
She is China's first doctorate-level singer, and she has been asked by the director to go to the Spring Festival Gala 13 times, and her husband's identity is too scary!

author:Chengcheng topic station

She is a bright star in the Chinese music industry, as a national first-class actress, and the first female singer in China to obtain a doctorate.

When it comes to Lei Jia, please don't confuse it with another actor named "Lei Jiayin". Despite their similar names, both have demonstrated unique talents in their respective fields.

She is China's first doctorate-level singer, and she has been asked by the director to go to the Spring Festival Gala 13 times, and her husband's identity is too scary!

In his artistic career of more than 20 years, Lei Jia has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala 13 times, which is an extraordinary achievement.

At the high-profile 7th Military Games, Lei Jia was even fortunate to sing the theme song with film superstar Jackie Chan, a collaboration that undoubtedly proves her preeminence in the field of music.

Lei Jia's achievements did not come out of nowhere, the hard work and artistic skills behind her are the cornerstone of her success. With the 2024 Lantern Festival approaching, Lei Jia reinterpreted the classic "Shangchun Mountain" on the stage of Henan Satellite TV.

She is China's first doctorate-level singer, and she has been asked by the director to go to the Spring Festival Gala 13 times, and her husband's identity is too scary!

Her singing voice is like a spring breeze, bringing warmth and joy to people. It is worth mentioning that Lei Jia is not only a profound accomplishment in music, but also a top student who successfully obtained a doctorate.

And about her other half, it's just as amazing. So, what exactly makes Lei Jia so extraordinary? What is the story between her and her husband?

Lei Jia was born in an ordinary working family in Hunan Province and has developed a strong interest in folk songs since he was a child. At that time, she was still a little girl who was curious about music, and often imitated the singing voice on the tape recorder.

She is China's first doctorate-level singer, and she has been asked by the director to go to the Spring Festival Gala 13 times, and her husband's identity is too scary!

Whether it's in the shower, meal, or walking, she always hums a beautiful melody in her mouth. Under the influence of the colorful folk songs of her hometown, Lei Jia found her own music world.

Her parents attached great importance to their daughter's art education, not only supporting her to learn folk songs, but also encouraging her to enter an art school.

In order to be admitted to the ideal art school, Lei Jia once relied on a hand-drawn map to cross many mountains and rivers alone, just to seize that precious stage opportunity.

She is China's first doctorate-level singer, and she has been asked by the director to go to the Spring Festival Gala 13 times, and her husband's identity is too scary!

Lei Jia's love for music has made her go wider and wider on the road of music. When she applied for Hunan University of the Arts, although the vocal music department did not enroll students, she did not give up because of this.

The experience of switching to flower drum opera laid a solid foundation for her later musical career. After entering the China Conservatory of Music, Lei Jia's talent has been more widely recognized and brought into play.

She has never slackened because of her talent, and has always insisted on practicing hard, and every morning she will go to the river to practice her voice.

She is China's first doctorate-level singer, and she has been asked by the director to go to the Spring Festival Gala 13 times, and her husband's identity is too scary!

At the age of 23, Lei Jia joined the song and dance troupe as a soloist, and soon rose to prominence on the stage, and later became an outstanding representative of the People's Liberation Army General Political Song and Dance Troupe.

Constant self-improvement and continued enthusiasm are undoubtedly the keys to success. When she was 29 years old, Lei Jia deeply touched the heartstrings of countless audiences with her moving singing of "Songs of 56 Chinese Nations".

In order to further improve herself, the 34-year-old Lei Jia decided to return to school to pursue a doctorate. In the end, she successfully obtained a doctorate in vocal performance, becoming the first doctorate-level female singer in China.

She is China's first doctorate-level singer, and she has been asked by the director to go to the Spring Festival Gala 13 times, and her husband's identity is too scary!

This choice may not be necessary for many people who have already achieved success in the arts, but Rega resolutely returned to school in order to go further and deeper on the road of music.

She said frankly: Only by constantly carving and improving herself can she go further on the road of music. Lei Jia's singing voice is the best proof of her endless pursuit of music.

Every time she performs on stage, whether it is a solo or a chorus, she can always bring unprecedented shock and emotion to the audience.

She is China's first doctorate-level singer, and she has been asked by the director to go to the Spring Festival Gala 13 times, and her husband's identity is too scary!

Her pursuit of music has almost reached the realm of forgetting to sleep and eat, not only has a natural musical talent, but also interprets the word "hard work" to the extreme.

In works such as "Our Chinese Dream", Lei Jia frequently appeared in major theatrical evenings and became the pride of the Chinese people.

In addition, she has also demonstrated her creative talent, and the operas "Farewell to Cambridge" and "Mulan Psalms" reflect her deep background in the field of music.

She is China's first doctorate-level singer, and she has been asked by the director to go to the Spring Festival Gala 13 times, and her husband's identity is too scary!

Of course, behind every successful person is the guidance of a good teacher. Lei Jia was appreciated by the famous tenor Li Shuangjiang when she was in the Conservatory of Music and became her mentor.

Being able to get the personal guidance of such a music master, Lei Jia's strength is naturally extraordinary. She has won many awards on stage, and has sung Olympic music salutes and many popular songs.

made her musical achievements famous. True success does not depend on hype, but on relentless efforts and a deep understanding of art.

She is China's first doctorate-level singer, and she has been asked by the director to go to the Spring Festival Gala 13 times, and her husband's identity is too scary!

"The World", launched in 2022, deeply touched people's heartstrings as soon as it came out. Lei Jia uses her gentle and affectionate voice to vividly interpret the emotions in the song, making the audience feel as if they are in the world and feel the ups and downs of life.

CCTV commented on this: "I want to cry when I hear it", which is enough to witness how touching her singing is. Although many singers have covered this song later, Lei Jia's original version has never been surpassed, and the depth and sincerity of that emotion cannot be replicated.

In the face of various voices from the outside world, people who really understand art know that Lei Jia's achievements are no accident, and they do not depend on her husband's aura. Many people wonder what kind of partner such a talented female artist would choose.

She is China's first doctorate-level singer, and she has been asked by the director to go to the Spring Festival Gala 13 times, and her husband's identity is too scary!

Lei Jia's husband Chen Zhengbai is also an entrepreneur doctor with a net worth of more than 100 million, and the two complement each other in terms of knowledge and talent. They had a son, and for decades they had a solid marriage and a harmonious family.

In Lei Jia, we see the image of a well-rounded modern woman - she has both talent and pursuit, as well as family and love. Her every step of growth and success is inseparable from the silent support and encouragement behind her.

In addition, Lei Jia is also keen on public welfare undertakings, and has been awarded the honorary titles of Love Ambassador and Fire Ambassador. Whether it is a wonderful performance in a historical drama or as a messenger of cultural exchange, she uses her own way to convey beauty and positive energy.

She is China's first doctorate-level singer, and she has been asked by the director to go to the Spring Festival Gala 13 times, and her husband's identity is too scary!

Her albums have been presented to heads of state as national gifts many times, which is enough to prove her influence and status in the world. Chen Zhengbai not only supports Lei Jia's music dream, but also devotes himself to public welfare with her, and the husband and wife contribute their own strength to the society with practical actions.

True talent needs to be honed by the years, and the real light always belongs to those who are willing to pay sweat and tears for their dreams.

Now 44-year-old Lei Jia is already an evergreen tree on the stage, she still maintains that original intention, and uses her singing voice to convey positive energy and inspire everyone. We look forward to Lei Jia being able to bring us more beautiful songs, and continue to touch and heal more people's hearts with her voice.

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