
Why don't models wear underwear on the catwalk? It turns out that the truth is like this, and I have gained knowledge!

author:Genki Creek Water 9d

Why don't models wear underwear on the catwalk? It turns out that the truth is like this, and it will open your eyes!

On the dazzling catwalk, the models always attract everyone's attention with their amazing posture and perfect outfits. But have you noticed that sometimes models don't seem to be wearing the underwear we see every day? The reason behind this is not just fashion. Today, let's unveil the little secrets of this fashion circle together and see the real reasons why models don't wear underwear on the catwalk.

"Xiaoling, have you noticed that models don't wear underwear on the catwalk recently?" Fashion editor Xiao Yang asked curiously to Xiao Ling, a model next to him. Xiaoling smiled slightly and said: "Actually, this is nothing new, we models often decide whether to wear underwear according to the design of the clothing and the overall shape when walking the catwalk. ”

"And why is that?" Xiao Yang asked. Xiaoling explains: "First of all, many designers will consider the impact of underwear on the overall look when designing clothing. In order to avoid the lines or colors of the underwear from ruining the beauty of the garment, they will advise the model not to wear the underwear in order to present the purest and most original design effect. ”

Why don't models wear underwear on the catwalk? It turns out that the truth is like this, and I have gained knowledge!

"Oh, I see." Xiao Yang suddenly realized, "In addition to the designer's request, is there any other reason?" Xiao Ling nodded and continued, "Of course. Sometimes, the material and cut of the garment can also affect whether or not we wear underwear. For example, some tight-fitting, transparent or skin-revealing clothing, if you wear underwear, it is easy to be seen, which will affect the overall beauty. ”

"Sounds reasonable." Xiao Yang nodded, "But if the models don't wear underwear, will they feel uncomfortable or embarrassed?" Xiaoling smiled and said, "Actually, we're used to it." Before the catwalk, we will choose the most suitable chest patch or nipple patch to replace the underwear according to the characteristics of the clothing and the designer's requirements. This ensures comfort and awkwardness. ”

"So apart from the catwalk, don't the models usually wear underwear?" Xiao Yang asked curiously. Xiao Ling shook her head and said, "Of course not." We usually wear underwear, but we also choose different styles of underwear depending on the occasion and outfit. For example, when wearing tights or backless clothing, we will choose seamless underwear or chest patches to avoid embarrassment; And when wearing some loose or casual clothing, we will choose comfortable underwear to match. ”

Xiao Yang couldn't help but sigh after hearing this: "It turns out that models are so particular about wearing underwear!" Xiaoling smiled: "Yes, the fashion industry is such a world full of details and changes. Every little detail can affect the overall aesthetic. ”

Why don't models wear underwear on the catwalk? It turns out that the truth is like this, and I have gained knowledge!

In addition to these reasons mentioned by Xiaoling, there is another important consideration for models not wearing underwear on the catwalk, and that is the guidance of fashion trends. In the fashion industry, there is a trend of "naked" dressing, that is, the pursuit of a light, natural, and unrestrained wearing experience. As fashion trendsetters, models' outfits often become the object of imitation by the public. Therefore, when models do not wear underwear on the catwalk, they convey not only a fashion attitude, but also a lifestyle guide.

Of course, not wearing underwear on the catwalk is not an absolute rule or trend. In practice, models decide whether or not to wear underwear based on their specific situation and needs. But in any case, they will present the beauty of the design of each costume with the most professional attitude, bringing a visual feast to the audience.

In addition, we need to be clear: just because a model walks the catwalk without underwear doesn't mean that ordinary people should do the same in their daily lives. Everyone's body, temperament and dressing style are different, and we need to choose the most suitable way to dress according to our actual situation. Fashion is an expression of individuality, not a stereotypical imitation.

Finally, let's get back to the topic of models walking the catwalk without underwear. Through today's discussion, it is not difficult to find that there are actually many fashion secrets and tricks hidden behind this. And these secrets and tips are not only for the models themselves, but also can provide some useful fashion inspiration and inspiration for us ordinary people. Therefore, fashion is not far away, as long as we maintain a sensitive heart and a pair of eyes to discover beauty, we will be able to find our own fashion style in this world full of changes!

Why don't models wear underwear on the catwalk? It turns out that the truth is like this, and I have gained knowledge!