
A 45-year-old woman meets a 47-year-old unmarried man on a blind date: if he doesn't have a baby, he fully supports it!


How wonderful it is to find the right person and walk the rest of your life together.

After Ms. Li and Mr. Zhang went on a blind date, they began a happy relationship. Ms. Li felt Mr. Zhang's carefulness and thoughtfulness, and they spent a lot of happy time shopping, eating, and spending a lot of happy time together.

A 45-year-old woman meets a 47-year-old unmarried man on a blind date: if he doesn't have a baby, he fully supports it!

Mr. Zhang also fell in love with Ms. Li, and he felt that Ms. Li was a virtuous and kind woman, the perfect other half of his heart.

As time went on, their relationship grew deeper and deeper, and Mr. Zhang decided to propose to Ms. Li.

A 45-year-old woman meets a 47-year-old unmarried man on a blind date: if he doesn't have a baby, he fully supports it!

He prepared a romantic marriage proposal ceremony for Ms. Li, lit candles by the lake, played the piano, and Mr. Zhang got down on one knee and solemnly proposed to Ms. Li.

Ms. Li was moved to tears, and she readily agreed to Mr. Zhang's marriage proposal.

A 45-year-old woman meets a 47-year-old unmarried man on a blind date: if he doesn't have a baby, he fully supports it!

So, they tied the knot and entered the palace of marriage.

In married life, they support each other and face life's challenges together. They have experienced joys and difficulties together, grown together, supported each other, and created wonderful memories together.

A 45-year-old woman meets a 47-year-old unmarried man on a blind date: if he doesn't have a baby, he fully supports it!

Ms. Li's daughter also likes Mr. Zhang, and they have developed a deep bond with Mr. Zhang, who cares for his daughter like a loving father.

Thanks to their efforts, their daughter was admitted to the university of her choice and started a new life of her own. This makes them feel extremely relieved and proud.

A 45-year-old woman meets a 47-year-old unmarried man on a blind date: if he doesn't have a baby, he fully supports it!

They traveled together, walked through the depths of the mountains, lakes and mountains, enjoyed each other's company, and felt the beauty of life.

They have walked side by side through the long river of years and witnessed each other's growth and changes together.

A 45-year-old woman meets a 47-year-old unmarried man on a blind date: if he doesn't have a baby, he fully supports it!

The marriage between Ms. Li and Mr. Zhang is a beautiful love story and a testimony to the persistence and perseverance of love.

They tell the world that as long as there is love in their hearts, the years will be picturesque and life will be full of sunshine and hope.

A 45-year-old woman meets a 47-year-old unmarried man on a blind date: if he doesn't have a baby, he fully supports it!

Their stories have inspired countless people to believe in the power of love and the existence of happiness.

Because of each other, their lives are more complete, more fulfilling, and more exciting.

A 45-year-old woman meets a 47-year-old unmarried man on a blind date: if he doesn't have a baby, he fully supports it!

May their love always be the same, and happiness will always be with them.