
Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

author:Several say entertainment

1. Mr. Zhang Zhen's low-key life path full of mystery

In the Chinese film industry, there are few 15-year-old young actors who can win countless praises for their unparalleled acting skills as Zhang Zhen showed in "The Juvenile Murder on Guling Street".

This film is known as "the most outstanding youth film in the history of Chinese cinema", and its vivid portrayal of the bleak and interlaced pictures makes the character played by Zhang Zhen vivid and deeply imprinted in people's hearts.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

Since then, Mr. Zhang Zhen has been walking in this bizarre entertainment industry with a low-key and introverted attitude. He never engaged in any form of self-promotion, but silently took on one role after another, and then devoted himself to the in-depth analysis and shaping of these characters.

It is only through his outstanding performances that the audience can get a glimpse of the young actor's unwavering belief and unremitting pursuit of his career.

Mr. Zhang Zhen treats each character extremely rigorously and seriously, and he is willing to do his best to better interpret and show the inner world of the character. For example, in 2009, in order to star in the movie "The Grandmaster", he did not hesitate to go to another country, worship under the master of Bajiquan, and devote himself to studying Bajiquan.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

Mr. Zhang Zhen followed Wang Shiquan, the eighth generation of Bajiquan, and assiduously practiced the inner boxing technique, striving to comprehend the mysterious essence of it. In the end, with his unremitting efforts, he won the honor of the Bajiquan Championship.

This is undoubtedly a great achievement in the entertainment industry, and once again demonstrates Mr. Zhang Zhen's incomparable enthusiasm and persistent pursuit of his career.

Recently, in order to create a new role, Mr. Zhang Zhen did not even hesitate to lose 20 pounds. Although he looks very tired and emaciated every time he appears, it is a testament to his determination and perseverance to give everything for the sake of art.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

Under the impetuous atmosphere prevailing in today's entertainment industry, Mr. Zhang Zhen still adheres to his inner innocence for art, and this persistent spirit is really admirable.

Since becoming famous at a young age, Mr. Zhang Zhen has always walked in this circle with a low-key and introverted attitude, never showing off, but focusing all his energy on the interpretation of the role and the quality of the work.

He showed an actor's purest and most persistent pursuit of his career with practical actions, and set a shining example of an excellent artist.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

2. The road of drama addiction who is desperate for the sake of art

Zhang Zhen treats every role with all his heart, and he always gives everything he can to present the best performance, as shown in his heroic deeds for the 2009 film "The Grandmaster", who did not hesitate to personally worship under the Bajiquan sect and study the Bajiquan method.

He is willing to follow Wang Shiquan, the eighth generation of Bajiquan, and devote himself to the study of internal boxing, in order to interpret the role to the fullest. Under the strict guidance of Wang Shiquan, he worked diligently and meticulously to comprehend the essence of boxing, and finally succeeded in mastering the mystery of Bajiquan.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

The hard work paid off, and Zhang Zhen won the highest honor of the Bajiquan championship with his profound martial arts attainments. This is a great feat in the entertainment industry, which fully demonstrates Zhang Zhen's great efforts for the role.

Recently, in order to create a new role, Zhang Zhen resolutely decided to lose 20 pounds. When we see the emaciated and haggard figure in front of the camera, we can't help but sigh at the great sacrifice he made for this role.

However, for Zhang Zhen, this is his responsibility, as long as it is to interpret the role more perfectly, he is willing to give everything without reservation.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

In the face of the flashy and pretentious atmosphere that prevails in today's entertainment industry, Zhang Zhen has always adhered to his innocent yearning for art, and firmly used his practical actions to show the professionalism that an actor should have.

His dedication to each role, as well as his dedication to art, are a vivid embodiment of the admirable spirit of "theater addiction" in this industry.

3. Adhere to artistic ideals and do not follow the trend

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

Nowadays, all kinds of variety talent shows are popular in the entertainment industry, and many artists have gathered together to discuss the so-called "acting skills", however, their purpose is nothing more than to attract more attention and commercial interests.

However, Zhang Zhen has never set foot in such a show, which is enough to prove his attitude towards the profession of actor, that is, to abandon those superficial appearances and focus on the roots of artistic creation.

As Zhang Zhen's works become more and more abundant, he has gradually won the love and popularity of the audience. However, he always insisted that every work must be presented in front of the audience with the best posture and never let the audience down.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

In his eyes, art needs to be carved with hard work and sweat, and the actor's responsibility is to present this art to the audience vividly. If you are immersed in the entanglement of interests in the complicated entertainment industry, and only pursue instantaneous high traffic and overloaded attention, then you can only become a cold money-making machine in the end, losing the original intention of art.

It is based on his persistent belief in the purity of art that Zhang Zhen has always unswervingly pursued and adhered to his own ideals and pursuits. With his practical actions, he has set up a monument for the entire entertainment industry that is worthy of learning and emulation by all practitioners.

In this vanity fair full of temptation and glitz, Zhang Zhen shows the noble qualities that a true actor should have and his unapologetic adherence to art.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

Fourth, the chapter of romantic love

Zhang Zhen's private life has always been low-key and introverted, but the sweet and warm love story between him and his wife Zhuang Wenru has become a good story in the minds of many people. After the baptism of wind and rain, they were finally able to walk through every stage of their lives together, holding hands, and now they have entered the marriage hall for eight years.

Their encounter was accidental. Zhuang Wenru's family background is not prominent, initially as a personal assistant to Zhang Zhen, and later as a Japanese translator. Due to the close working relationship, they had to be in frequent contact, and in the process of getting along day after day, the spark of love quietly bloomed.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

Some people speculate that Zhuang Wenru's choice to become Zhang Zhen's assistant may not be accidental, because she is not only beautiful, but also intelligent and proficient in Japanese, and it seems that she should not be limited to the role of assistant.

However, in Zhang Zhen's heart, whether Zhuang Wen was intentional or unintentional, her appearance was undoubtedly the most precious gift given by God.

This actor, known as the "drama idiot", often falls into the world of the character and can't extricate himself, and at this moment, he urgently needs a confidant to accompany him and give him understanding and care. Zhuang Wenru is such a person, she dutifully completes the work of the assistant, and at the same time, Zhang Zhen has a deep admiration and love for this beautiful and capable assistant.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

In 2013, the relationship between the two was unveiled in front of the public for the first time, and at the celebration dinner of the movie "The Grandmaster", Zhang Zhen publicly admitted this relationship unabashedly.

Zhang Zhen carefully planned and created a unique surprise for Zhuang Wenru by selecting ring styles online and going to physical stores to buy them in person.

Although Zhuang Wenru had already sensed Zhang Zhen's intentions, when he officially proposed to her, her heart was still very excited, and she deeply felt this sincere love.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

Therefore, the two quickly stepped into the sacred marriage hall and held a grand and gorgeous wedding celebration, the atmosphere was as warm as a flame, and many celebrities and VIPs sent sincere blessings, showing an unprecedented grand scene.

5. A quiet, peaceful and happy married life

In the days after marriage, Zhang Zhen and Zhuang Wenru built a quiet but warm family together, living a simple but happy life. Zhuang Wenru is a good woman who takes care of her family, takes care of her family dutifully, and becomes a strong backing for Zhang Zhen's career.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

It is precisely because of his wife's selfless dedication and deep understanding that Zhang Zhen can devote himself to the cause he loves without any worries.

This loving couple often brings unexpected surprises and romantic little details to each other. Zhang Zhen will carefully record every important anniversary, and whenever he returns home from his work outside the home, he will always carefully select a thoughtful gift to express his deep longing for his wife.

Even in public, Zhang Zhen always carefully protects his wife and children, for fear that they will be disturbed by any unnecessary interference in front of the camera. It can be seen that Zhang Zhen's cherishment of this family has reached the highest level in his life.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

And Zhuang Wenru used her own unique way to silently support her husband Zhang Zhen behind the scenes. She has become Zhang Zhen's most solid spiritual pillar and support, so that this "drama idiot" who is often immersed in the world of characters can devote himself to his work with peace of mind, and pour all his enthusiasm and energy into his noble artistic career.

With such love and care from his family, Zhang Zhen can completely let go of the burden in his heart and devote himself to the cause he loves. In this way, the couple supported each other and spent seven years together, and their married life still maintained the original sweetness and affection, which is really enviable.

Looking forward to the next ten or twenty years, we can still look forward to seeing the happy figure of this couple, supporting each other and moving forward hand in hand. This is undoubtedly the most worthy of learning and emulating love models in the entertainment industry.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

6. Firm and persistent artistic life and fruitful results

In Zhang Zhen's body, we see an actor's pure pursuit and firm belief in art. He never loses himself in the temptations of the world, but quietly focuses his full attention on the creation of each character.

This kind of noble work ethic is precisely the most lacking quality in today's entertainment industry.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

In the past, actors in the film and television industry have always been fully engaged in their roles, crafting deeply rooted characters and impressing audiences with their heartfelt words.

However, today's entertainment industry is off track, and many people hold the view that as long as the work is able to attract the attention of the audience and bring commercial value, there is no need to pay too much attention to the artistic details.

However, Zhang Zhen, an outstanding actor, has never been affected by these superficial rumors, and he has always tried his best to do a good job in every work, and has no time to take care of the eyes of others. Although his repertoire has grown to a greater number of audiences, he remains steadfast in his quest to be the best at every performance and never disappoint the audience.

Zhang Zhen, known as the "drama idiot", what kind of person is he?

In his eyes, art comes from the depths of the heart, and it is the actor's duty to express this art in the most sincere way. If you just chase fame and fortune and indulge in the temptation of money, then you can only become a tool to make money in the end.

It is precisely because of his pure love and firm belief in art that Zhang Zhen has been able to consistently adhere to his ideals and pursuits. With his practical actions, he has set a model worth learning from for the entire entertainment industry.

In this world full of fame and fortune, Zhang Zhen has won the respect and admiration of countless people with his noble personality charm and persistent adherence to art.

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