
It's a big deal! More than 60 Changxing children are suspected of "mass bleeding"? The latest official response is here

author:Ah Shui

(Reference information: "Changxing refutes rumors about more than 60 children's group bleeding"--Palm Changxing WeChat public account)

Parents are worried! A few days ago, a shocking news suddenly circulated on the Internet: in a kindergarten in Changxing County, Zhejiang, more than 60 children had a group bleeding! As parents, how can we not feel distressed and worried?

However, then, the local government issued a notice, what did it say about this shock? In fact, the situation is not as bad as we imagined, and the officials will look down slowly.

It's a big deal! More than 60 Changxing children are suspected of "mass bleeding"? The latest official response is here

As far as is known, this is the way it happened. Changxing County Youth Palace Kindergarten has recently been renovating its classrooms, and many parents have found that their children have had some adverse reactions, so they have reported the situation to the relevant departments.

Within a few days, a revelation titled "More than 60 children bleed in a group at school" went viral on the Internet, causing an uproar among parents. In the face of such a fierce news, everyone can't help but care about the original situation.

To be honest, when I first saw the words "mass bloodshed", I was also shocked by the inscription. According to this statement, doesn't it mean that more than 60 children are bleeding and injured at the same time? It freaks the hell out of me! However, after some investigation, I found that some people questioned this statement, thinking that the title was obviously exaggerated or suspicious of war.

It's a big deal! More than 60 Changxing children are suspected of "mass bleeding"? The latest official response is here

After all, we all know that if such a large-scale bloodshed really happened, it would definitely be a major casualty accident, how could it be rendered in such an understatement on the Internet?

After some thought, I personally agree with the latter view. First of all, if such a major casualty accident occurs in a place, the relevant units should have dealt with it urgently, and should not be left out in the cold to the point where a netizen broke the news.

Second, even if the official response is slow, the mainstream media will quickly intervene and will not be exposed by niche channels such as entertainment gossip stickers. What's more, the content of the article lacks a detailed description of the causes of bloodshed and the specific process, and the words "mass bloodshed" alone are too jerky and powerless even if they lead to war hype.

Fortunately, through the detailed explanation of the official report later, we finally saw the truth of the matter. It turned out that it was all just a misunderstanding! The report clearly stated that the local government had immediately set up a joint investigation team to conduct an in-depth investigation into the incident.

The results showed that there was no so-called "group bleeding of more than 60 children at school", but only some parents reported that their children were unwell. In this regard, the authorities have launched a response plan in a timely manner, including conducting physical examinations of the children and teachers involved, inviting experts to interpret them, and entrusting a third party to test the classroom environment. The kindergarten concerned also arranged for the closure of classes during this period to properly take care of the rights and interests of students.

It can be seen that the local government attaches great importance to this matter and handles it in an orderly manner to ensure that parents can rest assured.

And I also noticed that in response to this incident, netizens also broke out into a heated discussion. Many people have begun to reflect on the current mode of exaggeration and confusion, and questioned the lack of minimum rigor and professional ethics in the news circulating online. Many people believe that this is nothing less than a kind of fake news act that leads to profit and demagogues, and should be severely punished.

That's right! After all, in the face of underage children, we should be more responsible for the facts and care for them with love, rather than wantonly exaggerating and inciting misunderstanding crises.

It's a big deal! More than 60 Changxing children are suspected of "mass bleeding"? The latest official response is here

Whether it is the public, the media or relevant departments, in the Internet age, they should improve their basic discernment ability and professional ethics.

For ordinary people, don't be fooled by the tricks of the title party, and you can't easily spread it at will without verification, so as not to cause a boiling storm; For practitioners, they should also firmly uphold a serious and responsible professionalism, restrain themselves from compiling false content, and cannot make up blindly for the sake of traffic.

As the mainland continues to move toward a society governed by the rule of law, those who deliberately create false information and disrupt social order should also be duly punished. Only when all parties work together to maintain the cleanliness and health of cyberspace can the Internet family be truly warm and orderly.

So in the end, I would like to ask: **In the current era of rapidly changing electronic media, how should each of us enhance our awareness of prevention and responsibility? What do you think about this?

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