
This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out to work at five o'clock when he left

author:Bailey the Wise 7w3

This morning, Ran Yuzhen slowly opened her eyes in the warm quilt. Sunlight poured into the bedroom through the curtains, and Zhang Jiangang beside her was nowhere to be seen.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Ran Yuzhen's mouth. She and Zhang Jiangang have been married for five years, and in this married life, they have experienced many ups and downs, but the feeling of love has never subsided.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out to work at five o'clock when he left

The early morning time is always very quiet, Ran Yuzhen pillows Zhang Jiangang's pillow, recalling what has just happened. The two snuggled together, kissed, and caressed until they finally drowned in the ocean of love. Such a warm and lingering moment often becomes Ran Yuzhen's most cherished memory.

However, Zhang Jiangang always left in a hurry after their intimacy, leaving Ran Yuzhen alone in bed to miss it. Although she can understand Zhang Jiangang's responsibility as the main breadwinner of the family, she will inevitably feel a trace of loss and loneliness in her heart.

Ran Yuzhen sighed lightly, lifted the quilt and sat up. She got out of bed with a gentle movement, stepping barefoot on the carpet and feeling the warmth of the floor. She walked slowly to the window, opened the curtain and looked out.

On both sides of the street, the branches and leaves of large trees sway gently in the wind. Not far away, Aunt Wang, a neighbor, was patting the carpet at the door, with a happy look on her face. Ran Yuzhen couldn't help but smile, she liked this street very much, and liked the simple and simple living conditions here.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out to work at five o'clock when he left

A hint of shyness appeared on Ran Yuzhen's face, and she nodded lightly and did not answer.

Although Zhang Jiangang went out early, Ran Yuzhen was not in a hurry to get up. She rolled over, buried her face in the pillow left by Zhang Jiangang, and took a deep breath, where there was still a lingering smell of him.

In the past few years, their lives can be said to be in good order, their jobs are stable, and their economies are still well-off. However, Ran Yuzhen always felt that something seemed to be missing in her life.

Since they got married, the focus of their lives has become increasingly focused on work. I was busy with company affairs during the day, and I was so tired when I came home at night that I didn't want to talk much, I just wanted to rest quickly. But what Ran Yuzhen longs for is to have more intimate time, to be able to pour out her inner thoughts, and share each other's joys, sorrows, and sorrows.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out to work at five o'clock when he left

However, what can she do? Zhang Jiangang is the pillar of the family, and he must devote himself to work and maintain the normal operation of family life. She also understands that as an ordinary housewife, it is difficult for her to have any other pursuits and development besides taking care of the family.

Perhaps, this is the so-called worldly troubles. In life, it is inevitable to encounter all kinds of troubles. The key is to learn to adjust your mindset and face it with a positive and optimistic attitude.

Ran Yuzhen stretched and sat up from the bed. She slowly walked into the bathroom, turned on the hot water, and stood quietly under the shower, letting the hot water wash over her tired body and mind.

Perhaps, she should tell Zhang Jiangang what she thinks. He has always been a good and understanding husband, and I believe that as long as he communicates openly and honestly, he will definitely give reasonable arrangements.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out to work at five o'clock when he left

Thinking of this, a warm current suddenly surged in Ran Yuzhen's heart. She can't wait to have a good talk with Zhang Jiangang, let him know how he feels, and seek a lifestyle that satisfies both parties.

After Ran Yuzhen finished washing, she quickly got dressed and walked out of the apartment. She was going to visit Aunt Wang next door, chat with her, and listen to her advice.

Aunt Wang is a warm and generous middle-aged woman who is very kind. Ran Yuzhen and her get along very well, and they often help each other on weekdays. Maybe she can give herself some valuable advice. Aunt Wang, hello Ran Yuzhen knocked on the door next door and said hello to Aunt Wang. Oh, Yuzhen, why are you here so early, come in and sit. Aunt Wang greeted warmly.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out to work at five o'clock when he left

Ran Yuzhen nodded and said her worries one by one. She told that she was too involved in Zhang Jiangang's work, ignoring the worries of family life and the desire for the relationship between the two.

Aunt Wang listened attentively and nodded her head from time to time in understanding. After Ran Yuzhen finished speaking, she patted her hand lightly and comforted Yuzhen, I can understand your feelings. You and Zhang Jiangang have been married for so many years, and the relationship has always been very good, which is a thing worth celebrating. However, life will inevitably have its ups and downs, and the key is to maintain communication and mutual understanding. I can tell that both of you are very kind and empathetic people. I believe that as long as we talk about it, we will be able to find a balance. Life is not only about work, but also about feeling the beauty of life and cherishing each other's company. Aunt Wang said gently.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out to work at five o'clock when he left

Hearing Aunt Wang's encouragement, Ran Yuzhen suddenly felt a sense of relief in her heart. She shook Aunt Wang's hand and said gratefully thank you, Aunt Wang. I'll talk to Zhang Jiangang and hopefully we can find a way to satisfy both of us.

Ran Yuzhen's eyes were firm, and her heart was full of determination to regain a happy life. She believes that as long as they manage it carefully, the good times that belong to them will definitely come again.

Just when Ran Yuzhen was determined to regain her happy life, there was a sudden noise from downstairs in the apartment. Curious, she leaned down and saw a group of neighbors walking up and down the street, looking anxious. What happened, why is everyone outside, Ran Yuzhen asked Aunt Wang suspiciously.

Aunt Wang shook her head, her face was full of worry and she didn't know very clearly, as if something had happened to Uncle Chen's house next door. I just heard someone say that Uncle Chen never came back after he left this morning.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out to work at five o'clock when he left

Ran Yuzhen was shocked, and hurriedly followed Aunt Wang downstairs to check the situation. I saw a group of people gathered in front of the gate of Uncle Chen's house, anxiously discussing something. Uncle Chen, what the hell happened, a neighbor asked anxiously. I don't know, we just knocked on the door, and no one answered. Do you want to call the police for help, another old woman said worriedly.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out to work at five o'clock when he left

At this moment, the door of Uncle Chen's house was pushed open from the inside. A young woman walked out anxiously, her face mottled with tears. It was Uncle Chen's daughter, Aunt Xiaofang, and Aunt Wang whispered to Ran Yuzhen, I heard that Uncle Chen's health has not been good recently, and the situation at home is not going well.

When the neighbors heard this, they said that they would find a way to help Xiaofang as soon as possible. Some people called an ambulance, and some people took the initiative to go downstairs to accompany and comfort her. Ran Yuzhen looked at everything in front of her, and couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and helplessness in her heart. It turns out that there are so many unpredictable changes in life, and she said to herself what happened to Uncle Chen's family, which made me feel how small and ridiculous my original troubles were.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out to work at five o'clock when he left

Sometimes, we get so caught up in our own little world that we lose sight of the difficulties that our friends and family may be facing. When the real tragedy happens, we suddenly wake up to the fact that life is far more fragile than we imagined.

Perhaps, we should learn to care more about and appreciate the people around us, and enrich each other's lives with more love. Although the length of life is limited, as long as you manage it carefully, you will be able to create beautiful and unforgettable memories.

As Aunt Wang said, life is not only about work, but also about feeling the beauty of life and cherishing each other's company. Perhaps, this accident made me truly aware of this.

Ran Yuzhen secretly made up her mind that when Zhang Jiangang came back, she must talk to him well. She wanted him to know how much she longed to have more good times and share the joys and sorrows of life with him.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out to work at five o'clock when he left

From now on, their lives may change subtly, but Ran Yuzhen believes that as long as they tolerate and understand each other, they will definitely find a more appropriate way of life.

Ran Yuzhen looked up at Aunt Wang, her eyes flashing with determination. She pulled out a confident smile and replied that I was sure he would come back safely. Because, we still need him in our lives.