
Follow the footsteps of life

author:Simple lark S6

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Follow the footsteps of life

I'm Wang Lihua, an ordinary Chinese rural woman. Living in a small village, he lives an ordinary life with his husband Wang Dawei and son Wang Xiaowei's family. Our family is not wealthy, but we are okay. My husband and I have been married for more than 30 years, and our son is now an adult and has started working in the field.

Our family's life seems to be peaceful, but in fact, there are many hidden contradictions and pressures in our hearts. Recently, the family's financial situation has been a little difficult, and my son is not working well and often borrows money from us. My husband and I also had a conflict over money. I felt as if I was only there to provide financial support for my son, and I felt that my life was empty and lost.

One day, my husband and I got into an argument at home about this issue. I blamed him for not teaching his son well and making him so immature. My husband thinks I'm too soft-hearted and should be more strict with my son. Our arguments grew more and more intense, and eventually I lost control of my emotions and cried that I didn't know what the meaning of my existence was and that my life felt like a nightmare.

At this time, my son Wang Xiaowei came home, and when he heard our quarrel, he angrily blamed us husband and wife for arguing over money and not putting family first. He said that he just wants to work hard for his career outside, and hopes that we can understand and support him. After listening to our son's words, my husband and I fell silent and realized our mistake.

At this moment, Lao Li from the village walked in. Lao Li is an elder in our village and often gives our family some advice on life. He heard our argument and came over to ask about the situation. We told him what had happened. Lao Li sighed deeply, and then said: "Family is the smallest society, and family harmony is the most important. Money is important, but family affection is even more precious. You should communicate more, understand more, and face the difficulties and challenges in life together. Only in this way can we follow the footsteps of life and move towards happiness. ”

After listening to Lao Li's words, my husband and I both had a deep understanding. We decided to give our son some money and leave some as a backup, while also realizing the importance of family harmony. We are determined to support each other to face life's challenges and live happily ever after. Although this quarrel made us sad for a while, it also made us understand the importance of family even more.

We were inspired by Li's words, and we decided to cherish our relationship even more. His son, Wang Xiaowei, also realized his responsibilities in the family, and he began to work harder, hoping to be independent as soon as possible. Our family began to communicate and understand more, and the family atmosphere became more harmonious and harmonious.

Soon after, my husband and I retired. We decided to use some of the money to enjoy life and leave some of the money for our son as a backup for the future. We started to participate in some community activities in the village, made a lot of friends, and life became more colorful.

Follow the footsteps of life

At this moment, our son Wang Xiaowei presented us with a shocking news: he was going to get married! My husband and I were very happy and surprised by this news. Wang Xiaowei introduced his fiancée, a gentle, kind, beautiful and generous girl. After we met, we had a very good impression of her and thought she was a very good girl.

During the preparation of the wedding, we were united as a family and prepared together. My husband and I decided to give some of our treasures to Wang Xiaowei and his new wife, hoping to bring good luck and blessings to their marriage.

On the day of the wedding, people from our village came to attend and the atmosphere was very warm. Son Wang Xiaowei and his new wife entered the palace of marriage with the blessing of everyone, and our family also felt very happy and satisfied.

After getting married, Wang Xiaowei and his wife bought a house in another place and started a new life of their own. My husband and I continue to enjoy our retirement, visiting our son and his family regularly to share our joys and sorrows.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, we have been retired for many years. Although we are getting older, our hearts are still young. We often go out on trips with our son's family and have a great time together. We also maintain close contact with our neighbors in the village, and our relationship with each other has become deeper.

Although our lives are ordinary, they are full of happiness and warmth. We have followed the footsteps of life, gone through many hardships, and gained a lot of happiness. We know that we cherish the people in front of us, be grateful for life, and believe that the future will be better. In our family, family affection is always the most important, and we will always cherish this deep affection and spend the rest of our lives together.

Time flies like a white horse, and in a blink of an eye, we have grown old, and our son is already a mature and stable middle-aged man. He and his wife have a lovely pair of children, our grandchildren. We really enjoyed spending time with them and enjoying the time with our grandchildren.

Follow the footsteps of life

One day, we got a call from our son that there was a new project where he was working and that he needed to be stationed for a long time, and he wanted us to help take care of his children. Hearing this, of course, we readily agreed. We are very happy to take care of our grandchildren and hope to spend more time with them and have fun with them.

As a result, our lives became lively again. Every morning, we wake up early to make breakfast for our grandchildren and take them to school. After school, we would pick them up, do their homework, and teach them to learn. In the evenings, we would eat, chat, tell stories, and have a great time together.

One night, we were having dinner at home when we suddenly heard a knock on the door. We opened the door and saw a strange man standing in the doorway, looking a little anxious. We asked him what was the matter and he said it was his car that broke down and needed to borrow a phone to make a call. We hesitated, felt that the man seemed to be honest, and let him in to use the phone.

When the man came in, we brought him a phone and after he finished the call, he thanked us. We asked him if he had eaten, and he said he hadn't, so we invited him to stay and eat with us. He hesitated, then agreed.

We talked a lot during the meal with this man. He told us that he was an out-of-town tourist who came to us because his car broke down. We were so impressed by his honesty and kindness that we decided to help him fix his car.

After fixing the car, the man thanked us and said that he was on his way. We sent him out and wished him a safe journey. After he left, we all felt very relieved and felt that there were still many kind people in this world.

A few days later, we received a call from our son saying that the project he was working on was over and he could go home. We are happy to hear the news and are reluctant to part with our grandchildren. When we saw off our grandchildren, we burst into tears, our hearts filled with thoughts and blessings for them.

Follow the footsteps of life

After my son returned, we were reunited as a family and had a warm holiday. We feel very happy and fulfilled and feel like we have the happiest family in the world. We know that family is the most important thing, and family affection is the most precious. We will always cherish the warmth and happiness of this family and spend the rest of our lives together.

Our life goes on, plain and happy. Our sons and grandchildren often visit us, and we often visit their homes to enjoy the warmth and happiness of family.

One day, we were sitting quietly at home when we suddenly received a phone call from a strange girl. She told us in an excited voice that she was an orphan we had helped many years ago and had grown up and had found our contact information and wanted to visit us. We were very happy to hear the news and immediately invited her to our home.

The girl came soon and we were very excited when we met. She told us that she had started a family and lived well, and thanked us for our help and care back then. After listening to her words, we felt very relieved and proud, and felt that our good deeds back then were not in vain, and that this girl had grown up and lived a happy life.

In the communication with this girl, we learned that she has encountered some difficulties in life, but she has always been strong and optimistic, worked hard to overcome difficulties, and achieved a lot. We are deeply touched by her courage and strength, and we are proud and proud of her.

After the girl left, we continued to live a peaceful life. We know that there will always be some difficulties and challenges in life, but as long as we have good intentions and work hard to overcome them, we will definitely be able to trace the footsteps of life and move towards happiness. We will always cherish the warmth and happiness of our family and spend the rest of our lives together.

Our lives go on, and every day is filled with laughter and warmth. Our sons and grandchildren often visit us, and we often visit their homes to enjoy the warmth and happiness of family.

Follow the footsteps of life

One day, we suddenly received a message that shocked us. It turned out that one of the people we had helped many years ago, a person we once thought had passed away, was still alive and wanted to see us. We were so surprised and pleasantly surprised by the news that we immediately expressed our willingness to meet this person.

Soon, the man came to our house. He is an old man with an old face, but his eyes are still bright. He told us that he lost contact in an accident many years ago and was mistaken for dead. After years of hard work, he finally found our contact details and wanted to express his gratitude and apologies to us.

The old man told us that we had helped him through the most difficult period of his life. He said that our kindness made him understand the love and warmth between people, and rekindled his hope for life. He also said that although he is old and frail, his heart is still full of love and yearning for life.

After listening to this old man's words, we were so moved that we almost cried. We never imagined that our small help could have such a profound impact on a person. Our hearts are filled with emotion and joy, and we feel that our lives are full of meaning and value.

In the communication with this old man, we learned that he is now living a difficult life and facing great financial difficulties. We decided to help him so that he could live a stable and happy old age. We took him into our home and took care of him and provided him with warmth and love.

We learned a lot during our time with this old man. We understand how important kindness and love are between people, and understand that the meaning of life is not how much wealth and status we have, but how much love and help we can give to others.

Eventually, the old man passed away peacefully with us by our side. On his deathbed, he said to us, "Thank you for making me feel warm and cared for in the last moments of my life. I am willing to leave what little property I have left to you, and I hope that you can continue to help more people and let more people feel the beauty of life. ”

Follow the footsteps of life

After listening to the old man's last words, we burst into tears, and our hearts were filled with gratitude and respect. We are determined to continue to inherit and carry forward this good deed, so that more people can feel the warmth and beauty of life. We are convinced that with good intentions, we can follow the footsteps of life and move towards happiness.

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