
It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

author:Lively cheese CH

Once the guilt is established, it will stink for a while.


On May 14, an incident that attracted widespread attention was exposed on social media. A netizen broke the news that Xiao, a senior student at East China University of Science and Technology, asked his 12-year-old daughter, who was suffering from depression, for nude photos and tried to ask her out. The parent revealed that his daughter had suspended her studies at home due to depression, and that she and Xiao met through online games. Despite knowing that the girl was underage and in poor physical and mental condition, Xiao still made inappropriate demands many times.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

According to the information disclosed by the parents, the incident began when the child met Xiao Moumou in an online game. After realizing this inappropriate relationship, the parents once educated their daughter and asked her to delete Xiao's contact information, trying to cut off the contact between the two. However, despite this, the two later resumed contact through social platforms and further developed to meet privately.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

The parents revealed that the two of them hugged and kissed on a rooftop in the city during a meeting. When the parents learned of the act, he immediately reported the incident to the police, hoping to stop the misconduct through legal means and protect his daughter from further harm.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

At present, the parents are actively pursuing Xiao Moumou's legal responsibility. They have provided relevant evidence to the local public security department, including chat logs on social media and rooftop surveillance footage, to prove Xiao's misconduct. Parents said they would do whatever it took to get justice for their daughter through legal means and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

This incident is not only an isolated case, but also a widespread public concern about the risks encountered by minors in the online environment. There are calls from all walks of life to strengthen the regulation of minors' use of the Internet, raise their awareness of cyber security, and educate them on how to seek help from adults when they encounter unsafe or inappropriate behavior.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

In addition, there are also voices that suggest strengthening moral education for young people such as college students, and guiding them to establish a correct view of interpersonal relations and legal awareness, so as to reduce the occurrence of such incidents.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

Deeply shocked and outraged, the parents subsequently reported the case to the Zhongshan Police Station of the Songjiang Branch of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau. The incident quickly aroused widespread concern in the society, with netizens strongly condemning Xiao's behavior and discussing issues involving the protection of minors, cybersecurity, and moral education for college students.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

In a video released later, the parent revealed the circumstances of the incident in more detail. He described his daughter, who was originally innocent, but was going through a difficult time because of the effects of depression. She was looking for a way to escape reality in an online game and unfortunately met Xiao. At first, the parents hoped that the college student would have a positive impact on their daughter, but Xiao took advantage of the friendship to misbehave. After the parents found out, they immediately asked their daughter to cut off all contact with Xiao and track the communication records of the two through social platforms.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses
It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

As the incident continues to ferment, more voices have joined the discussion, and the society has expressed strong concern about how to protect minors from online harm, and called on the whole society to work together to protect minors from harm.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

The current situation is as follows: the parents have sufficient evidence and have officially reported the incident to the police. Xiao involved in the incident has admitted his misconduct to the police. The public security organs have intervened and are conducting a comprehensive investigation and handling of the matter.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

At the same time, the school where the person involved is located, East China University of Science and Technology, also responded to the incident. School officials said that they attach great importance to this incident, are closely monitoring the progress of the police investigation, and will take corresponding school disciplinary measures based on the results of the investigation. The school emphasizes that it will take any violation of the law and school discipline seriously to ensure the safety of the campus and the rights and interests of students.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

In addition, East China University of Science and Technology said that it will further strengthen moral education and mental health education for students to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents. The school also plans to work with parents and all sectors of society to create a safe, healthy and positive educational environment.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses
It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

Article 4 of the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment for Students of East China University of Science and Technology clearly points out that for students who violate laws and regulations, education departments and relevant management regulations of the university, the school will first criticize and educate, and give different levels of disciplinary sanctions according to the severity of the specific circumstances, including warnings, serious warnings, demerits, school probation, expulsion, etc.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

At the same time, Article 14 stipulates that if any student harasses or molests others, threatens the health and safety of others, or interferes with the normal study and life of others, the school will give a warning or more serious punishment according to the seriousness of the circumstances.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

In addition, on the morning of May 15, after the parents involved disclosed the incident on social media, their accounts have been banned from posting any works. This measure could be an automatic response by the platform to sensitive content to prevent the situation from spreading further or causing greater public unrest. The move has also sparked further discussion about the balance between social media management policies and freedom of expression.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

No case is filed

Xiao Moumou repeatedly asked for nude photos of a little girl, and after this behavior was discovered by the parents, the parents immediately reported the case to the police. Unfortunately, the police believed that the case did not meet the criteria for filing a case, so they issued a receipt not to file the case. thought that a warning would make Xiao Moumou alert, but his parents did not pursue it again, hoping that this would give him a chance to make amends, after all, he was still a college student.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

However, Xiao's behavior did not improve. Soon after, he approached the little girl again and had an act of "affectionate hug and sweet kiss" with her on the rooftop rooftop, which not only violated the rights of minors again, but also was an extreme moral turpitude and an offense to the boundaries of the law. This kind of behavior makes parents feel deeply desperate, and at the same time, it also arouses great indignation among the public.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

This incident once again highlights the urgent need for stricter legal and institutional safeguards when dealing with cases involving the safety of minors. The public and parents are strongly calling on the police and legal agencies to take such cases seriously, provide adequate protection to minor victims, and take severe punishment measures against perpetrators.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

At the same time, this incident also reminds all parents and educational institutions that they must pay more attention to their children's online safety and physical and mental health, and educate them on how to protect themselves from potential risks and harms online.

Colleges and universities follow up

On the 15th, the university staff confirmed that they had received relevant information about the incident and arranged special staff to follow up and deal with it.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

Netizens followed up

In response to this situation, many netizens expressed their opinions, strongly stating that the college student's behavior not only violated academic and moral principles, but also seriously damaged the learning environment on campus, so he should not continue to receive training from higher education resources. They called on the school authorities to impose severe penalties for their actions.

It's a big deal! A student at East China University of Technology asked for nude photos of a 12-year-old depressed girl Follow-up: multiple responses

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