
The guy had his finger severed in a plastic surgery hospital, and after 5 days, more than 70 live maggots were removed, and now he can only amputate his limbs


On the edge of a busy industrial city, there is a hidden corner, where a thrilling life-and-death battle is taking place. The protagonist of this contest is a young man who is only 21 years old - Xiao Qi, who is an ordinary factory worker, who works hard and sweats every day with the machine. However, a sudden accident pushed him into the abyss of fate.

That afternoon, the sun was blazing bright, the machines roared in the factory, and the workers busily shuttled between the assembly lines. Suddenly, a piercing sound of metal tearing broke through the peace, and then a terrible scream echoed through the factory. Xiao Qi's left index finger was forever separated from his body under the merciless cutting of the machine. At that moment, time seemed to freeze, and the air inside the factory was filled with fear and despair.

The guy had his finger severed in a plastic surgery hospital, and after 5 days, more than 70 live maggots were removed, and now he can only amputate his limbs

Xiao Qi was rushed to Hangzhou Plastic Surgery Hospital, a prestigious medical institution known for its exquisite plastic surgery techniques. However, for a difficult operation such as finger replantation, even plastic surgeons need to do their best. Xiao Qi's family and doctors are nervously waiting, hoping that the surgery can bring Xiao Qi's finger back to life.

However, fate does not seem to favor the little relatives. In the days after the operation, Xiao Qi's wound not only did not improve, but showed an abnormal situation. Master Qi, the usually strong and calm father, was like a knife at this time, anxiously waiting for news from his son. He kept wandering outside the ward, his eyes full of helplessness and worry.

The guy had his finger severed in a plastic surgery hospital, and after 5 days, more than 70 live maggots were removed, and now he can only amputate his limbs

On the afternoon of April 30, Master Qi noticed that his son's wound began to ooze strange fluid, and he immediately found the doctor to inquire about the situation. However, no one from the hospital came to check it out. It wasn't until May 1 that when Master Qi found the doctor on duty again, he got an indifferent reply: "I can't deal with a patient who is not me." This sentence was like a cold arrow, piercing deeply into Master Qi's heart. He couldn't believe that this hospital, which had once placed high hopes on him, could be so cold and ruthless at a critical moment.

However, something even more shocking happened. On the night of May 2, Xiao Qi's wound was so painful that he almost fainted. Master Qi could no longer bear this torment, and he angrily approached the doctors on duty and demanded that they treat his son's wounds immediately. This time, the doctor finally arranged for a nurse to come and clean the wound. However, the moment the nurse uncovered the gauze, everyone was stunned - seventy or eighty live maggots crawled out of the wound!

The guy had his finger severed in a plastic surgery hospital, and after 5 days, more than 70 live maggots were removed, and now he can only amputate his limbs

It's a gruesome scene that also makes people angry. How did these maggots get into Xiao Qi's wounds? Why didn't the hospital detect and deal with it in time? These questions echoed in everyone's mind, but no one could give answers. Master Qi looked at his son's painful appearance, and his heart was like a knife. He angrily asked the hospital, "How can you do this to my son?" He is just an ordinary worker, and his life has just begun! ”

Speaking to the media, Section Chief Liu of the medical department of Hangzhou Plastic Surgery Hospital admitted that the hospital did have responsibility in the incident. He said that the training and management of doctors will be strengthened to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents. However, can such a promise really restore Xiao Qi's lost finger? Will it be able to heal the wounds in his family's heart?

The guy had his finger severed in a plastic surgery hospital, and after 5 days, more than 70 live maggots were removed, and now he can only amputate his limbs

In my opinion, this incident is more than just a medical malpractice. It exposes the loopholes in the hospital's management, system, medical ethics and other aspects. As a tertiary plastic surgery hospital, Hangzhou Plastic Surgery Hospital should have higher standards and requirements in terms of medical quality and patient safety. However, this incident has made people see the other side of the hospital - indifference, perfunctory and shirking responsibility.

For Xiao Qi, this incident is undoubtedly a tragedy. He was supposed to be a healthy, happy young man, but lost his finger in an accident. What was even more difficult for him to accept was the attitude and way in which the hospital handled the incident. This indifference and perfunctory made him feel endless despair and disappointment. However, in the midst of despair, Xiao Qi showed amazing courage and strength. Instead of giving up on himself, he bravely faced reality and tried to adapt to his new life.

The guy had his finger severed in a plastic surgery hospital, and after 5 days, more than 70 live maggots were removed, and now he can only amputate his limbs

For Master Qi, he is a great father. When his son suffered misfortune, he stepped forward to fight for his son's rights. His steadfastness and bravery show us the greatness and power of fatherly love. He is not only a support for Xiaoqi, but also a role model for all of us.

This incident is a wake-up call for us. We need to pay more attention to the issues of medical safety and patient rights. We cannot allow similar tragedies to happen again. At the same time, we should also call on all sectors of society to work together to create a more harmonious and safe social environment. Only in this way can we let ordinary people like Xiao Qi get the respect and care they deserve. #头条创作挑战赛#

The guy had his finger severed in a plastic surgery hospital, and after 5 days, more than 70 live maggots were removed, and now he can only amputate his limbs