
A huge crack has appeared in the surface of the sun! At a depth of 12,400 miles, is the sun okay?

author:Casual drifters


The U.S. National Space Administration (NASA) recently observed the sun and found a huge gap on the surface of the sun, which according to preliminary measurements is at least 12,400 miles deep, and is known to scientists as the "Canyon of Fire".

Scientists were amazed at the appearance of this gap, and although it is normal for the sun to be a "big furnace" with high temperatures, cracks are just too large.

When scientists explore the formation mechanism of this gap, they can't help but worry about the potential harm that this gap will bring to the earth and human production and life.

A huge crack has appeared in the surface of the sun! At a depth of 12,400 miles, is the sun okay?

1. Huge cracks.

Since the appearance of this huge crack in September this year, scientists have been observing the crack and making preliminary measurements of it, and found that the depth of the crack is at least 12,400 miles, and the width of the crack is also very staggering, reaching 6.2x10^7 miles.

This gap is known to scientists as the "Canyon of Fire", which is another name for the "Grand Canyon of Colorado", the longest Grand Canyon on Earth.

Located on the Colorado Plateau in the United States, the Grand Canyon is a canyon formed by the Colorado River in the geological process of the Colorado River with a length of 446 kilometers and a maximum depth of 1,800 meters, and is also known as one of the most magnificent canyons in the world.

A huge crack has appeared in the surface of the sun! At a depth of 12,400 miles, is the sun okay?

The walls of the "Canyon of Fire" are so beautiful that you can walk around them without getting tired of it, and it is known as "Nature's Gallery".

The gap that appears on the sun is simply a sky and a place compared to the Colorado Grand Canyon on the earth, and the Colorado Grand Canyon on the earth is only the scale of a "canyon", and for the sun, this gap is simply "a big ditch".

A huge crack has appeared in the surface of the sun! At a depth of 12,400 miles, is the sun okay?

The appearance of this huge gap will naturally make people wonder about it, since the sun is a "big furnace", then it is normal for the sun to produce gaps, but why does this gap have such a huge scale?

It is understood that in 2013 and 2018, this huge gap also appeared, and each time it appeared on the sunspots.

A huge crack has appeared in the surface of the sun! At a depth of 12,400 miles, is the sun okay?

The sunspots are the more active areas of the sun, the surface temperature of these sunspots is lower than the surrounding temperature, and the sunspot areas will also release a large amount of plasma outward, forming a low-lying area, and these low-lying areas will be called "sunspots".

When sunspots are active, a large amount of plasma will be released, and the plasma will spread outward, forming cracks, and the cracks from a distance seem to be pulled together as if they are "seams", hence the name "sunspots".

A huge crack has appeared in the surface of the sun! At a depth of 12,400 miles, is the sun okay?

The temperature of the plasma is very high, it can reach more than 10,000 degrees Celsius, so sunspots also release strong ultraviolet and X-ray rays, which are absorbed by the earth's atmosphere, so they are not harmful to life on earth.

A huge crack has appeared in the surface of the sun! At a depth of 12,400 miles, is the sun okay?

Second, the harm caused by huge cracks.

The appearance of a huge crack in the sun naturally makes scientists wonder, they are worried that this huge crack will be harmful to the survival of the earth and human beings, but the crack on the surface of the sun will not affect life on the earth itself.

Because plasma on the sun produces very strong radiation, such as ultraviolet rays and X-rays, but this radiation is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere and therefore has no effect on the Earth's organisms.

The Earth's atmosphere can shield the radiation from the sun, and at the same time burn asteroids and meteorites in space, so the Earth's atmosphere is like a huge "energy barrier", which can allow the life on the earth to survive healthily inside this "energy barrier".

A huge crack has appeared in the surface of the sun! At a depth of 12,400 miles, is the sun okay?

And this huge crack is also created on the surface of the sun, which has very different properties from the earth's atmosphere.

Therefore, the rift itself does not have an impact on the planet and humans, but the rift will persist for several months, and if it is too long, it may have an impact on the communication system on Earth.

Therefore, scientists suggest that for this crack, we should strengthen environmental protection and preventive measures, on the one hand, we can suspend the operation of some satellites in orbit, which can also avoid the erosion of orbiting satellites by plasma, and at the same time can also avoid satellites falling from orbit and threatening the ground.

On the other hand, you can also prepare some emergency plans for the communication system, and when the communication system is affected, you can maintain the communication system as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary impact.

A huge crack has appeared in the surface of the sun! At a depth of 12,400 miles, is the sun okay?

3. Strengthen environmental protection and preventive measures.

The appearance of a huge crack in the surface of the sun is a very rare opportunity for scientists to study this event, so NASA decided to study this event.

But to study the surface of the sun, it is necessary to use some very expensive equipment, so only the National Space Administration has such equipment, and there are not many such equipment, so when studying this project, it is necessary to cooperate with various countries in the world.

Therefore, for this "Canyon of Fire" event, scientists from various countries will also unite to explore the causes of this event, so as to better protect the earth and the living environment of human beings.

And at the moment, the huge cracks on the surface of the sun are not harmful to life on Earth, but only have some effects on satellite communication systems, but these effects can be avoided.

A huge crack has appeared in the surface of the sun! At a depth of 12,400 miles, is the sun okay?

Therefore, there is no need to worry too much, only environmental protection and precautionary measures need to be strengthened to protect against the risks arising from the sun.

But in addition to the risk of cracks in the sun, the Earth also faces other potential threats from space, such as asteroids and meteorites, which may fall to the Earth and pose a threat to life on Earth.

A huge crack has appeared in the surface of the sun! At a depth of 12,400 miles, is the sun okay?

Therefore, scientists on Earth need to join forces with international scientists to explore ways to deal with these threats and provide more comprehensive security for the planet and humanity.

A huge crack has appeared in the surface of the sun! At a depth of 12,400 miles, is the sun okay?


The appearance of a huge crack in the surface of the sun is a very rare event for us, so this event will cause panic among some people.

But we don't need to worry too much, we just need to follow scientific advice and strengthen environmental protection and precautionary measures to protect against risks from the sun's surface.

A huge crack has appeared in the surface of the sun! At a depth of 12,400 miles, is the sun okay?