
China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese



China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

"What are you doing here?"

Africans on the side of the road looked at the Chinese in confusion, and the latter sweated and struggled towards the nearby hills.

"You don't want this, give it to us!"

In front of the Chinese is a jeep, but the tires have been torn apart, which can be described as breaking as soon as they are worn.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

However, at the moment, there were five Chinese sitting in the car, and these people were concentrating on removing all the tires from the car and dragging them up the mountain.

Not so long ago, Africans didn't know what to do with such tires.

Why is that?

Let's get into the text so quickly, let's not talk about how these tires will turn waste into treasure, but first talk about why these Chinese work so hard.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

In Africa, products that have been eliminated by China are very popular.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

First, high-tech products are selling in full swing.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

The car was not rented by the Chinese, but bought by themselves, which in turn is closely related to the items they bought.

The Chinese towed the tires to a nearby scrap yard, weighed and weighed them, and finally chose to use the money to buy a certain commodity.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

Many local people find it strange because these goods were originally made by people in these places, but they are sold to Chinese, and they are extremely valuable.

This commodity is the tire shoe, and in some parts of Africa, because cheap shoes are not available, the locals have invented a method: to make shoes from car tires.

Locals would heat the tires in a wood-burning oven and beat them with a stone when they had softened completely, turning the tires into a large flat surface, before cutting out the shape of the shoes with scissors.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

Not only are they durable, but they are also very light on tires, making them suitable for the poorer terrain of Africa.

However, now the appearance of the Chinese has made this commodity wear gold armor.

Because the Chinese do not care about the cost, their shoes not only use good tires, but also have very fashionable metal butterflies as decorations, so the African people also like this kind of shoes very much.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

And this is not only because these shoes are beautiful, but more importantly, there are many goods carried by Chinese that make the general public have a strong interest in these goods.

Almost all of these goods have been eliminated by the Chinese market, but they are booming in the African market, especially those satellite pots that have been eliminated by the Chinese TV industry.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

Due to the rapid development of China's TV industry, in the nineties of the last century, satellite pots were still high-end consumables, and they could watch overseas TV programs, which was a symbol of identity and status.

However, with the development of network TV and set-top boxes, satellite cookers have long been a relic of the past.

Many people discard satellite pots as garbage and then buy new online TVs and set-top boxes.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

But in Africa, especially in some remote rural areas, there is no way to even receive ordinary TV programs, let alone network TV, so satellite pots have become the spiritual pillar of many Africans.

According to statistics, there are about 26 million households without electricity in Africa, and this number is increasing every year.

As a result, more than 100 million people in Africa do not have the opportunity to watch television, and satellite cookers are now not only a high-tech commodity, but have also become a scarce commodity.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

As a result, many charities and TV manufacturers that travel to Africa bring satellite cookers and give them away for free to local Africans.

The local people are also very enthusiastic about these satellite pots, and many people even install powered windmills and solar panels on the roofs of their homes to replace electricity.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

At the same time, since the economic situation of most African people is not particularly good, their demand for entertainment can almost be described as strong, so Africa has gradually formed an independent satellite pot culture.

There are many Africans who spend a lot of time studying satellites and picking the right channels to watch, and they can be said to take this very seriously.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

2. African sensitivity.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

The society in most parts of Africa is in a primitive society and a slave society, and the social system is very backward in the first place, and it has been carved up and corroded by the Western powers, and Africa's development has become even slower.

Especially in the first half of the twentieth century, the African concessions and colonies were divided among the great powers, which created a characteristic of the local sensitivity to foreign products.

While Africans' curiosity is piqued, there are deeper reasons.

Because Africa is a vast country with relatively few resources, Africans are very good at using waste as treasure.

Because of this, when the Chinese began to phase out new products, Africans began to revert to the previous products, showing a new side of Africans.

In Africa, some places even have their own unique ways of making them.

For the same tire shoes, tires in different places will be made in different ways.

For example, in some places, animal skins are used to wrap the tires, which is not only beautiful but also good at preventing the tires from leaking, and is a unique handicraft of the African people.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

Therefore, tire shoes are not only popular in Africa, but also have a certain market in China, such as the off-road industry and mountaineering industry, there are imported tire shoes from Africa for sale, because tire shoes are very durable, it can be said that they are free of charge for life.

Similarly, Africans also import obsolete mobile phones and computers and use them as tools, so for a time, old Chinese mobile phones and computers of various brands were sold in the African market.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

China has a very close relationship with the African region, not only economically, but also historically, so Africans are very comfortable buying Chinese products.

So why are Africans so good at using resources?

This has a great deal to do with the unique living, cultural and political environment of the African people.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

3. The current situation of the television industry.

As we all know, China is a country that attaches great importance to the TV industry, and many families will spend a lot of money to buy TVs to watch various programs, and the development of the TV industry is also very rapid.

However, with the development of technology, the traditional TV industry has gradually lost market share, and China's TV industry has also experienced a period of downturn.

China's eliminated products have become popular in Africa, and the locals are puzzled: these good things are not used by Chinese

This is all due to the emergence of network TV and set-top boxes.

The former allows some remote and backward places to watch TV programs, and the latter allows people who cannot afford to buy TV to watch TV programs through mobile phones, so these two occupy almost all TV market share.

Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, many people have begun to watch short videos on mobile phones, so most families will buy network TV and set-top boxes as a substitute, and the traditional satellite pot has been even more eliminated.

However, with the rise of network TV and set-top boxes, the TV industry has also begun to embark on a path of fission, because network TV and set-top boxes are overcharged, so many people have begun to turn to mobile phone short videos.

Therefore, the TV industry began to face a very big problem: at the same time that the audience switched to mobile phone short videos, advertisements also began to move to mobile phones, so the TV industry began to lose audiences.

At the same time, there is also a disadvantage of network TV and set-top boxes, that is, due to the large number of viewers, the network capacity will be limited, and when there is a local power failure, network TV and set-top boxes cannot be used, so about 50 million households in Africa are still using satellite pots.

So, how did China's TV industry embark on such a path?

Many people know,China's TV industry is on the road of high-end,Consumers prefer wide-angle display TV,But with the development of science and technology,Wide-angle display TV is replaced by large-screen TV。

However, with the gradual rise in the price of high-end TVs, most families cannot afford such an expense, so the TV industry has embarked on the road of low-end, either network TV, or set-top boxes and satellite pots, and the industry has entered a three-legged situation.

However, this also made the market share of the original platform of China's TV industry gradually swallowed up by other TV companies, and China's TV industry has entered a trough period.


As a result, many of China's low-end TVs have been diverted to the African market, allowing some 26 million households in Africa to watch TV and giving new life to products that have also been phased out.

The demand in the African market also provides business opportunities for Chinese TV companies, which can achieve a win-win situation for both parties by adjusting their products and launching products that are suitable for local African people.

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