
The parents secretly photographed the "985" daughter's room, and were willing to post a dowry of 200,000 yuan to marry, and the comment area can be called

author:Dream Chaser

In modern society, marriage has always been a topic of great concern. Recently, a parent secretly photographed his "985" daughter's room and launched a campaign to ask for a dowry of 200,000 yuan, which attracted widespread attention and discussion. This move not only triggered people's thinking about the concept of marriage, but also revealed some practical problems in the current society.

The parent's name is Li Hua, and his daughter Xiaofang is an outstanding graduate of a 985 university. Xiaofang has always been Li Hua's pride, but seeing that her daughter has reached marriageable age but has not yet found a suitable partner, Li Hua began to become anxious.

The parents secretly photographed the "985" daughter's room, and were willing to post a dowry of 200,000 yuan to marry, and the comment area can be called

"Xiaofang, why aren't you looking for a boyfriend yet? You're both 27 years old. Li Hua couldn't help but urge.

Xiao Fang looked at Li Hua and smiled helplessly: "Dad, this kind of thing can't be rushed." I'm looking for someone who understands me and supports me, not just a random one. ”

The parents secretly photographed the "985" daughter's room, and were willing to post a dowry of 200,000 yuan to marry, and the comment area can be called

Li Hua listened to Xiaofang's words, but his heart was full of helplessness. He knows that his daughter's mate selection standards are very high, but the reality is not satisfactory. So, he decided to take some steps to help his daughter find the right match.

So, Li Hua secretly took a picture of Xiaofang's room and posted it on the Internet. In this way, he hopes to attract the attention of society and help his daughter find a suitable partner.

The parents secretly photographed the "985" daughter's room, and were willing to post a dowry of 200,000 yuan to marry, and the comment area can be called

"Dear netizens, this is my daughter's room. She is an excellent graduate of a 985 university and has not yet found a suitable partner. I am willing to pay a dowry of 200,000 yuan, I just hope that she can find someone who can understand her and support her. Li Hua wrote in the comment area.

As soon as this news was released, it immediately attracted widespread attention and discussion. Some people believe that Li Hua's approach is a kind of love and care for his daughter; Some people also believe that this practice interferes too much in her daughter's private life and does not respect her daughter's choice enough.

The parents secretly photographed the "985" daughter's room, and were willing to post a dowry of 200,000 yuan to marry, and the comment area can be called

"Uncle Li, I think you're going too far. Xiaofang is already an adult, and she has her own ideas and choices. You should respect her choice. Netizen Xiao Ming wrote in the comment area.

Li Hua looked at these comments, and his heart was full of confusion. He didn't know if he was doing the right thing. But he knew that he just wanted his daughter to be happy.

The parents secretly photographed the "985" daughter's room, and were willing to post a dowry of 200,000 yuan to marry, and the comment area can be called

At this moment, Xiao Fang came over and saw Li Hua's troubles. She sat down and gently patted Li Hua's shoulder: "Dad, I know you are for my good." But believe me, I'll find my own happiness. ”

Li Hua looked at her daughter, and her heart was full of emotion. He knew that his daughter had grown up and that he should respect her choice. He decided not to interfere in his daughter's private life, but to give her enough freedom and support.

The parents secretly photographed the "985" daughter's room, and were willing to post a dowry of 200,000 yuan to marry, and the comment area can be called

As time passed, Xiaofang finally met an excellent boy, Xiao Zhang, through the introduction of a friend. They admired each other, supported each other, and eventually came together. And Li Hua finally let go of the worries in her heart and was happy for her daughter's happiness.

"Dad, I found him." Xiaofang told Li Hua excitedly.

The parents secretly photographed the "985" daughter's room, and were willing to post a dowry of 200,000 yuan to marry, and the comment area can be called

Li Hua looked at her daughter, her heart was full of joy: "Xiaofang, as long as you are happy, I will rest assured." ”

This story tells us that marriage is a major event in life, but it also requires respect for individual choices and wishes. Parental love is selfless, but excessive interference can be counterproductive. In modern society, we should respect everyone's choices and give them enough freedom and support.

At the same time, this story also reveals some of the real problems of today's society. The pressures and challenges faced by highly educated women in the marriage market, as well as the excessive interference of parents in their children's marriages, are all issues that we need to pay attention to and think about.

In the coming days, we should pay more attention to these problems and actively seek solutions. Only in this way can we build a more harmonious and free society where everyone can find their own happiness.

And all of this requires us to work together. Let's work together to create a better future.