
Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

author:Bill said entertainment

1. Hu Ge: A low-key and humble life creed, treating actors as an ordinary profession

Hu Ge, a boy born in Beijing and growing up in an ordinary life, is a good person who always insists on doing his best. According to the depiction of the original book, although he has accumulated a certain reputation in the entertainment industry, he has never been self-aggrandizing, and has always maintained a low-key and humble style.

For Hu Ge, being an actor is just an ordinary profession, just like any job in daily life, and there is nothing special about it. This simple and true concept of life may be the key to winning the love of the audience.

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

Hu Ge never valued those vain titles and honors, on the contrary, he paid more attention to how to care for and help the people around him through practical actions. As stated in the original book, "there is hardly any negative press", and "there are endless warm deeds about him".

According to his friends, even after he became a sinister idol, his way of dealing with his friends and classmates remained unchanged, and he always maintained a friendly and friendly attitude. He was always sincere, humble and friendly, and never put on a haughty posture.

In addition, such a detail is mentioned in the original book - "when a reporter interviews him, he will choose to crouch down to answer questions". Sometimes, in the face of many enthusiastic fans, he will also patiently answer everyone's questions, showing respect for ordinary people with practical actions.

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

As stated in the original book, "treat people generously, have no scandals, be kind to others, do not fight or grab, and continue to learn to read". These qualities fully reflect Hu Ge's humble and down-to-earth personality.

2. Review Hu Ge's past good deeds

If we go back to Hu Ge's early experience, it is not difficult to find that he has always been a star who is enthusiastic about public welfare and close to the people, as described in the original book.

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

For example, the story of "helping Miss Manners to break the siege" mentioned in the original book. Once, while working in the field, he met a young girl who found himself in an awkward situation. At that time, Hu Ge was filming an advertisement, and a young lady of manners accidentally tore her skirt due to an accident, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Although the staff had quickly found a coat to cover her, her face was still full of shame. Seeing this scene, Hu Ge stepped forward without hesitation, took off his coat, comforted her gently, and covered her personally.

Hu Ge's witty and embarrassing behavior made everyone present admire, just as depicted in the original text, everyone applauded him for his elegant demeanor!

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

In addition, Hu Ge's heartfelt respect for ordinary working people is also fully demonstrated in the story we talked about "when a reporter interviews him, he will cooperate with squatting down to talk".

Once upon a time, when Hu Ge was interviewed by the media, he noticed that the young reporters at the scene had to bend over and stand for a long time in order to do their work better, and he immediately realized this problem, and did not hesitate to squat down and maintain an equal line of sight with the interviewers to reduce their burden.

Although Hu Ge's small gesture seems ordinary, it contains his deep concern for the general public.

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

The article also mentions Hu Ge's many good deeds such as "visiting fans in the mountainous areas", "sponsoring poor children" and "participating in picking up garbage and advocating environmental protection", which vividly demonstrate his noble qualities of being helpful and caring for the people's livelihood, and further prove his friendly and positive dedication.

3. Describe netizens' inappropriate comments on Hu Ge's marriage choice

Although Hu Ge has always acted with a humble and courteous attitude, which has won high praise from the audience, however, his choice to spend the rest of his life with an ordinary woman has aroused doubts and speculation from some netizens, as described in the original text.

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

Some people even maliciously speculated, "The reason why Hu Ge did not choose female stars as partners is because he has doubts about their 'purity'." This kind of remarks is undoubtedly slanderous and derogatory to female celebrities, and seems to imply that all female celebrities are not clean and self-loving, and their moral level is far lower than that of ordinary people.

The original article quoted a specific comment, "Many women think that Hu Ge finally chose a mediocre-looking woman, but ignore that she is actually the purest one." Such statements undoubtedly reveal the deep-seated prejudice and ignorance of the speaker.

They have no right to evaluate the private life and moral character of others, let alone judge other people's ideas about marriage and love at will, and this view is clearly stated in the original text.

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

These irresponsible remarks not only caused misunderstanding to Hu Ge's wife, but also excessively belittled and insulted the entire group of female stars, and seriously lacked respect and understanding for others.

The original article makes a powerful refutation of this kind of remarks, and the view that "it is only exposing its own narrow cognition and muddy soul" is really appropriate.

4. Depict Hu Ge's tortuous life journey before and after the car accident

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

Looking back, Hu Ge's acting career in his early years was not a smooth road. As we all know in history, in 2008, he suffered a thrilling car accident, and the situation at that time can be said to be the lowest point of his life.

However, it was this sudden setback that made Hu Ge gradually get rid of his former youth and immaturity, and become more mature and stable, and open-minded.

The original article describes: "Especially after the car accident, he became more calm and open-minded. This car accident made Hu Ge deeply understand the fragility and impermanence of life and the incomparably precious nature of time.

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

Since then, his attitude towards life has changed drastically, and he is no longer as decisive as before. He began to reflect on the true meaning of life, exploring how to better shape himself and live a meaningful and compassionate life.

This car accident had a profound and lasting impact on Hu Ge's outlook on life and character, shaping his later modest, low-key, down-to-earth attitude towards life, and also making him pay more attention to his inner spiritual cultivation.

5. Analyze the multiple standards of "clean" and "dirty".

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

When criticizing some inappropriate remarks about Hu Ge's marriage, the original text also deeply analyzes the rich connotations of the words "clean" and "dirty".

The "clean" mentioned by some netizens actually simply refers to young women who have not experienced multiple relationships. However, the original text sharply questioned: "Is it dirty to fall in love more times?" Is it clean without love experience? This definition makes no sense! ”。

"The amount of love experience cannot accurately measure a person's moral integrity."

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

On the contrary, the original text asserts: "A person who is pure in heart is far more valuable than a person who is pure in appearance." "A good, upright, and broad-minded person is undoubtedly much more noble in their inner moral integrity than the mere bondage of carnal desires.

A person's true purity is not based on external moral standards, but from the inner yearning for beautiful things and resistance to ugly phenomena.

Taking Hu Ge as an example, the original article wrote: "The reason why people appreciate him so much is not because he has no love experience, but because he shows an inner quality of broadness, tolerance, and friendship."

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

Hu Ge has won wide praise for his kindness and warmth, respect and care for ordinary people, which is the root of people's respect for him! However, some evaluations are only superficial, and the measure of "innocence" or not really fails to reflect their far-reaching connotations, and this view undoubtedly has great limitations.

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

One of the key factors in Hu Ge's vision for choosing his other half is to find someone who is consistent with his own concept and has high morals. However, some people have baseless speculation about his motives, which is actually a serious violation of his personality.

Looking back at Hu Ge's behavior over the years, we can clearly see that he is a person who attaches great importance to inner qualities rather than flashy appearances.

As stated in the original text, "Whether it is an ordinary person or a person of other status, no matter what kind of circle you are in, as long as you feel that it is suitable, it is enough." Because he doesn't care what the other person's reputation or status is.

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

When choosing a partner, Hu Ge never sticks to the identity background of the other party, but pays more attention to whether the two parties can match each other in terms of morality.

His wife was originally his assistant and agent, and although she was not completely "amateur", the original text clearly stated that "they must have a deep understanding and support for each other, and they must be similar souls, so that they can be together for a long time and have deep feelings."

It can be seen that Hu Ge is not making do with it casually, but after getting along for a long time, he gradually found that his wife is the confidant who has similar interests and values with him.

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

For those who questioned his remarks about his "dislike" of women in the entertainment industry, the original article resolutely opposed his vexatious and one-sided words. The article mentions that "he did not choose an outsider in order to find an 'innocent' talent.

After all, not all the actresses in the circle are 'innocent', "The reason why Hu Ge did not choose the actress as a partner was not out of any discrimination or self-esteem, he just bravely faced his true feelings and chose a like-minded person to spend the rest of his life with."

The original article further states that those people "are merely exposing their 'narrow perceptions' and 'muddy souls'." They have no right to dictate Hu Ge's mate selection criteria, nor should they make irresponsible generalizations and assumptions about the entire female group, which obviously lacks the most basic respect and compassion.

Why didn't Hu Ge marry a female star? Netizen: Because he chose the cleanest one

Compared with this, what Hu Ge shows is undoubtedly a broad and broad mind! With his down-to-earth actions and positive attitude towards life, he perfectly illustrates the extreme cherishing of inner qualities, rather than just staying on the surface, or taking external image and symbolic status as the only yardstick for evaluation.

Such a deep and introverted and inclusive quality is precisely the core of his winning wide praise and praise from all walks of life!

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