
It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture

author:The world is sober and drunk a few times

Putin has once again assumed the presidency of Russia, and China is also the first country he will visit after he reassumes the presidency of Russia. It is believed that this important signal will receive great attention in the world. Then, according to the latest information released by People's Daily Online, Putin will pay an official visit to China from May 16 to 17. Putin's visit to China this time is not small, but where will he go? I've put together a detailed list of information for you. Let's take a look.

It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture


The first picture we saw was published by the Yangtze River Daily on May 15, and according to the headline of the message, we can see that Putin may once again conduct in-depth research and understanding of Chinese martial arts this time. Because Chinese martial arts are very popular among the people in Russia, they are also very popular.

It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture

At the same time, Putin also said that he is also full of respect for Chinese philosophy, and even his family is very fascinated by Chinese culture. Some of them are learning Chinese. So, we can interpret from what he said that this time Putin is likely to bring his family to China for a visit, and his family has done their homework in advance, the first is very fascinated, and the second is learning Chinese. It is very likely that the family will come together to explore the mysteries of Chinese culture.

It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture

After watching it, netizens also said one after another, it is really a real man's standard, excellent, domineering and cool appearance, a real tough guy, praise for such an excellent male god. But to be honest, Putin's age like him, as well as his physique and spirit, are indeed worthy of our admiration.

It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture

The following is the latest news released by the global network on May 15, Putin has deeply stated before coming to China for an official visit that the relationship between China and Russia has now reached the highest level in history. Under the current severe international conditions, China and Russia not only have a tacit understanding between countries to defend territorial integrity and security, but also have a very strong friendship with the peoples of the two countries. In safeguarding sovereignty, they can fully display in front of the people of the world with the style of a peaceful power. It is precisely because the relations between China and Russia have reached a very high level that Putin has decided that the main reason why he must choose to visit China on the first leg of Putin's re-election as Russian president. I don't want to go anywhere, I have to go to China.

It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture

Netizens also expressed that in the face of the complex and changeable international situation in the world, they hope that the strategic mutual trust and cooperation between China and Russia can continue to cooperate in depth and win-win, and this visit is also a great meeting of strategic significance, and China and the Chinese people will always welcome Putin's arrival.


It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture

The following piece of news is the latest news released by the China Science and Technology Investment Network, Putin will be arriving in Harbin for a visit, then, for the first time, Harbin will be held from May 16 to 21 at the opening ceremony of the 8th China-Russia Expo. On such an important occasion, Putin will definitely be there.


It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture

The main theme of this China-Russia Expo can be summed up in six words. "Cooperation, mutual trust, opportunity". The site is also quite large, covering an area of 388,000 square meters. More than 5,000 types of products were on display. It is divided into four sub-venues. This time, friends in Harbin can feast their eyes and visit there.

It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture

After Putin attended the opening ceremony, he will visit Harbin Institute of Technology for guidance and exchanges, and will definitely have some academic exchanges and studies on Chinese with the teachers and students of the school.

It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture
It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture

When I saw this, I suddenly found that a netizen made such a comment, you can walk 10 minutes to the site of the exhibition, and wait until tomorrow to see what is going on. Hurry up to the scene tomorrow to see if it's lively? Take more photos and send them out for everyone to take a look at and feast their eyes on. Some netizens are also shouting that Putin is going to Harbin, and Harbin is too good now.

It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture
It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture

This is the place where Putin may go after he arrives in China tomorrow, but it is not comprehensive, this is also according to the latest news released by various online platforms, and his itinerary may change according to different situations. So, for Putin's visit to China this time, will his car be flown over with the plane?

It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture
It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture

At the same time, I also saw such a message on the Internet, but here I would like to make a statement to you. This is not officially issued, as for this visit to China, did Putin take his car? Let's all wait and see.

It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture

I wonder if the United States was deeply shocked when it saw that Putin had just taken office as president and went directly to China for a visit? Will Putin's visit to China further strengthen Sino-Russian relations? Will this visit have a significant impact on regional stability and the global landscape? After reading it, what do you think about it?

It's set! Putin's visit to China has released an unusual signal, with full coverage of family and car, martial arts and culture

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