
What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"



[Covering face]: Globally recognized severity classification: mild, moderate, severe, Indian; India is indeed recognized as a "great power" in the world

What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

[covering his face]: Where is the "strong"? Today we look at one of the intensities: the garbage problem in New Delhi, the capital of India, is once again in the spotlight.

What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

[Listen to the song]: How to get on the hot search, see what foreign ambassadors say, please see VCR:


[Covering his face]: According to a report by Indian media NDTV on the 8th, Freddy Sfang, the ambassador of Gumai to India, posted a video on social media on the same day, urging the Indian authorities to take necessary cleaning actions on a garbage-ridden road near the Danish Embassy in India. In the video, Swann points to the rubbish and construction debris scattered on both sides of the road and bluntly says, "Welcome to the great, green, garbage New Delhi."

What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

[Think]: According to official reports, thousands of tons of garbage in New Delhi are not effectively disposed of every day, and mountains of garbage can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys, which not only seriously affects the image of the city, but also poses a serious threat to the health and living environment of residents.

What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

For such a phenomenon, see what netizens say?

[awkward laugh]: Hahaha, there is another description that reflects the country of India, which makes so much sense!

What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

[Embarrassed laugh]: There is always a high population growth rate when there are many births, and many families in India have more than five children.

What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

[awkward laughter]: Hahaha, I wonder if the audience has traveled to India? Isn't this the smell~

What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

[Covering face]: Again, as long as India is there, then this severity level is divided into: mild, moderate, severe, Indian.

In the face of this daunting challenge, we have to ask: why is the Indian capital in such a situation?

[Think]: Let's take a look at the causes of New Delhi's garbage problem. On the one hand, with the rapid growth of urban population and economic development, the amount of waste generated has increased dramatically.

What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

[Think]: On the other hand, municipal waste treatment facilities are seriously lagging behind, and the processing capacity is far from meeting the actual demand. This contradiction between supply and demand leads to a large amount of garbage that cannot be disposed of in time, which in turn forms a phenomenon of garbage everywhere.

What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

The Government of India and all sectors of society have also reacted to this issue.

[Flash of inspiration]: India's central government has recognized the seriousness of the garbage problem and has taken a series of measures to deal with it. For example, the government has approved billions of rupees in funding for the construction of new waste treatment facilities and the rehabilitation of some old landfills.

What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

[Flash of inspiration]: In addition, the Supreme Court has urged the relevant authorities to convene an emergency meeting to discuss a solution. These measures have undoubtedly helped to solve the garbage problem, but the effect is not significant.

What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

So, why is this happening?

[Think]: One of the important reasons is the lack of effective waste management and sorting systems. In India, garbage is often discarded haphazardly on the streets and alleys, and few people separate it. This not only increases the difficulty of garbage disposal, but also reduces the efficiency of resource recycling.

What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

[Think]: In addition, we need to pay attention to the attitudes and actions of all sectors of society towards the waste problem. On social media, more netizens expressed concern and concern about the garbage problem in New Delhi.

What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

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What a real eye-opener! The Indian capital is full of garbage, and the Danish ambassador to India sends a video "for help"

(Special note: The video and picture materials come from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete!) )

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