
Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

author:Motile cells explode

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The quarter-final clash in Rome was like a gripping blockbuster, full of drama and surprise.

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

Rising Chinese tennis star Zheng Qinwen took on last year's US Open champion Gauff in a fierce match under the Roman sun, with a tie-break in the first set and the ups and downs of the second.

Although he lost 6:7 (4) and 1:6 in the end, Zheng Qinwen's performance was still remarkable.

In the first set, the two sides showed a high-level duel at the beginning.

In the first six games, the two held their serves, and the score was tied at 3:3.

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

In the eighth game, Gauff grabbed four break points on Zheng Qinwen's serve and finally managed to break serve and take a 5-3 lead.

At this time, the victory was imminent, Zheng Qinwen withstood the pressure and successfully broke back with tenacious defense and accurate hitting, chasing the score to 4:5.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Qinwen performed steadily in his service game and held serve again, and the score came to 5:5.

In the eleventh game, Gauff once won three break points, but Zheng Qinwen stubbornly chased the game to 5:6.

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

In the twelfth game, Zheng Qinwen did not flinch, withstood the pressure and held serve, dragging the game into a tie-break.

The tie-break game was even more tense and exciting, and Zheng Qinwen showed a strong counterattack ability several times, but finally lost 4:7.

The technical statistics of this set also reflect the fierce confrontation between the two sides: Zheng Qinwen has three more aces than Gauff, but Gauff has a slight advantage in both first-serve goals and win percentage.

Heading into the second set, Gauff gradually showed her strength as a US Open champion.

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

Zheng Qinwen was broken in the first game, and then Gauff took advantage of the victory to chase and quickly stretched the score to 4:1.

Although Zheng put up a stubborn resistance in the fifth game and showed some wonderful volleys and small ball skills, he was unable to turn the situation around.

In the end, Gauff broke again in the seventh game and won the second set 6-1.

In the second set, Gauff scored 67 per cent of one-serve goals and 80 per cent of one-serve wins, while Zheng Qinwen's first-serve goals and wins were 41 per cent and 63 per cent respectively.

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

The loss of this set was more due to Gauff's excellent play and Zheng Qinwen's lack of stability at critical moments.

Gauff, a name, a legend.

The characteristics of her playing style make people fall in love with her, and the outside world praises her even more.

All-round play: Gauff is known for her all-round play, with a steady baseline, accurate serves, swift volleys, and skilful attacks in front of the net.

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

She has a wide range of coverage on the court, whether it's a baseline duel or a volley at the net.

Versatile: Gauff's style of play is varied, and she is adept at using a variety of tactics and being adaptable.

Whether it's pressing down for a fast break or a high and long ball, it can put the opponent in a passive situation.

Her trajectory is unpredictable, making her opponents elusive.

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

Strong mental quality: Gauff has excellent mental quality in critical moments, she is able to stay calm under pressure and make the right decisions.

Whether she is ahead or behind, she is able to maintain a steady mindset and grasp the rhythm of the game.

Physical Fitness: Gauff's physical fitness is outstanding, her speed is lightning fast, her explosiveness is strong, and her stamina is amazing.

This allows her to move around the court at her best, both defensively and offensively.

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

Queen of tennis: Gauff is widely regarded as the queen of women's tennis today, and her dominance is unmatched.

Not only is she a regular at Grand Slam tournaments, but she has also topped the world rankings multiple times.

Tactical mastery: Gauff's tactical mastery and skill are impressive.

She has a versatile ball path, both offensively and defensively, and she can find a breakthrough in both the strengths and weaknesses of her opponents.

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

Tenacious mentality: Gauff's mentality is extremely tenacious, she never gives up easily, and can grit her teeth and persevere until the last moment no matter what difficulties she encounters.

This tenacious fighting spirit has made her the object of admiration of everyone.

The power of example: Gauff's success is not only her personal achievement, but also a symbol of the power of her example.

Her inspirational story inspires countless young players to believe that if they work hard, they can achieve their dreams.

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

Accolades: Gauff has always been praised by the outside world, and both fans and experts have high expectations for her.

Her success is not only a personal glory, but also the pride of the entire Chinese tennis team.

Overall, Gauff has conquered the hearts of countless fans with her all-round style of play and tenacious mentality, and has become a banner of Chinese tennis, and her success story will continue to inspire more young people to pursue their dreams.

Although the result of the game was not satisfactory, Zheng Qinwen's performance is still worthy of recognition.

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

As you can see from the match, she already has what it takes to challenge the top players, especially in the baseline and forehand attacks.

But to go one step further and win a Grand Slam title, she will need to continue to improve her consistency and skills at the net.

In today's match, she was clearly at a disadvantage in front of the net, which is a key area for her to improve in the future.

After the game, tennis celebrity Li Na also sent a message to Zheng Qinwen: Although the foundation of Chinese tennis is not as deep as that of Europe and the United States, it can continue to improve in the professional arena by relying on hard work and continuous failure.

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

I believe that Zheng Qinwen will sum up his experience through this failure, continue to improve, and continue to move towards the goal of the Grand Slam.

Although this match ended in failure, for Zheng Qinwen, it is such a high-level confrontation that allows her to grow rapidly.

As the old saying goes, "How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?" "I look forward to Zheng Qinwen bringing us more surprises and touches in future competitions.

Keep up the good work, Xiao Zheng, although the road ahead is long, the dream is always worth pursuing.

Editor's point of view:

First of all, let's explore this fierce competition!

Zheng Qinwen's little sister, as a rookie in China's tennis, she is a shining star!

And her opponent Gauff, Wow, last year's US Open champion!

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

This isn't a guy who brags about drinking, she's a veritable queen of tennis!

This game is simply a wonderful show, especially the tie-break!

Wow, it's a thrilling suspense blockbuster!

Xiao Zheng was not easy, he once recovered the score in the seventh game, but unfortunately lost by a small margin in the end.

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

Sometimes, the game is like this, victory is in sight, but it is so close and yet so far away!

In the second set, Xiao Zheng's sister seemed to be a little unbalanced, and was broken twice by her opponent.

At this time, it's a bit like getting lost at the door of your home, and you don't know where to go.

But it doesn't matter, Xiao Zheng, this is only your ninth defeat, but there are countless victories waiting for you in the future!

Zheng Qinwen vs Gauff: Lost in the first set and lost in the seventh set, and was broken twice in the second set and lost the ninth in the season!

Therefore, my opinion on this game is "lose without regret, defeat without discouragement"!

Xiao Zheng, you have done a great job, winning or losing is only temporary, what matters is what you learn from it!

Keep up the good work, there are more glory waiting for you in the future!