
I bought a bag online, afraid that my husband would scold me for spending money indiscriminately

author:Positive Far Mountains nX

In this digital age, online shopping has become a daily routine for many people. I, too, am no exception. But this time, I didn't just buy a bag, but a family storm that was about to happen.

That day, as usual, I was browsing the web when suddenly a beautiful bag caught my eye. I looked at the price and hesitated, but clicked the buy button anyway. I know that this act could lead to a "war".

Sure enough, the moment I got the bag, my husband's face changed.

"Why are you spending money again?" There was a hint of reproach in his tone.

I tried to explain: "This bag is really beautiful, and I've been looking at it for a long time......"

He interrupted me: "You see, that's your problem, always making excuses. ”

I know that, at this time, any explanation is superfluous. I decided to use humor to defuse the situation.

"You know, I actually bought this bag for you." I said with a smile.

I bought a bag online, afraid that my husband would scold me for spending money indiscriminately

He looked at me suspiciously: "For me? ”

I nodded, "yes, so you can have more opportunities to help me carry the bag." ”

He smiled, I know that this turmoil has passed for the time being.

However, this is just the beginning. In the days that followed, I kept receiving packages, each one of which was a "trophy" that I had carefully selected. Whenever my husband sees these packages, his face becomes gloomy.

"What did you buy again?" He asked.

I smiled and replied, "This one is a dress, and that one is a pair of shoes......

He shook his head helplessly: "You are really a shopaholic. ”

I shrugged my shoulders, "No way, who made me a woman." ”

I bought a bag online, afraid that my husband would scold me for spending money indiscriminately

He knew that he couldn't change me, he could only accept the fact. And I also knew that I needed to control my desire to shop, otherwise this family turmoil would never subside.

However, life is always full of surprises. Just when I decided to control my shopping desires, my husband bought an expensive game console.

I looked at him and smiled, "It seems that I'm not the only shopaholic." ”

He smiled awkwardly: "This, this is a special case. ”

I nodded, "Okay, then let's work together and control our shopping desires." ”

He agreed, and we all laughed. We know that this family turmoil will eventually pass, and we will get through this together.

Since then, we've worked together to control our desire to shop. Although we still can't help it at times, we all understand that family harmony is the most important thing.

This is our life, full of laughter and turmoil. But no matter what, we will face it together and get through it together. Because we know that this is life, this is our family.

I bought a bag online, afraid that my husband would scold me for spending money indiscriminately

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