
"Beijing TOP List": Fan Xian has returned from breaking the game, celebrating more than one year of high-energy warning!

author:Unknown entertainment blogger


Fan Xian's return: It's not the return of the hero, but the troublemaker

Do you remember five years ago, Fan Xian, a slightly immature but ambitious teenager? Now, he is once again on the journey back to Beijing, but this time, he brings back not only years of experience, but also trouble. Dear netizens, are you ready for the return of this "troublemaker"? Fan Xian's trip back to Beijing this time was far from being as smooth as he imagined.

"Beijing TOP List": Fan Xian has returned from breaking the game, celebrating more than one year of high-energy warning!

First of all, he had to participate in the Spring Exam, which was originally a competition for the wisdom of the scholars, but it also became a stage for Fan Xian to show his extraordinary talents. Subsequently, the task of filling the deficit in Neku fell to him, which was not a simple numbers game, but a major event involving the safety of the entire government. In the end, the journey to Jiangnan is not only a beautiful trip, but also a test of friendship and righteousness.

Fan Xian and Wan'er's wedding date is close: sweet candy rain, or calm before the storm?


Netizens, are you also like me, feeling both excited and nervous about Fan Xian and Wan'er's upcoming wedding? Wedding, for ordinary people, is a major event in life, but for Fan Xian, it is not just a wedding. This is a public test of his relationship with Wan'er, and it is also a big test of his personal political wisdom.

"Beijing TOP List": Fan Xian has returned from breaking the game, celebrating more than one year of high-energy warning!

Every step was taken carefully, for fear that something would go wrong and affect this grand wedding. Netizens, do you predict that this wedding will go smoothly, or will there be unpredictable changes?

The duel between Emperor Qing and Fan Xian: This is not a test, this is a contest between father and son


When Emperor Qing learned that Fan Xian was not dead, he was actually relieved, but he had to pretend to be serious on the surface. This complex feeling can only be understood by those who are fathers. The relationship between Emperor Qing and Fan Xian is complex and delicate. On the one hand, Emperor Qing hoped that Fan Xian could return safely, after all, blood is thicker than water;

"Beijing TOP List": Fan Xian has returned from breaking the game, celebrating more than one year of high-energy warning!

On the other hand, Fan Xian's return was a big test for Emperor Qing's rule. Every conversation between them, every eye contact, was like a battle without gunpowder. Netizens, who do you think will be the winner in the end in this battle between father and son?

The conspiracy of the eldest princess and the second prince: This is not just about making trouble, this is the art of wrestling

The eldest princess and the second prince are not good at stubble, and behind every seemingly unintentional move they have hidden far-reaching purposes. Every smile of the eldest princess and every flicker of the eyes of the second prince may be planning the next conspiracy. Their presence made the already not very calm capital even more confusing. Netizens, what do you think of these behaviors of the eldest princess and the second prince? Is it just a matter of doing something, or is it a struggle for power and status?


In "Celebrating More Than Years Season 2", every advancement seems to tell us: this is not just a TV series, this is a debate about love and hate, right and wrong, love and righteousness. Every challenge of Fan Xian is a test of his wisdom and courage; Every confrontation between Emperor Qing and Fan Xian is deducing the complex emotional relationship between father and son; Every time the eldest princess and the second prince do something, they are showing their desire for power and the struggle for status. Dear netizens, what do you think of these connotations? Do you also have your own unique opinions? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section and let's discuss this controversial TV series together!