
The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!


Text: I'm afraid

Editor|I'm afraid

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The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

From Shenzhou-5 to Chang'e-6: The Rapid Rise of China's Aerospace Industry

1. Shenzhou-5 ushered in a new era of aerospace

In 2003, China's aerospace industry ushered in an epoch-making moment - the successful launch of Shenzhou 5. Like a guided D breaking through the silence of the global space community, China's first manned space flight is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a demonstration of national ambition.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

Since then, China has officially entered the era of manned spaceflight, breaking the long-term monopoly of the United States and Russia. This historic achievement not only laid the foundation for China in the international aerospace field, but also announced the rise of China's scientific and technological strength.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

The success of Shenzhou 5 is not accidental, but the crystallization of the hard work of countless scientific researchers day and night. Under the global attention, Yang Liwei, as China's first astronaut, took Shenzhou 5 into space, completed a 21-hour flight mission, and returned to Earth safely. This feat not only aroused the patriotic enthusiasm of the people of the whole country, but also made the international community look at China's aerospace with admiration.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

2. The success of the Chang'e series of probes

If Shenzhou 5 is the starting point of China's aerospace industry, then the Chang'e series of probes is a witness to its rapid development. From Chang'e-1 to Chang'e-5, every launch is a leap forward in China's space technology.

Chang'e-1 achieved China's first exploration of the moon, and Chang'e-3 successfully made a soft landing on the lunar surface, becoming the third country to achieve a soft landing on the lunar surface after the United States and Russia. The success of Chang'e-5 allowed China to bring back samples from the moon for the first time, filling a gap in the field of international lunar exploration.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

Recently, Chang'e-6 once again set a new height in China's aerospace industry. The mission not only completed the operation to enter the orbit around the moon, but also prepared the ground for future landing and sampling analysis on the far side of the moon.

The success of Chang'e-6 is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a solid step forward in China's space exploration of unknown areas. With the success of each exploration mission, China's continuous breakthroughs in lunar exploration technology are pushing China to the forefront of the world's aerospace industry.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

3. Establishment and development of the space station

While the lunar exploration project continues to be successful, the construction of China's space station is also in full swing. From Tiangong-1 to Tiangong-2 and now China's space station, China has established a stable scientific research platform in orbit. This not only demonstrates the maturity and stability of China's space technology, but also marks the establishment of China's own space laboratory in addition to cooperation on the International Space Station. The success of each mission is the verification and improvement of China's space technology again and again.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

The construction of China's space station has witnessed China's continuous progress and development in the field of aerospace. From the initial manned space flight to the current space station construction, China's space technology has become increasingly important in the world. The smooth progress of each mission has not only enhanced China's aerospace strength, but also laid a solid foundation for future deep space exploration.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

The "urgent eye" of the United States and the West: from blockade to anxiety

1. The introduction of the "Wolf Clause" and its impact

The introduction of the "Wolf Clause" seems to be the opening ceremony of a cold war in science and technology. In 2011, the U.S. Congress passed the bill to limit NASA's cooperation with China. The move not only interrupted potential cooperation between China and the United States, but also caused an uproar in the international space community.

NASA is an abbreviation for National Aeronautics and Space Administration, an agency of the U.S. government that is responsible for the nation's aerospace affairs.

The terms clearly state that NASA and its affiliates shall not cooperate with China or any Chinese company or entity. The United States hopes to curb China's rapid rise in the space field and maintain its dominant position in space exploration through this "high-tech blockade".

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

The motive behind the "Wolf Clause" is obvious. The United States is trying to maintain its leading position in the field of global space science and technology through a technological blockade. History has shown that technological blockade is often the usual way to deal with the rapid rise of competitors.

However, the lockdown has not only not stopped China's progress, but has stimulated China's independent research and development. Without external support, Chinese scientists have broken through the technological blockade step by step with independent innovation and achieved a major leap from the Shenzhou series to the Chang'e series.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

2. NASA's blockade and Chang'e-5 lunar soil application

Although the "Wolf Clause" has created obstacles to U.S.-China space cooperation, reality shows that there are obvious limitations to this blockade policy. As China's space technology continues to develop, the United States has found that it is no longer comparable in some areas.

In 2020, Chang'e-5 successfully brought lunar samples back to Earth, the first time a human probe has successfully carried out this mission since 1976. This feat not only caused a huge shock in the global scientific community, but also made it impossible for NASA to turn a blind eye.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

Ironically, in 2021, NASA applied to China to study lunar soil samples brought back by Chang'e-5, despite the Wolf Clause still in effect. This move undoubtedly slapped itself in the face, exposing the shortcomings of the United States in certain technological fields and its dependence on Chinese technology.

NASA's move not only shows the uniqueness of China's lunar soil samples, but also reflects China's leading position in lunar exploration technology. The practical effect of the blockade policy has not only failed to contain China's progress, but has demonstrated the uniqueness and leadership of China's space technology.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

3. The reaction and anxiety of the United States and Western countries

The success of Chang'e-6 has once again sparked unease in the United States and other Western countries. By 2024, Chang'e-6 has successfully entered orbit around the moon and is scheduled to land on the far side of the moon. This achievement has caused the United States and Western countries to "break their defenses" and accuse China of trying to take the moon for themselves.

This reaction is more of a frustration with the failure of its own technological blockade and concern about China's rapid progress. In the wake of Chang'e-6's success, the U.S. and its allies have frequently expressed the idea that "the moon is shared by mankind," which is indicative of their anxiety.

Why are the United States and Western countries so anxious? On the one hand, the rapid development of China's space technology has subverted its dominance in the field of space exploration. On the other hand, this rate of progress caught them off guard.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

Over the years, the United States and Western countries have tried to restrict China's development in the high-tech field through technological blockade and containment. With independent innovation, China has not only broken through the technological blockade, but also surpassed it in some areas. This reversal has made the United States and Western countries feel uneasy, and even worry that their leading position will be shaken.

The success of Chang'e-6 is not only another leap forward in China's space technology, but also a powerful counterattack to the blockade policies of the United States and Western countries. The speed of China's progress and technological prowess have put pressure on countries that seek to contain China through blockades. The successful landing of China's Chang'e-6 on the moon marks a major breakthrough in China's space field, and it is only a new starting point.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

The moon is everyone's? International cooperation versus confrontational conflicts

1. The "moon sovereignty" rhetoric of the United States and the West

In recent years, the United States and other Western countries have frequently expressed the view that "the moon is shared by mankind", trying to place lunar exploration in the context of international cooperation. Behind these statements lies their ambition for control of the moon's resources. The United States and other countries have always had a greater say and resource interests in this field, so they try to protect their own interests by promoting "common ownership" to prevent other countries from getting a bigger share of the cake in the development of lunar resources.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

This kind of "lunar sovereignty" is not only a warning to China's lunar exploration activities, but also a means of control in the international space field. Through such remarks, the United States and Western countries hope to cover up their monopoly position in space exploration, curb the development of other countries, and maintain their dominant position in space exploration.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

2. China's international cooperation and openness

In contrast, China has demonstrated active international cooperation and openness in the space sector. The Chang'e-6 mission not only represents an important measure of China's independent exploration, but also carries spacecraft from Europe, Palestine, France, Italy and other countries and regions. This kind of international cooperation not only demonstrates the maturity and openness of China's space technology, but also sets an example for global space cooperation.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

China does not agree to put the development of lunar resources in the context of competition and confrontation, but advocates the sustainable development of space resources through cooperation and sharing. China hopes to work with other countries to explore the uncharted frontiers of space, share the dividends brought by space resources, and achieve win-win results and common development of space exploration.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

3. Artemis plans to compete with China

The American Artemis program is a major U.S. program in the field of space exploration, aiming to return to the moon and achieve a manned landing on the moon. The program has been postponed several times due to technical difficulties and budgetary problems, calling into question the competitiveness of the United States in the field of space exploration. At the same time, China's space program is developing rapidly, and the Chang'e series of missions have been successful one after another, making China the focus of the international space community.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

The rivalry between the Artemis program and China's lunar landing program is becoming increasingly prominent. The United States is trying to regain its leading position in space exploration through the Artemis program, while China is moving forward with independent innovation and international cooperation. The competition between the two countries in space exploration will become an important scene in the international space field in the future.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

Journey to the Moon: From Dream to Reality

The vision of China's manned lunar landing program has long been the focus of global attention. This is not only a Chinese plan, but also a milestone challenge to human space exploration. The manned lunar landing program in 2030 not only means the rise of China's space industry, but also the exploration and exploration of unknown areas.

China's manned lunar landing plan in 2030 is not groundless, and there is a solid technical foundation and practical actions behind it. In recent years, China has made a series of breakthroughs in the space field, from Shenzhou 5 to Chang'e-6, each launch is a combination of technical prowess and ambition. These achievements not only laid the foundation for the future lunar landing program, but also demonstrated the determination and capability of China's aerospace industry.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!

The technical challenges and breakthroughs of the lunar exploration journey are unavoidable topics of the lunar landing program. Faced with the extreme conditions and unknown challenges of the space environment, Chinese aerospace scientists and engineers are facing great challenges. But it is precisely these challenges that have stimulated innovation and breakthroughs in China's aerospace science and technology. Chang'e-6's "treasure digging" mission is one of them, revealing the scientific mysteries of the moon by exploring and analyzing the soil on the far side of the moon, providing valuable data support for future lunar landing programs.

The future of space exploration is full of possibilities, and China's ambition and global cooperation will be an important driving force for the development of the space industry. In the future, China plans to establish a lunar research base, which is not only China's dream, but also part of global space cooperation. Through joint efforts and cooperation, we can explore the mysteries of space more deeply and achieve the sustainable development of human spaceflight.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the moon has escalated, and the West has shouted that China, the moon is not your own!


The journey to the moon was not only a technical and scientific challenge, but also a test of human courage and ingenuity. Under the guidance of China's aerospace industry, the global aerospace industry will usher in a brighter future. Let us look forward to the next achievements of China's space exploration and contribute our strength to the development of human space industry.

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