
In the TV series ratings list, "Another Blue" fell to second, and the first rating was as high as 2.2

author:Gentle Ocean RCk

The ratings of "Harbin 1944" continue to soar, and the tacit partnership between Yang Mi and Qin Hao is eye-catching. The director uses a unique visual language to recreate the historical scenes in front of the audience, and the soundtrack complements the picture, as if people travel back to that changing era. Guan Xue's complex personality and multifaceted life, as well as her subtle relationships with various characters, are all moving. In particular, Xiao Wu's firm loyalty to Guan Xue, as well as the spark collision between the CPs in the play, make people admire the actors' acting skills. This work not only makes people reminisce about history, but also makes people look forward to the next collaboration between the director and the actors.

In the TV series ratings list, "Another Blue" fell to second, and the first rating was as high as 2.2

"Another Blue" gives us a completely different feeling. When I first watched the trailer, I thought it would be a relaxing rural drama, but after actually watching it, I found that it contained deeper emotions and thoughts. Although there are some jumps in the rhythm of the plot, it is this kind of jump that makes people more curious about the subsequent development. Chen Xiaoman's memories of Yuan Yuan, although short, are enough to make people feel the deep friendship between them. This drama may still have room for improvement in expressing the emotions of the characters, but it is enough to attract the audience's attention.

In the TV series ratings list, "Another Blue" fell to second, and the first rating was as high as 2.2

"Spring Sends Lover" is a masterpiece that soothes people's souls. The plot is close to reality, the characters are three-dimensional and full, and each character has their own story and growth. The lines in the play are not only philosophical, but also full of thoughts and insights about life. It teaches us how to face the contradictions and difficulties of life, and how to cherish the people and things around us. This drama has done a very good job in casting, service, painting style, etc., and it is a work worth watching and watching.

In the TV series ratings list, "Another Blue" fell to second, and the first rating was as high as 2.2

"Mrs. Xian Guo" is set in the legendary life of Mrs. Xian, telling the story of how a woman persevered and forged ahead in turbulent times. On the basis of respecting history, this drama adds rich imagination and creation, and shapes Mrs. Xian into an image that is both legendary and full of humanity. While appreciating the plot, the audience can also feel the style and atmosphere of that era.

In the TV series ratings list, "Another Blue" fell to second, and the first rating was as high as 2.2

"Thank You for Warming Me" is a work that makes people feel warmth and strength. Through the story of Taku and Sparrow, it tells us that everyone has their own merits and values, and we should not easily deny ourselves. At the same time, it also makes us understand that true friends will lend a helping hand and give you strength and support in times of need. This drama not only moves people to tears, but also makes people learn to cherish and be grateful.

In the TV series ratings list, "Another Blue" fell to second, and the first rating was as high as 2.2
In the TV series ratings list, "Another Blue" fell to second, and the first rating was as high as 2.2

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