
After the man rescued the person who fell into the water, he replied to the medical staff domineeringly: Save people first, I will get you if there is no money

author:Ingenuity Agility Hills 4

This incident has been spread on the Internet. On the one hand, there is the life that is desperately pulled back on the vast water, and on the other hand, there are the rules and regulations that are in order. Between the two, it is like the soup bowl on the dinner table of ordinary people, hot but has to be served.

Let's talk about this Qingdao man again, his domineering reply of "I'll give you no money" is not like the gunpowder in the hearts of ordinary people? It explodes at one point, poking at our helplessness and expectation of the world. At this moment, he represents that everyone in an unsatisfactory life still holds a heart that wants to do something.

After the man rescued the person who fell into the water, he replied to the medical staff domineeringly: Save people first, I will get you if there is no money

But what about healthcare workers? What kind of characters are they? is the gatekeeper of the rules, holding the red hat of "do the formalities first and then save people", sitting in the cold reality, reminding us that sometimes we have to go through the system first. We can't completely deny people, after all, the rules are public, and people have to work in a line.

But judging from this matter, isn't this the modern version of the "help or not" that we often nagged in our scripts? Isn't everyone familiar with the question of whether to help or not, and to complain? Qingdao man, he dares to scare, he is crazy, he is fierce. In this Jianghu where everyone shouts rationality, but is often impulsive, he was stunned to put down a bold remark, and let the treasure called "rationality" take off the head for a while.

We can say that the Qingdao man is a madman with supreme feelings, we can say that he is a roar in the bleak background of society, and we can also say that in this social rule where "rules" are full of "traps", he is a bastard, but he is also a hero.

After the man rescued the person who fell into the water, he replied to the medical staff domineeringly: Save people first, I will get you if there is no money

Yes, heroes tend to be out of place, heroes tend to be emotional, and heroes tend to be a bit impulsive. But the hero is even more of that force, which seems to be frivolous, but in fact it is a countercurrent of justice. They are not talking about the cost of saving lives, they are fighting for the opportunity to save lives. In this era when everyone needs to be cautious, they are the one who does not talk about terms and conditions, but only talks about responsibility.

Back to the overboard. They are lucky because they meet people who are willing to stand up for them. But behind this luck is a difficult problem that our whole society needs to face: are we willing to become a group of rigid people who are led by the nose by the system, or are we willing to take up the weapon of morality and fight a just battle for humanity and life?

After the man rescued the person who fell into the water, he replied to the medical staff domineeringly: Save people first, I will get you if there is no money

What I want to say is, let's not always be poured cold water on the right things in our hearts. When it is time to be scared, it is necessary to be stubborn when it is time to be hard-hearted. Just like that Qingdao brother, with his enthusiasm, he dares to rob people with fate, which is really heroic, and it is also a rare human touch in this impetuous society.

Finally, for those medical staff in white coats, it may be time to examine whether those seemingly monolithic rules should be more flexible and humane. At the last moment, let us all be the ones who do what we want. When truth and rules stand at a crossroads, we will not be lost.