
Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

author:Several say entertainment

1. Wonderful opening: How Liu Tao, who pays attention to the present and looks at himself, shows his unique charm in "Be Your Own Light"!

In today's entertainment industry, Liu Tao is undoubtedly a dazzling star, and the role she played as He Xin in the TV series "Be Your Own Light" is even more shining. As a modern urban woman, He Xin has encountered all kinds of hardships and severe tests in her family and career.

When her faithful partner suddenly runs away with a huge debt after ten years of marriage, she has to bravely take on the responsibility of providing for her family; At the same time, she faced a potential crisis in her career, and her busy work of multiple hats left her physically and mentally exhausted.

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

However, Liu Tao successfully interpreted the role of He Xin with his superb performance skills and won warm praise from the audience. In her past works, she either played a "strong woman" with a resolute and resolute attitude, or portrayed a "good wife and mother" with a gentle and virtuous image, which left a deep impression on people.

However, in "Be Your Own Light", she succeeds in blending these two very different personality traits, vividly demonstrating the independent spirit and deep affection that a modern working woman should have.

The audience was able to witness a real, three-dimensional and vibrant image of an urban woman. In the face of many difficulties, she not only showed perseverance in survival faith, but also revealed a delicate and gentle side, nourishing family life with maternal love and wife love.

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

This kind of character creation has achieved unprecedented balance and perfection, and has won high praise from many film critics and audiences.

It is this work that allows us to witness another leap in Liu Tao's mature acting skills. However, who would have thought that this now highly praised and powerful actor has also been "ridiculed" by online public opinion? Her achievements today are due to her magnificent life experience and unremitting pursuit.

Second, since Liu Tao debuted, he has a love for the role of immortals, and even prayed to Mazu for strength!

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

Since Liu Tao stepped into the entertainment industry, he has been deeply attracted by the role of gods and Buddhas. With her innate gentle and kind temperament, she has successfully created many such images, such as Observer Bodhisattva, White Lady, etc.

Whenever she plays these roles, she always puts her heart and soul into it, doing her best to bring out the sacred meaning of the characters perfectly.

In 2010, Liu Tao was deeply honored to usher in a major opportunity to shape the role of Mazu Niangniang. As we all know, before officially starting filming, Liu Tao devoted himself to religiously asking the real Mazu whether he could be qualified for this weighty performance work.

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

It is said that these pious actions were only after asking Mazu for approval before Liu Tao could play this pivotal role with peace of mind.

However, it is worth noting that although historical sources do not record the detailed process of this "request", we can still get a glimpse of Liu Tao's enthusiasm and respect for this role.

3. Liu Tao once returned to the circle after retiring from the circle for the wealthy businessman Wang Ke

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

If Liu Tao's successful portrayal of Mazu is a new starting point for her acting career, then in the next few years, her life has experienced a period of magnificent ups and downs. In 2011, Liu Tao fell in love with Wang Ke, who was known as one of the four richest people in Beijing at that time, and quickly entered the marriage hall.

At the wedding scene, Wang Ke's deep affection for his wife moved all the guests present. And Liu Tao announced in public that she would bid farewell to the entertainment industry and become a virtuous housewife, accompanying her husband wholeheartedly.

However, unpredictable times, this good time only lasted for a short honeymoon period. Soon after, Wang Ke was hit hard by the failure of his investment and fell into the predicament of huge debts.

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

As Wang Ke's strong backing, Liu Tao took on the important task of "saving her husband", and had to give up his former ambition and devote himself to his acting career again.

Looking back on the days of taking the oath, Liu Tao's heart was full of emotion. In an interview with the media, she candidly stated: "If it were possible to choose, I certainly don't want to see things develop to the point where they are today.

However, fate is so unforgiving, I have no choice but to move forward. As she spoke of this, there was a deep melancholy in her eyes, as if she had not fully recovered from the blow.

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

Fourth, in order to save her husband, she starred in dramas such as "The Good Wife", and the acting controversy was polarized

In order to help her husband Wang Ke, who was in a debt crisis, get out of trouble, Liu Tao resolutely returned to the stage of an actor. In 2013, she starred in the TV series "The Good Wife", in which she played a Han Dayun who was betrayed by her husband but always adhered to her belief in love.

This work not only enabled Liu Tao to establish a classic screen image of "a good wife and good mother", but also opened a new chapter for her to interpret the heroine.

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

Since then, Liu Tao's acting career has been like a surging river, and she is still beautiful in CCTV film and television programs! On the one hand, she starred in many film and television masterpieces, leading the trend, and the ratings have reached new highs, which is undoubtedly inseparable from her unique role shaping and excellent acting skills in the play.

For example, as soon as the TV series "The Sea of Stars" broadcast in 2022 was broadcast, it aroused heated discussions among the audience, Liu Tao successfully monopolized the top of the Mango Channel ratings list at the end of the year with his superb acting skills, and broke the ratings record of the premiere drama on provincial satellite TV in the past ten months!

However, on the other hand, some netizens questioned Liu Tao's acting skills, they believed that the role of Andy she played in the hit drama "Ode to Joy", although she is a powerful female entrepreneur, there are some deficiencies in her performance.

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

According to common sense, such a role should be calm, calm and confident, but Liu Tao often affects the overall effect of the role because of some subtle movements during the performance.

For example, in the play, she often involuntarily widens her eyes and rolls her eyes, and this deliberate expression is reminiscent of the scene of "walking on Wall Street", which has attracted a lot of criticism and complaints.

Regarding Liu Tao's performance style, the evaluation on the Internet can be described as divergent. Supporters believe that she is able to accurately portray the personality traits of the characters portrayed in the script, and her acting skills are natural and smooth, just right.

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

Opponents, however, argue that her long-term shackles to the image of a "good wife and mother" have led to her expressing her emotions too directly and even exaggerated in many of her works.

Despite this, the high ratings she has brought to domestic TV dramas are indeed an important contribution that cannot be ignored.

Part 5: Liu Tao bravely crossed the border, showing endless pursuits, but also exposed many shortcomings

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

In addition to her wonderful performance in the field of film and television dramas, Liu Tao also boldly tried to cross other artistic fields, fully demonstrating her unremitting pursuit of her career. In 2020, she launched her debut music album "Tao Yu", and won many honors such as "The Most Popular Female Singer of the Year" with one of the title songs.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Tao appeared in a popular variety show as a new host, officially starting her career as a host.

However, the road to cross-border has not been easy. In terms of music creation, the overall quality of "Tao Yu" is not particularly good, and Liu Tao's voice is also slightly thin and hoarse, making it difficult to control the difficult style.

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

More crucially, her deep understanding of music composition leaves much to be desired, and the album as a whole feels like a rush to get things done.

In the field of hosting, the situation is shocking, and it is even more regrettable! Liu Tao, who made his debut as a variety show host, was quite clumsy when dealing with emergencies on the scene, and often couldn't grasp the sense of proportion and the rhythm of the show.

At the same time, in the interaction with the guests, Liu Tao was often in a passive position, and even was overwhelmingly dominated by the other party, and failed to lead the atmosphere of the whole event, a large number of viewers expressed their opinions on it, and generally regarded Liu Tao's shortcomings in this regard as the main content of complaints.

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

Although the road from cross-border artist to professional actor has not been smooth sailing, Liu Tao has always been unswerving, showing her incomparable courage and firm belief in her career.

In the face of doubts and criticism from the outside world, she was not discouraged, but worked harder to improve herself.

Perhaps because of this, Liu Tao, who has gone through the baptism of wind and rain, bloomed with dazzling brilliance in the TV series "Be Your Own Light". Inside and outside the film and television industry, there are endless praises for her wonderful performance in the play.

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

Many film critics have said that Liu Tao has become a veritable powerful actor, vividly interpreting the diverse personality characteristics of modern urban women.

Looking back on Liu Tao's acting career, since she stepped into the showbiz, she has been deeply attracted by "kind and gentle" characters, such as Guanyin Bodhisattva, White Lady, etc. Later, in order to save her husband Wang Ke, she began to try to create the image of a "good wife", and was firmly bound by this label for a long time.

Even if he occasionally tries to break through, such as playing the strong woman Andy in "Ode to Joy", he is often met with contrived and exaggerated reviews.

Liu Tao, who was "ridiculed" by netizens, has already embarked on another avenue

However, in recent years, Liu Tao has finally broken free from this shackle and shown more three-dimensional and comprehensive acting skills in his works. Not only that, but her persistent pursuit of her acting career has also attracted a lot of criticism and ridicule.

However, she has never been swayed by these negative emotions, and has always adhered to her ideals and original intentions.

Therefore, whether for the majority of fans or peers in the industry, Liu Tao has undoubtedly become a model for his career to climb to new heights. She used her practical actions to profoundly interpret the deep meaning of the sentence "The artist who was 'ridiculed' by netizens has already embarked on another avenue".

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