
Xiufen: For the sake of love, choose forbearance

author:Simple lark S6

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Xiufen: For the sake of love, choose forbearance

My name is Xiufen, an ordinary village girl, living in a small mountain village. My hometown is beautiful and beautiful, but my heart is often turbulent. I have a family where both parents are hardworking and simple farmers, and I have an older brother named Minghua. Minghua and I are twin siblings, we have been glued together since we were children, sharing each other's joys and troubles. However, just when I felt that I was very happy, an unexpected person broke into my life and plunged me into a conflict.

That person's name is Jiang Shan, and he has been my playmate since childhood. He is a rich son in the village, with a superior family background and is also handsome and chic. He's been my best friend since we played hide-and-seek together in the fields as children. But as I've gotten older, I've found that my feelings don't seem to be just friendships anymore.

I found that my feelings for Jiangshan were a little special, not only the friendship of friends, but also an indescribable emotion. Every time he laughs, my heart flutters inexplicably, and every time he is by my side, I feel an inexplicable sense of relief. However, I knew that the gap between us was too big, not only financially, but also in terms of family background and social status. In a small village like ours, the class gap is insurmountable, let alone how my parents would view such a relationship.

I tried to tell myself to control this emotion and not let it develop into anything. But whenever I see the country, this thought seems so pale and weak. Although Minghua and I are twin siblings, our personalities are completely different. Minghua is a straightforward and bold person, but I always like to hide my thoughts in my heart and don't want to show them easily. Therefore, I could not confide in him the contradictions in my heart, so I could only bear it silently alone.

I know that if I choose to love Jiangshan, it will mean that I will betray my family, my parents and Minghua. However, if I give up this relationship, I am afraid that I will regret it for the rest of my life. This contradiction made me feel very painful, and I didn't know what to do to do it right.

However, just when I was conflicted, an accident happened.

I was told that Jiang Shan had an accident and that he had been injured during a hunting trip. The news made my heart twist, and I feared for his safety, while also feeling guilty for my feelings. I don't know if he knows my mind or if he feels the same way for me, but I know that I can't let him leave my life like this.

I hurried to Jiangshan's house and heard that his injuries were not light. Outside his bedroom door, I hesitated, not knowing whether to go in and see him. But eventually, I plucked up the courage to push the door open.

Xiufen: For the sake of love, choose forbearance

"Jiangshan, how are you?" I asked cautiously.

His face was pale, but there was a hint of fortitude in his eyes: "It's okay, just a little injury." ”

"Are you really okay?" I stared nervously at his face.

He smiled slightly and gently touched my hair: "Silly girl, I'm fine, don't worry." ”

I breathed a sigh of relief, but the anxiety in my heart didn't completely dissipate. I sat down on the edge of his bed and looked up at him, an inexplicable emotion welling up in my heart. Perhaps because of this accident, I understood my mind better.

During this time, I often came to visit Jiang and accompany him through the difficult recovery period. Our relationship has also become more intimate, and he has spoken a lot to me, which makes me feel his sincerity and kindness. I began to realize that maybe I should be brave enough to face my feelings and stop running away.

However, just when I decided to confess to Jiangshan, an unexpected person broke into our lives and disrupted my plans.

Xiufen: For the sake of love, choose forbearance

That person is called Liu Ting, and she is Jiang Shan's fiancée. I know the relationship between them, and I know how deep the relationship between them is. When I saw her hurrying over, I couldn't help but feel a sour feeling in my heart.

"Liu Ting, why are you here?" I tried to hide my panic.

With tears in her eyes, she wiped her tears and said, "I heard that Jiang Shan was injured, and I was worried about death." ”

I nodded silently, with an indescribable feeling in my heart. I know she genuinely cares, but why shouldn't I? This situation makes me feel very helpless.

In the following days, Liu Ting often came to visit Jiangshan and take care of his daily life. I watched the tacit cooperation between them, and my heart was full of sourness and helplessness. I gradually understood that maybe all this was predestined, and the relationship between me and Jiangshan could only stay in the bottom of my heart and could not be realized.

During this time, I tried to hide my feelings and try to keep it as indifferent as possible. However, whenever I see Jiang Shan and Liu Ting together, the unwillingness and loss in my heart are like a sharp knife, stabbing my heart.

The arrival of Liu Ting made me realize that the relationship between me and Jiang Shan was destined to be an unrealizable dream. I can't help but start to wonder if I was wrong from the beginning, or maybe it was just a beautiful misunderstanding between me and Jiangshan. I didn't know how I was going to face all this, and my heart was full of contradictions and helplessness.

Xiufen: For the sake of love, choose forbearance

Just when I was in despair, the appearance of a man changed everything.

That person was a strange traveler, his name was Li Jun. He came to our village in search of a place to settle down. The first time I met him, I was drawn to his bright eyes. He looks inconspicuous and dressed modestly, but he reveals a distinctive temperament.

"Hello, my name is Xiufen, welcome to our village. Are you here for a tourist? I tried to talk to him.

He smiled and nodded, his voice low and warm: "Yes, I am a traveler, always looking for a place for my soul. ”

I was deeply attracted by his words, and felt that he was different from ordinary travelers, and seemed to have a different pursuit. Over the next few days, I talked to him a lot to learn about his story and his dreams. I found him to be a kind and sincere man, and his eyes were full of love for life and hope for the future.

In my relationship with Li Jun, I gradually forgot my troubles and contradictions, and my mood became cheerful. His appearance made me re-examine my life and rethink my choices. I've come to believe that maybe fate isn't so unforgiving, maybe happiness isn't so unattainable.

However, just as the relationship between me and Li Jun gradually deepened, an unexpected news broke our peace.

Xiufen: For the sake of love, choose forbearance

The news was about Jiang Shan, and I heard that he had recovered and was about to be discharged from the hospital. The news made me feel an inexplicable nervousness, and I didn't know how to face him or how he would react when he recovered.

On the day Jiang Shan was discharged from the hospital, I watched him being helped out of the hospital gate from a distance, and an indescribable emotion surged in my heart. His eyes swept across the crowd and finally stopped at me, and I felt as if my heart was about to jump out. He smiled as he walked towards me, and a familiar feeling came over me, and I felt as if I had gone back in time, back to our carefree childhood.

"Xiufen, you're here. Thank you for taking care of me these days. His voice was gentle and grateful.

I bowed my head shyly, not knowing how to respond. But his appearance made me feel an inexplicable comfort and made me feel that it was all worth it.

In the days that followed, my relationship with Jiangshan became even closer. His care and thoughtfulness for me made me feel so happy that I felt like the happiest woman in the world. We walked and talked together, like two people who loved each other.

However, my happiness did not last long, because I knew that the relationship between me and Jiang Shan was destined to be fruitless. He already has a fiancée, and the relationship between me and him can only stay in the realm of friends. This unattainable love pains me immensely and makes me feel like the most pitiful woman in the world.

With the company of Jiang Shan, I gradually walked out of the loss and pain and faced life again. I knew I couldn't dwell on the memories of the past forever, and I had to be brave enough to face the reality and start my life all over again. Although the relationship between me and Jiangshan cannot be realized, I will still cherish our friendship and cherish the good memories between us.

Xiufen: For the sake of love, choose forbearance

Perhaps, life is like this, full of joys and sorrows, full of contradictions and helplessness. But I believe that as long as we face it bravely, as long as we persevere, we will be able to find our own happiness.

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