qianglai. He couldn't help but get nervous when he thought of that mysterious text message. He pretended to chat with Zhang Qiang casually, trying to find flaws in Zhang Qiang's words.

However, Zhang Qiang did not show any abnormalities. They talked speculatively, as if forgetting the passage of time. It wasn't until the lights in the café gradually dimmed that Wang Lei realized that it was late. He said goodbye to Zhang Qiang and left the café in a hurry.

The mother-in-law thought that her daughter-in-law was cheating, and after hating her daughter-in-law for many days, she killed her

Walking on the way home, Wang Lei's heart was full of doubts. He wasn't sure if Zhang Qiang was really the one who threatened him, but he didn't dare to take it lightly. He decided to secretly observe Zhang Qiang's every move to see if he could find any clues.

In the next few days, Wang Lei's life became extremely tense. He was always vigilant, for fear that something might happen. However, Zhang Qiang, as usual, commuted to and from work on time every day without any abnormal behavior.

Just when Wang Lei gradually relaxed his vigilance, an unexpected thing happened. One night, Wang Lei came home from work and found that the door was open. He cautiously pushed open the door, only to see that the house was in shambles, apparently someone had broken into his home.

Wang Lei's heart tightened suddenly, and he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police. At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly rushed out of the corner and snatched his phone. Wang Lei raised his head in horror, only to see that the person was Zhang Qiang!

"Zhang Qiang, you ...... How did you end up here? Wang Lei stammered and asked.

The mother-in-law thought that her daughter-in-law was cheating, and after hating her daughter-in-law for many days, she killed her

Zhang Qiang sneered and said, "Wang Lei, don't pretend." I know you've been doubting me. But I didn't expect you to be so stupid as to actually believe that text message. ”

"Text message? What SMS? Wang Lei was confused.

"It's the text message that threatens you." Zhang Qiang shook the mobile phone in his hand proudly, "Do you think I don't know?" Actually, I sent it. ”

"Why are you doing that?" Wang Lei asked angrily.

"Why?" Zhang Qiang sneered, "Because you're in my way!" I've always wanted a promotion and a raise, but you've always been one step ahead of me. I'm not reconciled, so I'm going to get rid of you! ”

The mother-in-law thought that her daughter-in-law was cheating, and after hating her daughter-in-law for many days, she killed her

Wang Lei was shocked when he heard this, he didn't expect Zhang Qiang to do this to him because of jealousy. He struggled to escape, but Zhang Qiang grabbed him tightly.

"Do you think you'll be able to escape?" Zhang Qiang smiled and said, "I want you to die here today!" ”

As he spoke, Zhang Qiang took out a knife from his pocket and stabbed at Wang Lei. Wang Lei struggled desperately, but there was no disparity in strength, and he could only watch the tip of the knife approaching his chest.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the door. Immediately afterwards, a tall figure rushed in and pushed Zhang Qiang away. Wang Lei took the opportunity to break free from Zhang Qiang's shackles and ran out the door.

"Wang Lei, you can't run away!" Zhang Qiang roared angrily and chased after him. But the tall figure stood in front of him, and the two engaged in a fierce fight.

The mother-in-law thought that her daughter-in-law was cheating, and after hating her daughter-in-law for many days, she killed her

Wang Lei took the opportunity to run to the street, he looked back, and saw that the tall figure was his neighbor Li Gang. Li Gang was a veteran with quick skills and quickly subdued Zhang to the ground.

"Are you alright?" Li Gang asked with concern.

Wang Lei shook his head and said, "I'm fine, thank you Li Gang." ”

The two handed Zhang Qiang over to the police who rushed to the scene. After investigation, the police found that Zhang Qiang had murderous intent because he was jealous of Wang Lei's promotion and salary increase. He obtained Wang Lei's personal information through illegal means and sent threatening text messages. In the end, Zhang Qiang was arrested by the police for attempted intentional homicide.

This incident made Wang Lei deeply realize the dark side of human nature. He said with emotion: "I really didn't expect that there would be such a danger hidden around me. But luckily, I met a kind person like Li Gang. He saved my life and taught me what true camaraderie and courage are. ”

The mother-in-law thought that her daughter-in-law was cheating, and after hating her daughter-in-law for many days, she killed her

Since then, Wang Lei has become more cautious and vigilant, he no longer trusts others easily, and will no longer do things that hurt others because of jealousy. He knows that in this complex and ever-changing world, only by maintaining a kind and upright heart can he go further and more steadily.