
Six things to stock up on in 2024

author:Blue Moon

Entering the turbulent year of 2024, the world we live in is still full of countless uncertainties. From natural disasters and economic turmoil to unpredictable emergencies, we all need to be prepared for the challenges that may come our way. This requires us to plan ahead and reserve some necessary supplies in advance. Here are six things I recommend, and perhaps at some critical time in the future, you'll be glad you're prepared.

1. Food reserves: the cornerstone of life

Food is the cornerstone of our lives, and it is essential to have adequate food reserves no matter what the circumstances.

Selection and storage of staple foods

Staple foods such as rice and flour are an important part of our daily diet. As a staple food in Asia, rice is not only cheap, but also rich in sugar and carbohydrates, which can quickly provide energy for the human body. When shopping for rice, we should pay attention to choosing high-quality, impurity-free products and storing them in a dry, cool place to ensure its long-term preservation.

Flour plays a pivotal role in the Western diet. Not only can it be made into a variety of delicious breads and pastries, but it can also be turned into a variety of pasta dishes such as pasta and steamed buns through simple processing. Like rice, the storage of flour also requires attention to the dryness and coolness of the environment.

The convenience and nutrition of canned food

Canned food is preferred by many families for its long shelf life and convenience. Whether it's meat, vegetables, or canned fruit, it provides us with abundant nutrients and energy. Canned meat is rich in protein and is a standout among emergency foods; Canned vegetables and fruits, on the other hand, provide the dietary fiber and vitamins we need. When purchasing canned food, we should pay attention to check its production date and shelf life to ensure that it is fresh and safe.

The value of dry goods and nuts

Dried goods such as beans, dried mushrooms, dried kelp, etc., can be eaten after soaking in water, which is convenient and nutritious. Not only do these dry foods last a long time, but they are also rich in various vitamins and minerals, making them an important part of a healthy diet.

Nut foods such as walnuts, almonds, cashews, etc., are not only delicious and delicious, but also rich in unsaturated fatty acids and other trace elements that are beneficial to the human body. Not only can these foods be eaten as a snack, but they also play a unique role in cooking.

When stockpiling food, we also need to pay attention to the diversity and nutritional balance of food. Try to choose as many types of food as you can stock to meet your body's needs for various nutrients.

2. Drinking water and water purification equipment: the guarantee of the source of life

Water is the source of life and an indispensable resource in our daily lives. In emergency situations, it is essential to ensure an adequate supply of drinking water.

Reserve of bottled water

Bottled water is the most direct and convenient source of drinking water. In an emergency, each person needs at least three litres of drinking water per day to maintain normal physiological function. Households are advised to stock up on bottled water for three days' needs to ensure an adequate supply of water in the event of an emergency.

The importance of portable water purification devices

In the event of an emergency, the tap water supply may be affected. At this time, portable water purification devices are particularly important. These devices can transform water sources in nature into safe and drinkable water, providing us with a continuous supply of drinking water. Portable water purifiers and water filters are common water purification devices, they are small, lightweight, and easy to use, making them ideal for outdoor adventures or survival.

Selection of household large-capacity water storage devices and water purification equipment

For households, high-capacity water storage units can store more water for a rainy day. Some large-capacity water purifiers with simple filtration systems can also be used as an alternative to daily water use. These devices can play a vital role in emergency situations, ensuring the safety of drinking water for family members.

The use of water purification tablets

Water purification tablets are a small and portable water purification tool. In the event of an emergency, if it is not possible to directly use bottled water or a water purification device for water purification, a water purification tablet can be used to simply disinfect the water source. These tablets can effectively kill bacteria and viruses in the water, improving the safety of drinking water.

3. First aid kit and medicines: the guardian of health

In an emergency, timely medical assistance is essential. Therefore, it is very necessary to establish a complete home emergency medicine kit.

Stockpiling of commonly used medicines

Common medicines such as cold medicines, pain relievers, fever reducers, and anti-inflammatory drugs are a must-have in your home medicine cabinet. These medicines can alleviate some common conditions and provide basic medical coverage for family members when medical attention cannot be seen in time. When stockpiling medicines, we should take care to check the production date and shelf life of the drugs to ensure their effectiveness.

Preparation of emergency medical supplies

Emergency medical supplies such as cotton swabs, gauze, disinfectant alcohol, band-aids, and first-aid bandages are essential when treating accidental cuts, scalds, and other wounds. These supplies can help us stop bleeding, disinfect and dress wounds in a timely manner, reducing the risk of infection. Saline is also an important part of a home emergency kit, where it can be used to wash wounds and eyes to help reduce the risk of infection.

Consideration of special needs drugs and equipment

If there is a member of the family who has a specific medical condition or needs long-term medication, you should reserve at least a month's worth of medication for possible emergencies. Medical devices such as portable blood pressure monitors and blood glucose meters can also help us monitor and manage the health of family members in a timely manner. In the event of an emergency, these devices can provide us with valuable health information that can help us make the right decisions.

4. Energy Reserves: The Light of Hope that Illuminates the Darkness

In times of emergency, a stable energy supply is key to keeping everyday life running. We need to plan ahead and stock up on some of the necessary energy supplies.

The importance of alternative power supply equipment

Portable generators are a very practical alternative power supply device. In the event of a power outage, it can provide us with a stable supply of electricity, ensuring that important electronic devices such as mobile phones, computers, and refrigerators in the home can continue to operate. It is very important to choose a portable generator with reliable quality and moderate power, which can provide us with important power support in critical moments.

Preparation of spare batteries and chargers

For some small devices, battery backup is key to ensuring their continued operation. Flashlights, radios, and handheld devices, among others, all require backup batteries to ensure proper use in an emergency. Solar charging equipment is also an environmentally friendly and practical option, which can use solar energy to provide continuous power support for electronic devices and solve the problem of long power outages.

Fuel storage and use

From household gas canisters and gasoline canisters to portable fuel canisters, these fuels are an indispensable source of energy in our daily lives. They are not only used for daily cooking, but also when we are out camping, exploring, and provide us with an adequate supply of heat. The portable gas stove is a very practical cooking tool that provides us with a stable fire source even when there is no electricity. When stockpiling energy supplies, we need to consider how various fuels are stored and used to ensure that these resources can be fully utilized in an emergency.

5. Warm materials: a warm harbor to resist the cold

In extreme climatic conditions, the importance of warmth cannot be overstated. In order to ensure the comfort and safety of family members, we need to prepare some high-quality warm materials in advance.

Warm clothing to choose and match

Warm clothing such as down jackets, sweaters, and warm pants are essential for winter warmth. These garments have good thermal properties, which are effective in keeping our body temperature from dropping and reducing the risk of disease. When choosing warm clothing, we need to consider factors such as material, thickness and warmth to ensure that it can provide us with adequate protection in the cold. At the same time, some warm products such as gloves, scarves and hats can also effectively prevent heat loss from the head and limbs, so that we can stay warm and comfortable in cold weather.

Warm bedding and bedding are prepared

A good insulated bedding on cold nights can provide us with a warm sleeping environment. Traditional warm bedding such as duvets and quilts have a good thermal effect and can ensure that we stay comfortable and warm at night. Some new types of warm bedding, such as electric blankets, can also provide us with warmth without electricity, but you need to pay attention to their use and safety matters.

Choice of portable heating equipment

Heating devices such as portable heaters, small electric heaters, and heating bricks can be used in large rooms or outdoor environments. These devices can quickly raise the temperature of the surrounding environment, bringing us more comfort. When choosing a portable heating device, we need to consider factors such as its power, heating speed and safety to ensure that it can provide us with stable and safe heating support in an emergency. Sleeping bags for outdoor camping are also a part of the warmth materials that cannot be ignored, especially the sleeping bags with a high filling capacity, which can ensure the warmth of the body in extremely cold environments.

6. Communication and emergency tools: the line of contact for life

In any emergency, it is crucial to keep communications open. In order to deal with possible communication interruptions, we need to prepare some necessary communication and emergency tools in advance.

Preparation of emergency communication equipment

Emergency communication devices such as handheld walkie-talkies and satellite phones can maintain contact with the outside world in the event of a mobile signal outage. These devices have a long communication distance and stable signal transmission capability, making them ideal for use in emergency situations. Through handheld walkie-talkies, family members can communicate with each other in short distances; Satellite phones, on the other hand, can achieve long-distance communication needs, allowing us to contact the outside world for help in time in an emergency.

Selection and use of emergency tools

Emergency tools such as multi-tool knives, ropes, matches, and tarps can provide a multi-purpose solution in a variety of unexpected situations. The multi-tool knife integrates a variety of practical tools, such as scissors, small saws and can openers, etc., to cope with the basic needs of life; Ropes can be used to build shelter or rescue work; Matches and lighters are important tools for making fires for heating or cooking; Tarps can be used to build a canopy or to protect important items from rain. Not only are these emergency tools portable and easy to use, but they can also provide us with important help in critical moments.

Reliable information acquisition equipment

In an emergency, having access to accurate information is essential to making the right decisions. Hand-cranked or solar-powered radios can help us keep abreast of the outside world and rescue efforts, especially in the event of a power outage or internet outage, and these traditional broadcasting devices can be an important way to get information. Having some mini electronic compasses and mapping tools on hand can also help us find the right path when we get lost. These devices may be small and portable, but they can make a huge difference when it matters most.

These six things are not only the material basis for responding to emergencies, but also the key to improving the family's ability to help themselves. No matter how the situation changes in the future, these reserves can provide families with peace of mind. It is suggested that each family should make a reasonable reserve plan according to their actual situation to ensure that they can calmly cope with various challenges at critical moments.