
It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

author:Big D Entertainment


In the world of actors, there is such a person, who is diligently pursuing his acting career and devoting himself wholeheartedly, and is affectionately called "drama idiot" by his peers. In 27 years, he has created countless unforgettable screen images and become a generation of drama masters. It's a pity that at the time of his brilliant career, the ruthless tricks of life made his life more dramatic......

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

The ups and downs of the sea of art

Fan Zhiqi was born into an ordinary Beijing family and has been passionate about performing arts since he was a child. His family was poor and often dropped out of school, but he worked as a carpenter during the day to make a living, and participated in literary and artistic activities at night, honing his acting skills along the way. It wasn't until he was 28 years old that he finally entered the regular entertainment industry through an audition.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

Since then, Fan Zhiqi's acting skills have become increasingly exquisite, and his works have been repeatedly acclaimed. He brilliantly interpreted the role of Prince Rui Dolgon in "Anecdote of Concubine Zhuang" and won the "Northeast Wind" Best Supporting Actor Award; starred as Jiang Wei in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and interpreted this legendary character vividly.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

Fan Zhiqi regards every role as a valuable learning opportunity, constantly challenging himself and pursuing excellence. In order to accurately play Jiang Wei, he studied the life of this character in detail in advance, in order to portray his character into three points.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

Just when his career was in full swing, bad luck suddenly struck. While filming a TV series, he was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer. Faced with the threat of death, most people will choose to give up, but the "drama idiot" Fan Zhiqi has always insisted on filming.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

He does not hesitate to take more than a dozen painkillers every day, and still focuses on the performance as before. The crew members were all impressed by his professionalism. Many people persuaded him to take a break for a while, but Fan Zhiqi was indifferent - he couldn't help but want to finish the final work for fear of delaying the construction period.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

The tragedy of the end of the art road

About 5 hours after the last shot was taken, Fan Zhiqi's condition relapsed violently and had to be rushed to the hospital. Everyone hoped that it was just a small episode and that it would pass soon. But fate resolutely told him that there was no chance - in the early morning of the day before the start of filming, Fan Zhiqi fought the disease at home at the age of 55.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

For 6 months, the public and most of the friends in the circle were kept in the dark, and it was not until You Xiaogang went to visit that he learned the truth, and was completely shocked by this bad news.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

The comments are highly unanimous: this is an old drama bone who has forged a legend with his life, and an "art madman" who has overcome obstacles and diligently pursued. His tragic end is suffocating, but what is even more touching is that he is unprecedentedly dedicated and enthusiastic about his artistic career, and he will never compromise even when he is dying.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

Such a fiery soul will live forever on the screen, illuminating the path of future generations to pursue art. The world's mourning is not only for Fan Zhiqi personally, but also for the brilliant acting life that was ruthlessly taken away by the disease...

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

Fan Zhiqi's death made all relatives and friends heartbroken. Referring to this old friend, You Xiaogang choked up and couldn't speak, they have known each other since they were students, chased their dreams together, and have been married ever since. "He is hungry for acting, and even cancer in his later years can't stop his desire for the stage." You Xiaogang couldn't hide his pain, and his eyes were full of tears.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

Lu Yi, an actor who is very good with Fan Zhiqi, sat for a whole day after learning the bad news from TV. He recalled that Fan Zhiqi never drank or smoked during filming, and he was meticulous in his portrayal of the character. "He's just a drama idiot, and he even worked hard to perform..."Knowing that Fan Zhiqi had been concealing his illness, Lu Yi was both touched and distressed, and his respect for this old friend increased a few points.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

Wife and child half a year

Fan Zhiqi's wife concealed the fact that her husband was ill for half a year, and did not reveal the truth until You Xiaogang came to visit. It turned out that Fan Zhiqi was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer 4 months ago, and the doctor only gave a 3-month life expectancy. However, based on her husband's dedication to his career and his dedicated personality, his wife did not inform Fan Zhiqi of the bad news, so as not to affect his mood.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

"He didn't want to be confined to a hospital bed on his deathbed, and he wanted to finish the final work." The wife explained the reason for hiding the truth, and choked up: "In the last days of his life, he lived so freely, like a butterfly flapping its wings. I'm very relieved..."

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

Fan Zhiqi's death has caused unprecedented mourning in the entertainment industry. Whether it is the three generations of actors or ordinary audiences, they are all impressed by the dedication and artistic pursuit of this "drama idiot" old actor.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

The famous actor Lu Shuming posted: "Fan Zhiqi is the embodiment of art, and he interprets the heroic words of 'don't enter the play, rather die' with his life." Our juniors will uphold his style and unswervingly pursue the highest level of art!"

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

The younger generation of actors also posted photos with Fan Zhiqi on social platforms to remember the teacher's earnest teachings to them. Someone wrote: "Every moment of the teacher's deathbed is engraved in my heart, and he wrote an eternal legend with his life..."

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

The passing away of this famous veteran actor will surely make the actors who pursue pure artistic ideals in awe, and they make a lifelong vow - please rest in peace for Fan Zhiqi in this life, and we will pay tribute to you for the rest of our lives!

The price of clinging to ideals

Fan Zhiqi's obsession and dedication to the performing arts are not only admirable, but also make us reflect on whether the pursuit of ideals is too extreme. Risking his life for the sake of his career is a testament to his devotion to art, but it also raises concerns about the lack of balance.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

An industry veteran lamented: "Art is the gateway to humanity, but wouldn't it be overkill to enshrine it as the ultimate value?" Life is short and precious, Fan Zhiqi is still concerned about work on his deathbed, but his body has been overdrawn, which is really pitiful. "

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

There is a view that Fan Zhiqi's actions before his death may have been too strong and should be measured. It's good to spare no effort in the prime of life, but in old age, you should slow down. It's a pity that he couldn't let go of his dedication to drama, and was finally swallowed up by his ideals and became a tragedy.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

Fan Zhiqi's wife's approach is also half-hearted. On the one hand, she respects her husband's wishes and does not prevent him from filming; On the other hand, she concealed her illness and lacked transparency about Fan Zhiqi. Weighing the pros and cons of this, the struggle of the family can be imagined.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

According to media reports, Fan Zhiqi's son once complained about his mother's actions. The concealment of illness is well-intentioned, but it is tantamount to depriving the father of his right to know. Integrity should be paramount in a family.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

Of course, the son also understands his mother's helplessness - Fan Zhiqi is notoriously obsessed with his career, and if he tells him in person, he is afraid that he will choose to follow the doctor's instructions and continue to work. That's why the wife weighed it again and again and made the decision to hide the truth.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

Society's reflection on dedication

Fan Zhiqi's tragic encounter has triggered a reflection on the concept of "dedication" in society. Dedication is certainly a good quality to be encouraged, but if you are too crazy and do whatever it takes, you will be a little paranoid and perverse.

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

"Health comes first, followed by career." Some people said, "Fan Zhiqi worked hard in the first half of his life, but he shouldn't be so desperate in his later years, and he should give himself some respite." "

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

Others take a different view: "As an artist, his life's pursuit is the stage, and his dedication to work at the end of his life does not reflect his values?" The key is to formulate a complete safeguard mechanism and do a good job in personal safety measures. "

It turned out that he had already passed away, and he took more than a dozen painkillers a day, and the public only knew about it half a year after his death

Both viewpoints have their merits, but it is undeniable that there are some phenomena of over-dedication and uneven separation between life and work in the group of artists. Fan Zhiqi undoubtedly made us reflect on the seriousness of this problem and called for the strengthening of industry supervision.