
Mrs. Qian Xuesen's old photos exposed: peerless, beautiful

author:Xiao Fan talks about Pepsi

Looking back at the old shadow of more than half a century ago, Jiang Ying's face is still beautiful.

The former world soprano champion is now a national first-class musician and a famous professor at the Central Conservatory of Music, but she still maintains the charm of her youth.


Not long ago, a group of precious photos of Jiang Ying when she was young was exposed on the Internet, which instantly attracted widespread attention. In the photo, she has a tall and concave figure, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and she is radiant and charming. Some netizens sighed, "This is the real national color and fragrance!" Others ridiculed, "No wonder Qian Xuesen fell for her, who can not be tempted by such a stunning beauty?"

Back then, the cross-border love between this scientist and the opera queen was undoubtedly a legendary relationship. They met and knew each other, went through many twists and turns, and finally came together and became a model of Aoyu. Now revisiting this little-known past of husband and wife undoubtedly evokes people's infinite reverie of that era.


If you want to talk about the acquaintance of Qian Xuesen and Jiang Ying, you have to go back to the story of their childhood.

Mrs. Qian Xuesen's old photos exposed: peerless, beautiful

Jiang Ying was born into a musical family. His father, Jiang Baili, is a famous conductor, and his mother, Jiang Zuomei, is a senior professor at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Among the 5 daughters, Jiang Ying is undoubtedly the most outstanding. From an early age, she showed an amazing talent for music, performing on stage at the age of 7 and becoming the first Asian to win the World Soprano Competition at the age of 24.

Qian Xuesen was born into a family of scholars. His father, Qian Junfu, was a famous mathematician, and his mother, Zhang Lanjuan, was also an education expert. As the only son in the family, Qian Xuesen has been carefully cultivated by his family since he was a child. He was brilliant and gifted at learning, and became a full professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States as a teenager.

Mrs. Qian Xuesen's old photos exposed: peerless, beautiful

Although the backgrounds of the two families are different, the parents are close friends. When Jiang Ying was 3 years old, Qian Junfu and Zhang Lanjuan proposed to pass her to the Qian family. After some discussion, the two families finally reached a consensus, and Jiang Ying officially became the goddaughter of the Qian family.

In this way, the two children, who had never known each other, became each other's playmates since then. During the time spent together, 11-year-old Qian Xuesen loved 3-year-old Jiang Ying in every way, and Jiang Ying gradually became attached to this "god brother". However, it didn't take long for Jiang Ying to return to her family again. However, even across the mountains and seas, the connection between the two has never been interrupted.


In 1946, Jiang Ying held a sensational recital in Shanghai, and for a time her fame spread far and wide and became the focus of attention. At this time, Qian Xuesen, who had already gone to the United States for further study, finally returned to his motherland. When he learned about Jiang Ying's recent situation, he couldn't wait to visit.

Mrs. Qian Xuesen's old photos exposed: peerless, beautiful

As soon as they met, the hearts of the two were tightly tied together as they were back then. Although the years have passed, the indelible emotion in my heart still shines brightly. Qian Xuesen couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart anymore and confessed his heart to Jiang Ying. "Come with me, come with me to America!" He pleaded earnestly.

Jiang Ying's heart was also shocked by this sudden feeling. She understands that the acquaintance and acquaintance experience of the two are destined to have an unusual fate. Although at first, she was still a little hesitant, hoping to know more about the other party first. But in the end, in the face of Qian Xuesen's insistence, she still gave in. Just a week later, the two held a grand wedding in Shanghai and embarked on a common life path.

After getting married, the two first went to the United States for development. There, Qian Xuesen's knowledge and talents were deeply respected by the locals. However, when the news of the founding of New China came, he, who had always been loyal to the motherland, immediately made up his mind to return to China to serve. However, the U.S. government has been blocking his plans to return to China, fabricating rumors that he is a spy, and seizing a large amount of his research results. In order to be able to return to the motherland smoothly, Qian Xuesen and Jiang Ying lived in a state of fear and experienced 5 years of suffering.

Mrs. Qian Xuesen's old photos exposed: peerless, beautiful


Jiang Ying has always stood firmly by her husband's side, always blocking him from danger. Not only because of emotional reasons, but also because she understands that Qian Xuesen is so important to the science and technology industry of New China. In the end, with the great efforts of the mainland government, Qian Xuesen was finally able to return to the motherland smoothly and devote himself to the construction of the motherland.

After returning to the motherland, Qian Xuesen devoted himself to scientific research. As one of the top scientists in China at that time, he made great contributions to the scientific and technological undertakings of New China. Although Jiang Ying gave up her music career, she still worked at the Central Conservatory of Music and cultivated batches of outstanding musical talents.

The two of them love each other, help each other, and experience the ups and downs of life together. In the eyes of outsiders, their relationship is so loving and sweet, but Qian Xuesen has always felt sorry for Jiang Ying. Because if it weren't for taking care of her family, Jiang Ying could have achieved higher achievements in her music career.

Mrs. Qian Xuesen's old photos exposed: peerless, beautiful

In this regard, Jiang Ying always comforted her husband, "China can do without a singer like Jiang Ying, but it can't do without a scientist like Qian Xuesen." This sentence undoubtedly strengthened Qian Xuesen's determination, and he devoted himself to the construction of the motherland.

The little-known scientist and opera diva are undoubtedly exemplars of 20th-century Chinese intellectuals. They use their practical actions to fully interpret the perfect integration of love and career. It is precisely because of the stories of Qian Xuesen and Jiang Ying that we can get a glimpse of the unique situation of Chinese intellectuals in the 20th century. In that special era, they had to make their due contribution to the development of the country and maintain their family life. This has undoubtedly brought them a lot of pressure and challenges.

Qian Xuesen and Jiang Ying are undoubtedly the epitome of this generation. As scientists and opera divas, they could have made their own ambitions in their respective fields. But in order to better serve their country, they have to find a balance between career and family. Jiang Ying gave up her music career and wholeheartedly supported her husband's scientific research career; And Qian Xuesen once gave up the opportunity to return to China, just to take care of his family.

Mrs. Qian Xuesen's old photos exposed: peerless, beautiful

Such a move undoubtedly reflects their deep love for their country and family. With their own practical actions, they have interpreted the responsibility and responsibility that intellectuals should have. Even in the face of hardships and obstacles, they have never wavered in their faith and faith. This kind of tenacity and perseverance has undoubtedly inspired countless followers.

Now, when we relive the couple's moving story, we can't help but be moved. The trajectory of their lives is undoubtedly a microcosm of that era. They used their practical actions to interpret what "family and country feelings" are, and demonstrated the demeanor that intellectuals should have.

Coincidentally, there are also many outstanding representatives like Qian Xuesen and Jiang Ying in contemporary times. They are either science and technology masters or cultural experts, but without exception they are all working hard for the prosperity and strength of the motherland. Their deeds have undoubtedly set a noble example for us and inspired young people in the new era to make unremitting efforts for the prosperity and strength of the country.

Mrs. Qian Xuesen's old photos exposed: peerless, beautiful

Let's pay our most sincere tribute to such an admirable couple! Their stories will forever be engraved in the historical memory of the Chinese nation and become models for future generations to learn from. If you've ever been interested and curious about this couple, please leave a comment below to share your thoughts and feelings, and let's explore this moving history together.

#钱学森夫人旧照曝光: Peerless, glamorous