
In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

author:Graceful cheese VC

After the liberation of Shanghai, the whereabouts of an old woman aroused high suspicion among Communist secret service organizations. At first, she appears to be an ordinary domestic helper, tending to a vacant garden house. However, she often looks flustered, for fear that someone will follow her. What is even more suspicious is that the old mother is inextricably linked to a middle-aged woman who dresses up seductively in a dance hall. The case officer secretly followed the two and found that they would swap identities from time to time, which was puzzling. Are these two really the same person? And what kind of shocking secrets is this mysterious woman hiding? After layers of investigation, the shocking truth was finally revealed to the world, she was actually a cunning double agent who participated in the crime of mutilating revolutionary martyrs! Who the hell is this double-faced female spy? What kind of legendary life did she experience?

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

The past and present life of the mysterious female spy Niu Meibo

Niu Meibo was born in 1906 in the French Concession of Shanghai, the son of a Russian merchant father and a Chinese woman born in Shanghai. Due to the mixed race, Niu Meibo has a bright appearance that is different from ordinary people since he was a child. However, this did not bring her happiness, on the contrary, her life has been full of hardships since childhood.

When she was 5 years old, her Russian father died in the war in Shanghai, leaving her poor mother to raise her and her younger brother alone. In order to support the family, her mother earned money by doing small jobs at night, and during the day she taught Niu Meibo some survival skills, including the art of disguise. Niu Meibo Huigen is intelligent, and quickly mastered various makeup techniques, and can also change her appearance to look like different characters.

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

At the age of 13, Niu Meibo was sent by her mother to work as a small worker in a nightclub in the French Concession of Shanghai, specializing in makeup and dressing up the dancers there. There, Niu Meibo was well-informed, got acquainted with many high-ranking officials and nobles, and gradually became familiar with the rules of the night club. Soon, she became a dancer herself, playing a variety of roles on stage, and her whereabouts were mysterious and varied.

At the age of 19, Niumebo's life took a huge turn. A veteran Japanese spy leader took a fancy to her natural talent for disguise and disguise, and took the initiative to recruit her to become his minion. Although she was very resistant in her heart, in order to survive and have no food and clothing for her mother and brother, Niu Meibo had to succumb to the arrangement of fate and was trapped in the darkest corner of the world.

Since then, Niu Meibo has been going deeper and deeper step by step, and has been involved in a series of conspiracies. With her extraordinary disguise skills, she can play different characters at will, lurk inside the enemy, and provide key intelligence for the Japanese invaders of China. She even participated in the plot to assassinate the leader of the Chinese revolution, and did everything that hurt nature and reason.

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

Niu Meibo is involved in a conspiracy to persecute the martyrs

After the outbreak of the Pacific War, Shanghai fell to the iron heel of the Japanese army. As a Japanese spy, Niu Meibo was given an important task by his superiors, which was to be responsible for hunting down and killing Chinese Communists who were operating underground in Shanghai.

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

Niu Meibo is well aware that this matter is very important and must be done with caution. She used the disguise technique taught by her mother to create two completely different characters. During the day, she disguised herself as an old woman in shabby clothes and with a withered face, and specialized in wandering around the dilapidated residential areas near the concession. At night, she puts on gaudy makeup and transforms into a graceful dancer, swaggering in dance halls and other entertainment venues.

This "face-changing" method allowed Niu Meibo to avoid the eyes and ears of the enemy, and she took advantage of this to quietly approach the traces of the revolutionaries. After several months of meticulous reconnaissance, Niu Meibo finally set his sights on an important target, Comrade Li Bai, the head of the radio station of the underground party organization in Shanghai.

Comrade Li Bai was responsible for the key intelligence liaison work and used the radio station to maintain contact with the Party Central Committee. He hid in many places, and was extremely cautious, so that Niu Meibo was unable to find out his whereabouts for a long time. Just when Niu Meibo was about to give up, she discovered the key clue that Li Bai was hiding—he had an unusual relationship with a mysterious woman.

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

After several days of tracking, Niu Meibo found that the mysterious woman turned out to be Li Bai's wife Qiu Huiying, and the two had lived together in Shanghai for many years. Niu Meibo immediately adjusted her plan, planning to start with Qiu Huiying and lead Li Bai's foothold.

She re-pretended to be an old and frail beggar, pretending to beg near Qiu Huiying's house by chance, and approached Qiu Huiying in this way. After several twists and turns, Niu Meibo was finally able to infiltrate Qiu Huiying's home as a servant, secretly monitoring the two of them's every move.

In this way, Niu Meibo carried out his long-planned conspiracy. She planted a bugging device in Qiu Huiying's home, and mastered Li Bai's whereabouts and the time and place of contacting the party organization. In the end, she waited for an opportunity to betray Li Bai in one fell swoop, causing the revolutionary hero to be imprisoned, tortured, and finally killed by the enemy.

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

However, Niu Meibo has always felt guilty about this incident. She became involved in the conspiracy out of desperation, but she still couldn't completely shake off her inner turmoil. After Li Bai was arrested, she wanted to continue to track down Li Bai's whereabouts many times, but was stopped by her superiors. Niu Meibo could only bury this guilt quietly in his heart, looking at the starry sky alone in the dark night of Shanghai, secretly hoping that one day he could redeem this sinful debt.

Shanghai was liberated, and Niu Meibo escaped by hiding in a conspiracy

In October 1949, the People's Liberation Army captured Shanghai, ending Kuomintang rule in the city. As a former Japanese pseudo-agent, Niu Meibo realizes that her fate will be in a preponderant situation. In order to escape severe punishment, she had to resort to various means to hide her identity.

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

First of all, Niu Meibo used the makeup skills he learned on stage in his early years to completely cover up his appearance. She dressed herself as a yellow-skinned, staggering old woman who slept in an abandoned building in the concession. Originally the garden of a wealthy man's villa, it is now in a dilapidated state, providing her with a great hideaway.

Here, Niu Meibo secretly dug a secret passage so that she could enter and exit at any time when no one was around. She also set up simple living facilities in the basement and brought some expired food, ready to live in this paradise for a while.

But hiding wasn't enough, and Niu Meibo realized that she had to disguise a new identity. Taking advantage of the authorities' re-verification of her household registration, she blended in with the ordinary citizens of Shanghai with her superb disguise skills.

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

Niu Meibo forged an identity named Zhu Meizhen, born in 1920, his parents died at an early age, and he lived alone in the concession area for many years. She dressed herself up in shabby clothes to resemble a poor old man, not to attract attention, but also to hide her whereabouts from the crowd.

With this cover, Niu Meibo secretly began to arrange a new round of his own conspiracy. She inquired about a large rally to be held in Shanghai to commemorate the victory of the Chinese Communist Party. There will be a large crowd of people gathering, and it will undoubtedly be the perfect time for her to spread panic and create chaos.

In order to carry out the conspiracy, Niu Meibo used the private money she had saved for many years to buy some gunpowder and IED materials on the black market. She planned to cause an explosion at the rally site to send everyone into a panic, so she could take the opportunity to escape Shanghai and take refuge abroad.

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

When everything was ready, Niu Meibo looked forward to the day of the rally. She secretly hoped that as long as she was in her pocket, she could completely get rid of the dark experiences of the past and live an ordinary life. However, fate did not go her way, because the eyes of the Communist Party had already seen through her conspiracy.

The police counter-espionage operation and meticulous control and arrest

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

After the liberation of Shanghai, the new regime quickly established a counter-espionage organization and set about purging the spies of all stripes in the city. With the founding of the People's Republic of China, this work has been put on the agenda.

As early as the end of 1949, counterintelligence officers had been informed of a number of clues about the activities of the Niumebo conspiracy. A defected Japanese officer confessed that a female spy had been hiding in a villa in Shanghai and planning an explosion attack during a large rally.

Despite the limited information provided by the informants, counterintelligence agents immediately began to investigate. They first targeted some vacant villas in the Shanghai Concession, where they suspected that Niu Meibo was hiding.

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

In order not to alarm the target, they arranged for informants to disguise themselves as homeless people, hawkers, etc., and secretly monitor these suspicious places. Sure enough, in a remote corner of an abandoned garden somewhere, the informant spotted a mysterious old lady haunting.

After following up and observing, the old lady's behavior was extremely suspicious. She seemed to be carefully hiding something, and from time to time she checked the movements around her, for fear of being discovered. Even more suspiciously, she later left in another direction and disappeared into the night.

The counterintelligence officers then decided to implement a surveillance plan. They set up sentry posts in areas where old ladies frequented, and at the same time deployed a large number of armed men in the surrounding area, and developed hundreds of emergency plans. At the same time, they also successfully uncovered several informants who were in contact with the old lady, and obtained strong incriminating evidence from them.

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

On the eve of the big rally, the sentry came the shocking news: the old lady had left her hiding place in the middle of the night, and mysteriously left with a large bag of luggage. Counterintelligence officers judged that she was most likely the rumored female spy, so they immediately carried out an arrest operation.

Hundreds of armed men quickly cordoned off the old lady's hideout. In the process of investigation, they found an underground passage, which was suspected to be a secret passage that the old lady often went to. In order to completely cut off her escape route, counterintelligence officers immediately sent men to guard the exit of the passage.

At this moment, the old lady suddenly appeared in the field of vision of the capture circle. The vehicle sped all the way and there were obvious signs of awareness. The counterintelligence officers immediately gave the order to intercept the old lady, and dozens of vehicles surrounded the old lady's vehicle.

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

A fierce fight ensued, and the old lady desperately resisted, trying to escape from the chaos, but could not get rid of the layers of siege. In the end, she was completely subdued under the siege of the other party and fell to the ground in embarrassment. Only then did she reveal her true identity under the mysterious mask - she was Niu Meibo, a female spy who had caused countless disasters in Shanghai.

Niu Meibo disguised and hidden, and was finally caught, and accepted severe punishment by law

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

After some interrogation, Niu Meibo's crimes were verified one by one. Not only did she participate in a plot to assassinate revolutionaries, but she also attempted to launch a bombing attack after the liberation of Shanghai, intending to sow chaos and panic.

Faced with ironclad evidence, Niu Meibo finally bowed his head and confessed. She confessed all her experiences as a spy during the Japanese puppet period, as well as a series of camouflage methods used when she later fled Shanghai.

Niu Meibo confessed that the reason why she was involved in these conspiracies was completely out of helpless survival needs. Due to her poor family, she was taught the art of disguise by her mother from an early age in order to survive in difficult circumstances. Later, she was trained as a female spy by the Japanese secret service organization Força.

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

Although he resisted in his heart, for the sake of the food and clothing of his mother and brother, Niu Meibo had to reluctantly carry out the tasks assigned by his superiors and do all kinds of things that hurt nature and reason. She had lurked in the camp of the Chinese revolution, secretly betraying the whereabouts of the revolutionaries. He also disguised his identity after the liberation of Shanghai in an attempt to disrupt the authorities' large gatherings.

Interrogators expressed doubts about Niu Meibo's confession. With her excellent camouflage skills, she could have escaped Shanghai at any time, so why would she go out of her way to launch an explosion attack? Niu Meibo can only admit that this is her impulse and revenge, not out of survival needs.

After a long period of repeated interrogation, Niu Meibo finally confessed his true thoughts. She said that after betraying Comrade Li Bai, guilt has been haunting her heart. She secretly hoped to contribute to the revolutionary cause in order to atone for her sins. In the end, though, she didn't make it.

In 1950, an old mother entered the scope of the police investigation, and after examination, it was found that she was actually a double-faced female spy

The judges expressed doubts about Niu Meibo's confession. A female spy with such a superb disguise ability, the confession is likely to be deceptive. After further investigation, they found out some of the black history of Niu Meibo's early years in Shanghai nightclubs.

It turned out that before joining the Japanese spy organization, Niu Meibo was already an old dancer. She is familiar with the rules of high society, and she has also met many high-ranking officials. Therefore, she was trained as a spy not out of desperation, but had already been reduced to a woman who saw the wind and steered the rudder, and opportunistically drilled the camp.

The verdict was that Niu Meibo was sentenced to 15 years in prison and deprived of some of his rights. During her sentence, she has not been able to reform her life as she wishes, and her performance is extremely mediocre, and she wants to win the sympathy and preferential treatment of the prison officers and guards with just an extraordinary sweet face.


Until he was released from prison after completing his sentence, Niu Meibo failed to become a new person, but continued to be involved in some underground activities. Her tricks of being in the limelight and escaping are destined to make her never turn over. The gloomy curtain call of a generation of spy queens can only be regarded by the world as an episode that ended without a problem.