
Eating home-cooked food for a long time but suffering from a serious illness and dialysis for half a life, why?

author:Liu Suzhen ear, nose and throat

Recently, the health condition of a gentleman surnamed Zhang has attracted our attention. It is understood that Mr. Zhang unfortunately suffered from severe kidney disease due to long-term consumption of a home-cooked food, and eventually had to rely on dialysis treatment to maintain his life. This incident makes people wonder if those seemingly ordinary home-cooked dishes are really as safe and harmless as we imagined.

Eating home-cooked food for a long time but suffering from a serious illness and dialysis for half a life, why?

Home cooking, as a regular at our table, is loved for its deliciousness and convenience. However, Mr. Zhang's case reminds us that there may be hidden health risks behind these dishes. Cooking methods high in oil, salt, and sugar, although satisfying the taste buds, may also unknowingly damage our health.

In this article, we'll take a deep dive into the potential health risks of home-cooked food and provide expert health advice to help you enjoy your meal while protecting your own health and that of your family. Let's uncover the secrets behind home-cooked meals and help healthy living.

1. Nutritional traps in home-cooked food

Home-cooked food sounds warm and intimate, but you know what? They can harbor "nutrient traps". Many home-cooked dishes use more oil and salt in order to pursue taste, which seems harmless, but in fact, it may affect our blood pressure and blood lipids in the long run.

Eating home-cooked food for a long time but suffering from a serious illness and dialysis for half a life, why?

First of all, high-oil foods contain a lot of fat, and long-term excessive intake can lead to obesity and even increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, high-salt foods may cause blood pressure to rise, and long-term hypertension is a potential threat to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

So, how can you avoid these nutrient traps? In fact, the key lies in the choice of cooking method. We can try to replace frying or frying with healthy cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, stewing, etc. At the same time, reduce the use of salt and use spices and herbs to increase the flavor of food, which can not only ensure the deliciousness of food, but also control the intake of oil and salt.

In addition, it is important to mix meals appropriately. In our daily diet, we should focus on the intake of vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins and minerals that help maintain good health. At the same time, moderate intake of high-quality protein, such as fish, lean meats and soy products, is also key to a balanced diet.

Eating home-cooked food for a long time but suffering from a serious illness and dialysis for half a life, why?

With these simple changes, we can make home-cooked meals healthier and more delicious while protecting the health of ourselves and our families.

2. How to avoid the health risks of home-cooked food

Knowing the nutritional content of ingredients is the first step to avoiding the health risks of home-cooked food. Each ingredient has its own unique nutritional value, with leafy greens being rich in vitamins and nuts being a good source of healthy fats. By learning this knowledge, we can match our meals more scientifically and ensure that our body gets all the nutrients it needs.

Rational diet means controlling the intake of high-calorie foods on the premise of ensuring balanced nutrition. For example, we can replace white rice with brown rice or whole-wheat bread to increase our intake of dietary fiber, which can help control blood sugar levels.

Eating home-cooked food for a long time but suffering from a serious illness and dialysis for half a life, why?

Reducing the intake of fried and high-salt foods is an effective means of reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Fried foods, although crispy in texture, contain a lot of unhealthy fats. We can choose to roast, boil or steam our food to reduce the use of fat and retain the original flavor of the ingredients.

In addition, some practical meal matching tips and healthy recipes are provided to help everyone better practice healthy eating. For example, you can choose oatmeal with fresh fruit for breakfast, grilled chicken breast with plenty of vegetables for lunch, and steamed fish with brown rice for dinner. This combination is nutritious and healthy, helping to keep us away from chronic diseases.

With these simple steps, we can transform home-cooked meals into healthy meals that are delicious and provide the body with the necessary nutrients at the same time. Let's take action together to protect the health of ourselves and our families with a healthy diet.

Eating home-cooked food for a long time but suffering from a serious illness and dialysis for half a life, why?

3. The lessons and enlightenment of Mr. Zhang

Mr. Zhang's case has brought us many valuable health implications. First, eating habits have a profound impact on health. Mr. Zhang's long-term consumption of home-cooked food high in oil and salt eventually led to serious health problems.

By analyzing the progression of Mr. Zhang's disease, we can see that it often takes a while for chronic diseases to develop, so early prevention and intervention are crucial. This requires us to develop good eating habits in our lives, conduct regular physical examinations, and find and solve problems in time.

In addition, Mr. Zhang's case highlights the importance of a healthy lifestyle. In addition to diet, proper exercise, a good routine and a positive mindset are also key factors in maintaining good health. We should integrate the concept of health into every detail of our daily life to form a comprehensive healthy lifestyle.

Eating home-cooked food for a long time but suffering from a serious illness and dialysis for half a life, why?

Finally, Mr. Zhang's experience reminds us that health is irreversible, and once lost, even through treatment, it cannot be fully restored to its original state. Therefore, we should cherish and protect our health, start from now, every day, and create a healthy and happy living environment for ourselves and our families.


Home cooking is an indispensable part of every family's table, it carries the warmth and taste of home. However, we also cannot ignore the possible health risks. Through the analysis of this article, we understand that cooking methods high in oil and salt, and unbalanced meal combinations, may pose a threat to our health.

Eating home-cooked food for a long time but suffering from a serious illness and dialysis for half a life, why?

Therefore, raising health awareness, scientifically matching meals, and choosing healthy cooking methods are what each of us should do. Only in this way can we enjoy delicious food while also protecting the health of ourselves and our families.

Let's start today and take action to protect our health and enrich our lives with knowledge. Let's work together to make home-cooked food a healthy and delicious representative, so that every family can enjoy a healthy and happy life.