
Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

author:Will speak the world

1. Presentation in reverse order: The image of innocence is gone, and the greasy behavior is intensifying

On the bright stage in Thailand, Tang Jianjun's image has stepped into a new field, completely changing the simple image of Xie Guangkun played in "Country Love". Xie Guangkun, that is a simple and unpretentious uncle, although he has a violent personality, but deep down he is full of pure kindness.

This image vividly shows the true face of rural people and is deeply loved by the audience.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

However, when we see Tang Jianjun now, he seems to have become a middle-aged greasy brother.

He was bloated, wearing a pair of baggy shorts and a short-sleeved shirt with a flamboyant pattern wrapped around his upper body. No matter which angle you look at, you can feel the greasy smell and decadent temperament that emanates from him.

To make matters worse, he is standing in the center of the stage at the moment, dancing with a group of scantily clad Thai beauties in a brazen close-fitting dance.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

Tang Jianjun's movements were bold and presumptuous, his hands roaming over the bodies of the beauties, and the obscene expression on his face could not be described in words. All this shocked many viewers present, who questioned and condemned his behavior, believing that he was "throwing the dignity of Teacher Zhao Benshan abroad".

Indeed, if you compare the greasy and vulgar middle-aged man in front of you with the simple, humble, honest and honest Xie Guangkun image he created on the screen a few years ago, it is simply a world of difference, and it is unbelievable that they are the same person.

Obviously, Tang Jianjun's greasy behavior today has completely deviated from the positive character image he created in "Country Love". What he did was undoubtedly an insult and tarnished to this classic comedy that once swept the country.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

What's even more distressing is that as Zhao Benshan's proud disciple, he has done such an unbearable thing now, which is really unsafe and embarrassing.

Second, the former youthful years, dreamlike married life

To understand Tang Jianjun's greasy and depraved today, we must trace back to his bumpy marriage.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

More than 20 years ago, Tang Jianjun was an unknown actor in a small theater troupe, making a living by touring around the world. At that time, he was young and frivolous, and in addition to performing, he was also responsible for teaching apprentices.

One of them, Sun Xiaoyu, was a beautiful woman who was only 18 years old at the time, but she had become a well-known beauty.

Sun Xiaoyu was full of praise for Tang Jianjun's outstanding performance on stage, and she decided to follow Tang Jianjun and joined the troupe without hesitation. Only a few months after they met and knew each other, Tang Jianjun was deeply attracted by Sun Xiaoyu's beautiful face, and he did not hesitate to confess and took the initiative to propose to her.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

So, when Sun Xiaoyu was only 18 years old, he married Tang Jianjun without hesitation and became his first partner.

At first, their married life was full of sweetness and happiness, and Sun Xiaoyu soon gave birth to a lovely daughter for Tang Jianjun. However, good times are always short-lived, and Tang Jianjun's long-term touring has caused a lot of trouble to their family, plus he often goes around looking for fun in the name of work, and even indulges in romantic affairs.

Although Sun Xiaoyu had warned Tang Jianjun many times, after repeated attempts to persuade him to no avail, the young mother had to tearfully leave the failed marriage with her 3-year-old daughter at the age of 23.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

However, fate seems to have given Tang Jianjun a ray of life, and he successfully worshiped Zhao Benshan and became a member of Zhao's family. During the filming of the TV series "Liu Laogen", he met his new partner Wang Xiaohua, and the two gradually developed a deep relationship.

Wang Xiaohua praised Tang Jianjun's acting skills, and after a long time together, he gave birth to two lovely daughters.

However, the good times did not last long, Tang Jianjun still went his own way, and there were constant scandals of intimate contact with other women. His ex-wife even publicly accused him of "bigamy" in the live broadcast room, and his married life was rotten.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

3. Development: arrogance and domineering after becoming famous, and self-depraved words and deeds

The "Country Love" series of TV series starring Tang Jianjun made him famous across the country. The character of Xie Guangkun he created, although he is irritable and self-centered, has an innocent and kind side deep down, which makes his reputation and popularity reach an unprecedented peak.

However, at this critical moment, Tang Jianjun became more unscrupulous, and his arrogance and arrogance were completely revealed.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

First of all, he was callous towards the people of his homeland, completely ignoring the promises he had made. Earlier, Tang Jianjun had impassionedly told his fellow villagers that he would pay for the construction of a road as a way to express his gratitude to his hometown.

However, when he really became famous, he chose to stay alone and eyed the villagers' homesteads. When some villagers came to the door to question him, he responded confidently, saying that he had always given selfless support to his hometown, and now he just wanted to build a house, but the villagers were too calculating and seemed very stingy.

It is undeniable that Tang Jianjun's words all reveal contempt and condescending arrogance towards the villagers! What's even more appalling is that he actually began to openly slander his mentor Zhao Benshan! At the script discussion meeting of the new drama series of "Country Love", Zhao Benshan boldly proposed the idea of replacing the starring Tang Jianjun, bluntly saying that his "character and morality are problematic".

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

Although Tang Jianjun was still able to take care of Zhao Benshan's face at that time, once he was out of Zhao Benshan's sight, he immediately poured bitter water in the live broadcast room, angrily accusing his teacher of "once he became famous and rich, he looked down on his apprentice".

What is shocking is that Tang Jianjun even fabricated all kinds of lies during the live broadcast, maliciously slandered Zhao Benshan for "bullying the teacher and destroying the ancestors", and spread rumors that the latter was "greedy for the box office benefits of the apprentice", etc., unscrupulously damaging the reputation of the teacher, which is simply completely tearing the skin and severing the friendship between master and apprentice.

There is no doubt that Tang Jianjun's arrogant and arrogant behavior along the way is undoubtedly a manifestation of self-depravity. After becoming famous, instead of thanking the villagers for the cultivation of their teachers, he took revenge on them, completely ignoring the friendship of the past; What's more serious is that he abandoned the simple and kind personality image of the past and degenerated into an unprecedented situation.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

Fourth, the relationship between a married man and a woman is chaotic, and the moral corruption in private life causes controversy

The reason why Tang Jianjun was accused by Zhao Benshan of having character problems and finally broke with him was largely due to his chaotic private life of married men and women. As early as the beginning, Tang Jianjun lied in front of the media to cover up the truth.

On the occasion of entering the marriage hall with his second wife Wang Xiaohua, he told the public a touching story of "finally becoming a family after hardships", claiming that he had long been in love with Wang Xiaohua and had gone through a lot of hardships to get the beauty.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

What's even more outrageous is that he also clarified that Wang Xiaohua may not be able to have children due to health reasons, but he has resolutely decided to "protect it for life", so as to win the sympathy and praise of many audiences.

However, the fact is that Tang Jianjun experienced a failed marriage before meeting Wang Xiaohua, and during this period, he betrayed the marriage, abandoned his wife and children, and it was not until his ex-wife Sun Xiaoyu revealed the truth in the live broadcast room, that people saw the ugly face of this man full of lies and inconsistent words and deeds.

What is shocking is that after marriage, Tang Jianjun has no intention of restraining his cheating habits! has been caught by the paparazzi many times hugging all kinds of beauties intimately, and behaving in a dissolute manner, which is really unbearable for his ex-wife, who reprimanded him for "starting to behave indiscriminately after becoming famous, and never really cherishing the family".

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

There is even a conjecture that in the near future, Tang Jianjun has been exposed many times to date dinners with many women, and has frequent interactions, which undoubtedly shows that his cheating behavior has no signs of stopping at all.

Sun Xiaoyu's violent revelations continued to ferment, revealing Tang Jianjun's serious patriarchal thinking. Due to the birth of three daughters in a row after marriage, he has always been obsessed with this, treating his daughters indifferently and ruthlessly, and even threatening to need a son to inherit the family bloodline.

All this reveals Tang Jianjun's extreme confusion in his married life and the handling of the relationship between men and women, which can be called moral degradation, no wonder he was finally severely criticized by Zhao Benshan, regarded as "serious problems in character", and was expelled from the division.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

Fifth, the embarrassed and depraved words and deeds do not match, and no one is reliable when they are spurned

Today's Tang Jianjun not only has a greasy image and indulgent behavior, but also has inconsistent words and deeds, and has fallen into an unprecedented situation. Looking back at the touching vows he made in front of the media when he married his third wife, it was simply extremely numb and loving.

At that time, he also hyped up to the outside world that the two were "true love and union, happy marriage" However, according to his ex-wife Sun Xiaoyu, this so-called marriage was just the result of Tang Jianjun's repeated choice to remarry in order to realize the selfish desire of "son inheritance".

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

It can be seen from this that the sweet words he said in front of the media at the beginning were completely insincere and a means of deceiving the world and stealing his name, which was full of selfish calculations, not the so-called sincerity.

Looking at his greasy and dissolute appearance when he performs in Thailand now, it is more like a true portrayal of his inner world, although he has wealth and status, and can call the wind and rain, his spiritual world has long fallen into the abyss, and he can no longer find the shadow of the simple and kind actor back then.

In a public occasion like Thailand, he didn't care about his professional ethics as an actor, completely abandoned the last personality and dignity, and showed his obscene and greasy side.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

It's really embarrassing! Tang Jianjun, an excellent actor who has successfully created a well-known, simple and friendly character in the "Country Love" series, has now fallen into such an unbelievable and self-inflicted situation.

From the beginning, he had the original intention of treating each character with sincerity, and now he has completely fallen into the abyss of moral decay both in front of and behind the scenes, which undoubtedly constitutes a shocking chapter in the process of human depravity.

The most deplorable thing is that his mentor Zhao Benshan, who he admires, was also completely disappointed in him, and chose to cut off relations with him and abandon him when he was angry. Today's Tang Jianjun can be described as embarrassed, spurned by the world, and isolated, which can be called a living example of the evil consequences caused by his own behavior.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

6. Epilogue: From simplicity to depravity, a dramatic test of human values

Looking back on Tang Jianjun's life journey, his experience can be called a realistic version of a human tragedy. At first, he was just an unknown actor in a small rural theater troupe, and in order to be able to shine on the stage, he had to run around and fight for life.

After unremitting efforts and the favor of fate, he was fortunate to get acquainted with Zhao Benshan, and finally got the latter's appreciation, joined the Zhao family class, and became a disciple. Under the careful guidance of his mentor, Tang Jianjun finally succeeded in creating his representative role in the "Country Love" series - Xie Guangkun, who has a violent personality but a simple and kind heart.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

Playing the image of this unpretentious rural uncle, Tang Jianjun can be said to have done his best, and he interpreted Xie Guangkun's various internal qualities vividly with sincere feelings, winning the warm love of the audience.

The role of Xie Guangkun was also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people because of this, and became a clear stream at that time.

However, it is such an actor who has created a classic positive character image, but after becoming famous, he began to change his behavior drastically, and the value of human nature has undergone a dramatic reversal and degradation.

Xie Guangkun, who is "arrogant and domineering", has finally come to this point today

From being arrogant and domineering, bullying his neighbors, ungrateful, and betraying his teacher, to having three wives and four concubines, obscene words, and wild words, Tang Jianjun has lost his simple and kind personality traits in the past.

It is really heartbreaking that he has discarded the positive image he has created with all his heart in such a decisive way, and what is worse is that behind the scenes, he has completely transformed into a greasy man with bad morals! This dramatic transformation from good to evil, from innocence to depravity, is undoubtedly an in-depth analysis and severe test of the changes in human values.

At the beginning of life, our hearts are full of beautiful expectations; Over time, however, we tend to be driven by lust and fall into the abyss of sin. Tang Jianjun is a vivid portrayal of this depravity of human nature, which makes people feel deeply sad and helpless.