
Chen Yi sent someone to Moutai, but Xu Shiyou insisted: You can't drink it, if you want to drink it, you can drink it with Song Shilun

author:The old donkey talks about history

During the years of the Chinese Revolutionary War, the deep friendship between Chen Yi, Xu Shiyou, Song Shilun and other generals was not only reflected in the life and death of fighting side by side, but also showed unique humanistic feelings in the daily interactions. Among them, the story of Chen Yi sending someone to deliver Moutai liquor and Xu Shiyou insisting on sharing it with Song Shilun is still a good story, which not only reflects the deep comradeship between the older generation of revolutionaries, but also highlights the unique simplicity and noble sentiments of that era.

Chen Yi sent someone to Moutai, but Xu Shiyou insisted: You can't drink it, if you want to drink it, you can drink it with Song Shilun

The story takes place in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, when the country was in a stage of being in ruins, and Marshal Chen Yi, as the commander of the East China Military Region, knew very well that although the war at the front had ended, the task of building the rear was arduous, and the vast number of commanders and fighters still needed to maintain high morale and close unity. So, he decided to take out a few bottles of precious Moutai from his limited supplies as a condolence and encouragement to the front-line generals. And with this heart, he first thought of General Xu Shiyou, who had a bold personality and fought bravely.

Chen Yi sent someone to Moutai, but Xu Shiyou insisted: You can't drink it, if you want to drink it, you can drink it with Song Shilun

Xu Shiyou, a battle-hardened general, is known for his heavy drinking, but at the same time, he is also a person who values love and righteousness. In the face of the Moutai sent by Marshal Chen Yi, he did not enjoy it alone, but showed unusual persistence - "You can't drink it, if you want to drink it, you can drink it with Song Shilun." Behind this sentence is Xu Shiyou's deep concern and respect for his comrade-in-arms Song Shilun. Song Shilun, as Xu Shiyou's old comrade-in-arms, also made great achievements during the war years, and the two formed a deep friendship in the long-term side by side.

Chen Yi sent someone to Moutai, but Xu Shiyou insisted: You can't drink it, if you want to drink it, you can drink it with Song Shilun

Xu Shiyou's decision is an affectionate interpretation of the friendship between comrades-in-arms. In his opinion, this care and precious Moutai from the chief should not become a symbol of personal enjoyment, but should become a medium to deepen the feelings of comrades-in-arms. He knew very well that in those fiery years, it was the mutual support and trust between comrades that enabled them to overcome difficulties and achieve victories again and again. Nowadays, in times of peace, the maintenance of this kind of affection is even more important.

Chen Yi sent someone to Moutai, but Xu Shiyou insisted: You can't drink it, if you want to drink it, you can drink it with Song Shilun

When Xu Shiyou and Song Shilun were able to get together, they opened the bottles of Moutai together, not only to taste the wine, but also to taste the ups and downs they had experienced together, recalling the days of fighting side by side, full of emotion. At the wine table, they talked and laughed freely, not only reminiscing about the past fighting years, but also looking forward to the future of national construction. This shared joy goes far beyond the value of the wine itself, it has become a testimony to the friendship between them, and it is also a warm review of that period of history.

Chen Yi sent someone to Moutai, but Xu Shiyou insisted: You can't drink it, if you want to drink it, you can drink it with Song Shilun

Although this incident is small, it reflects the simple and pure emotions between the revolutionary generals of that era, and their cherishing of comradeship. In an era of material scarcity, a glass of wine can condense infinite friendship and strength, which is not only a celebration of individual qualities, but also a vivid embodiment of the collectivist spirit of that era. Today, such stories still inspire us, reminding us to cherish the people around us, and never forget the sincere feelings of sharing weal and woe no matter when and where.