
In 82, Li Xiannian asked Xu to go to see Zhan Caifang, but Xu sighed: If you don't go, you can't do it

author:Dream Little Fish P

In 82, Li Xiannian and Xu Xiangqian jointly planned a visit, and the target was Zhan Caifang. However, Xu Xiangqian sighed while discussing the trip: "If we don't go, we haven't been able to do that thing well." This scene seems to be the title page of a piece of history, but it also makes people think about its historical and cultural implications.

In 82, Li Xiannian asked Xu to go to see Zhan Caifang, but Xu sighed: If you don't go, you can't do it

Zhan Caifang, a name, a history. He was not only a witness to the Chinese revolution, but also one of the protagonists of that time. His life carried the ideals of the revolution, but it also precipitated the vicissitudes of the times.

In 82, Li Xiannian asked Xu to go to see Zhan Caifang, but Xu sighed: If you don't go, you can't do it

When the day of 82 came, Li Xiannian and Xu Xiangqian may have a kind of expectation, wanting to recount the past with this revolutionary old man, perhaps to remember history, or perhaps to discuss the future. However, Xu Xiangqian's long sigh is like a hammer, linking history with the present.

In 82, Li Xiannian asked Xu to go to see Zhan Caifang, but Xu sighed: If you don't go, you can't do it

Perhaps, that event refers to a specific event in the revolutionary years, or perhaps it refers to a broader historical mission. Xu Xiangqian's long sigh seems to be a helplessness for the past years, and it is also a heavy commitment to the historical mission. This kind of emotion is particularly real in him, the protagonist on the stage of history.

In 82, Li Xiannian asked Xu to go to see Zhan Caifang, but Xu sighed: If you don't go, you can't do it

However, history is not only the superposition of events, but also the interweaving of human thoughts and emotions. The dialogue between Li Xiannian and Xu Xiangqian is not only a simple exchange, but also a collision of ideas and the release of emotions. They may have seen the glory of that period in each other's eyes, and also felt the heaviness of that history. This kind of exchange carries the echo of history and also shows the care of human nature.

In 82, Li Xiannian asked Xu to go to see Zhan Caifang, but Xu sighed: If you don't go, you can't do it

In contemporary times, we often go back in time to find the roots of culture. However, history does not exist in isolation, it is closely related to the present, and the emotions and thoughts of historical figures also profoundly affect our real lives. The dialogue between Li Xiannian and Xu Xiangqian is such a blend of history and the present, which makes us think about the lessons of history and feel the warmth of human nature.

In 82, Li Xiannian asked Xu to go to see Zhan Caifang, but Xu sighed: If you don't go, you can't do it

Perhaps, we can draw strength from this historical dialogue and move on. The wheel of history is rolling forward, and each of us is a witness to history and a creator of history. Let's take the dialogue between Li Xiannian and Xu Xiangqian as a mirror to examine our own inner world and think about the true meaning of history and culture.

In 82, Li Xiannian asked Xu to go to see Zhan Caifang, but Xu sighed: If you don't go, you can't do it

Finally, a question is left for us to ponder the meaning of history: when we look back at history, what can we learn from it?

In 82, Li Xiannian asked Xu to go to see Zhan Caifang, but Xu sighed: If you don't go, you can't do it
In 82, Li Xiannian asked Xu to go to see Zhan Caifang, but Xu sighed: If you don't go, you can't do it
In 82, Li Xiannian asked Xu to go to see Zhan Caifang, but Xu sighed: If you don't go, you can't do it
In 82, Li Xiannian asked Xu to go to see Zhan Caifang, but Xu sighed: If you don't go, you can't do it