
Young people have finally reached the "blind date world", it doesn't matter if you don't have a car or a house, you just have 88VIP members

author:Freedom is like the wind
Young people have finally reached the "blind date world", it doesn't matter if you don't have a car or a house, you just have 88VIP members

That's what you think is a blind date.

Young people have finally reached the "blind date world", it doesn't matter if you don't have a car or a house, you just have 88VIP members
Young people have finally reached the "blind date world", it doesn't matter if you don't have a car or a house, you just have 88VIP members
Young people have finally reached the "blind date world", it doesn't matter if you don't have a car or a house, you just have 88VIP members

No, no, no, it's too low. Nowadays, young people have begun to rectify the blind date market, and when others are still asking for a car, a garage and an education, their requirements are so "different".

Recently, the blind date corner in Shanghai People's Park has recently set off a new trend - 88VIP member blind date corner! You heard it right, it's the elite membership on that shopping site that has now become the new favorite in the blind date market. When did Ali's members become status symbols?

Young people have finally reached the "blind date world", it doesn't matter if you don't have a car or a house, you just have 88VIP members

This seemingly explosive phenomenon is not surprising in the bustling city of Shanghai. After all, there are elites from all over the country and even the world here, and their views on marriage and love are naturally different. Some netizens said that in the blind date corner of People's Park, they saw a unique scene - the resumes of more than a dozen 88VIP members were neatly placed together, attracting many uncles and aunts to stop and watch.

In these resumes, there are not only high-quality educational backgrounds graduated from 985 and 211 schools, but also employees of large factories. What's even more ridiculous is that some resumes actually say "Prefer members who will live, such as 88VIP", as well as shopping website members, airline members, and Tencent iQiyi's members are also one of the criteria for choosing a mate.

Young people have finally reached the "blind date world", it doesn't matter if you don't have a car or a house, you just have 88VIP members

Some people introduce themselves and say that they are already old and two-dimensional, they like to go to the supermarket on weekends, and drive to scenic spots with few people in a daze, although this kind of self-introduction sounds a bit niche, but it is also quite interesting, after all, some people are "non-mainstream", with their own appearance and personality! And what's even more jaw-dropping is that some people's requirements are to like exquisite life, to find people like Bai Ke, Xu Guanghan, and others who have a "sense of husband", alas, is this a blind date corner or a wishing pool? There are white customers like this, and I am willing to let me be a woman if you ask me.

Young people have finally reached the "blind date world", it doesn't matter if you don't have a car or a house, you just have 88VIP members

When we think that young people are rectifying the workplace, in fact, their rectifying actions have penetrated into all fields. It doesn't look at your education, it doesn't look at your salary, whether you have an RV, but whether you are a member of the major platforms. This is looking for someone to live with, this is clearly looking for a member to partner! I even wonder if you want to share my 1,000 yuan Huabei. Some netizens said: "You look down on my JD plus? ”

Young people have finally reached the "blind date world", it doesn't matter if you don't have a car or a house, you just have 88VIP members

What do you think about this? What membership would you ask your significant other for? See you in the comments section.

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Young people have finally reached the "blind date world", it doesn't matter if you don't have a car or a house, you just have 88VIP members