
At the military commander's banquet, Dai Li stared at Shen Zui's wife, and Shen Zui never took his wife out again

author:The old donkey talks about history

In that turbulent era of the Republic of China, the military command, as the intelligence and governance organ of the national government, often became the focus of discussion on the streets and alleys because of its intricate interpersonal relations and hidden power struggles. And Dai Li, as the actual ruler of the military command, his personal behavior has attracted even more attention. The subtle details of a banquet not only affected the fate of the two families, but also reflected the subtle atmosphere and complex aspects of human nature within the secret service system at that time.

At the military commander's banquet, Dai Li stared at Shen Zui's wife, and Shen Zui never took his wife out again

The undercurrent of the banquet

It was an ordinary but extraordinary night, with a high-level banquet held within the military command to celebrate the successful completion of a series of recent missions. At the banquet scene, the lights were bright, the cups were staggered, and behind the excitement on the surface there were countless unclear calculations and trade-offs. Dai Li, the mysterious figure known to the outside world as the "Himmler of the East", was undoubtedly the focus of the banquet. His gaze, sometimes sharp as an eagle, sometimes deep and unfathomable, seems to be able to penetrate the secrets of every corner.

At the military commander's banquet, Dai Li stared at Shen Zui's wife, and Shen Zui never took his wife out again

A casual glance

Just when the atmosphere reached its climax, Shen Zui walked into the venue with his wife. Shen Zui, as Dai Li's right-hand man, is highly valued for his loyalty and intelligence. And his wife, a gentle and dignified woman, attracted the attention of the audience at that moment with her elegant temperament, including, of course, Dai Li's. It is said that Dai Li's gaze inadvertently fell on his drunken wife, and it was an indescribable look that was both appreciative and seemed to have a hint of complexity. This scene, though brief, is enough for the sensitive onlooker to catch the subtle changes in the air.

At the military commander's banquet, Dai Li stared at Shen Zui's wife, and Shen Zui never took his wife out again

Ripples after the storm

After the banquet, this incident began to circulate quietly within the military command like an undercurrent surging quietly under the surface of the water. Shen Zui, an agent who has always been known for his calmness, has set off unprecedented waves in his heart. He is well aware that in this circle, any wind and grass can turn into a storm. In order to protect his family and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and potential crises, Shen Zui made a decision: he would no longer bring his wife to public occasions, especially events related to military command.

At the military commander's banquet, Dai Li stared at Shen Zui's wife, and Shen Zui never took his wife out again

Family's Sacrifices and Choices

This decision is undoubtedly a major sacrifice for the intoxicated family. Although the wife understands her husband's distress, while being protected, she also feels deep helplessness and loneliness. The tacit understanding and affection between the two have become a solid shield for them to face the wind and rain together in this special period. Shen's choice reflects his deep love for his family, and it also reflects the irreconcilable contradiction between personal emotions and power entanglements in the context of that era.

At the military commander's banquet, Dai Li stared at Shen Zui's wife, and Shen Zui never took his wife out again

A battle of hearts

The outside world may never know what Dai Li's eyes mean that night, whether it was pure appreciation or other more complicated considerations. But for Shen Zui, it doesn't matter anymore. Everything he does is to protect his most precious thing - the peace and harmony of his family. In this silent contest, Shen Zui used his own way to show his responsibility and determination as an agent, as well as a husband and father.

At the military commander's banquet, Dai Li stared at Shen Zui's wife, and Shen Zui never took his wife out again

This past is like a small footnote in the history of the Republic of China, but it reflects the unique political ecology of that era and the fragility of personal destiny. The choice of intoxication is not only the protection of personal families, but also a profound interpretation of the complex human nature of that era. In the whirlpool of power and emotion, everyone is writing their own history in their own way.