
Changing human burial, cremation? Scientific research has come up with a "back-to-nature" funeral method


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Changing human burial, cremation? Scientific research has come up with a "back-to-nature" funeral method

Human composting site: science turns corpses into "soil", a new way of funeral for environmental protection

Changing human burial, cremation? Scientific research has come up with a "back-to-nature" funeral method

With the continuous development of society, people's awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development is getting stronger, and all walks of life are constantly seeking innovation to adapt to this development trend. In this context, even the traditional funeral method has ushered in a "revolution", scientific innovation has given people new choices, and the most striking of them is the "human compost" new funeral method.

Changing human burial, cremation? Scientific research has come up with a "back-to-nature" funeral method

Traditional funeral rites have struggled to adapt to modern needs

In mainland China, burial has been the mainstream funeral method, while in Western countries, cremation is more common. Either way, though, there's one thing you can't do without – land. However, with the increasing urbanization, land resources have become more and more strained, which also makes it difficult for traditional funeral methods to adapt to modern needs.

In addition, as the population continues to increase, the disposal of corpses has become a thorny issue. Traditional funerals often require large amounts of wood and chemicals, which can cause irreversible damage to the environment. Therefore, in search of better solutions, people are turning to more environmentally friendly funeral methods, and it is in this context that the "human compost" was born.

Human composting site: science turns corpses into "soil"

The so-called "human composting site", as the name suggests, is to turn the human body into "soil" for use, so as to realize the "regeneration" of corpses. The emergence of this funeral method has undoubtedly brought a new inspiration to the cause of environmental protection, because it can not only reduce carbon dioxide emissions, but also effectively solve various problems caused by the disposal of corpses.

In Washington State, the world's first "human composting site" was established, and the burial method used here is called "natural organic reduction". It is known that in such a compost site, the body of the deceased is completely decomposed within 30 days, and then turned into a special kind of "soil", which can be taken away by loved ones, or used to plant trees.

"Green burial": the corpse becomes "fat" and realizes the natural cycle

Some people may think that the funeral method of turning the body into "soil" and then using it for the growth of plants is a bit "alternative". But in reality, in the "human composting site", the disposal of corpses is not simply "composted", but based on a kind of "green burial".

In the process of disposing of the corpse, a special container is used, which can be reused again and again, and it can accelerate the decomposition of the corpse, and finally form a good "compost". In fact, this practice is also the pursuit of a natural cycle, so that the human body can still connect with the natural environment after death, so as to achieve a harmonious unity of life and death.

Promoting the "human composting site": it needs to be deeply thought about and discussed

Of course, while the "human compost" has proven to be a very environmentally friendly and efficient way to bury funerals, there may be a number of hurdles to overcome before it can be rolled out globally. For example, different regions have different cultural traditions and religious beliefs, which requires people to be more open-minded and to accept and respect different funeral methods.

In addition, there are concerns that funeral ceremonies such as "human composting sites" may have an impact on the environment, after all, there are many microorganisms and chemical reactions involved, and we cannot fully predict the impact on the environment. Therefore, in order to promote such a funeral method, more in-depth thinking and discussion are needed to find a solution that can balance the interests of all parties.

Scientific innovation reflects a concern for the environment

However, whether or not the "human composting site" can be widely promoted, its emergence has undoubtedly brought us a lot of inspiration. First of all, scientific innovation undoubtedly reflects the high degree of concern of human beings for environmental protection, no matter from what point of view, as long as it is for environmental protection, it is worthy of our encouragement and support.

Secondly, the concept embodied in the "human compost" is actually a kind of respect and cherishment of life, which allows us to re-examine the relationship between life and death, man and nature, and perhaps bring some inspiration and thinking to more people.

Changing human burial, cremation? Scientific research has come up with a "back-to-nature" funeral method

I believe that with the continuous progress of society, there may be more innovative funeral methods in the future, and among them, there will be a way that can truly balance the interests of all parties, and can also be recognized and loved by the general public.

In order to promote the popularization of such funeral methods, it is inseparable from the joint efforts of the government, society and everyone, and we need to start from all aspects, strengthen publicity and education, so that more people can understand these new choices, so as to truly practice the concept of environmental protection and contribute to the cause of sustainable development.

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