
Beef stew: Keep in mind that "3 put 2 don't put it" The beef is soft and rotten and does not stuff your teeth, and the key is that it is not fishy

author:Mountain Food Station

Beef stew is a home-cooked delicacy, and its texture and taste often depend on the time and skill of cooking, as well as the use of spices. In the process of stewing beef, remember "3 put 2 don't". The 3 put here refers to the 3 spices that must be put when stewing beef: cardamom, hawthorn slices, and grass fruit; 2. Do not put refers to the two seasonings that are not recommended to be put in beef stew: Sichuan pepper and cooking wine. Below, let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of "3 put and 2 don't" in detail.

First of all, let's talk about "3 puts"

The first: cardamom

Beef stew: Keep in mind that "3 put 2 don't put it" The beef is soft and rotten and does not stuff your teeth, and the key is that it is not fishy

Cardamom is one of the common spices. The volatile oil in cardamom penetrates into the fibers of beef, making it softer and more tasteful. However, it should be noted that the amount of cardamom should not be used too much. If you put too much of it, the aroma of cardamom may be too strong, affecting the umami flavor of the beef itself.

The second type: hawthorn flakes

Beef stew: Keep in mind that "3 put 2 don't put it" The beef is soft and rotten and does not stuff your teeth, and the key is that it is not fishy

Adding hawthorn slices to stew beef can not only improve the taste of the stewed beef, but also make the stewed beef more soft and deboned. At the same time, hawthorn slices can also neutralize the oiliness in the beef, making the stewed beef more refreshing and tasty. However, dried hawthorn should not be put too much. Too much hawthorn slices may make the beef taste too sour, affecting the texture of the stewed food.

The third type: grass fruit

Beef stew: Keep in mind that "3 put 2 don't put it" The beef is soft and rotten and does not stuff your teeth, and the key is that it is not fishy

Adding grass fruit to beef stew can remove the fishy smell from the beef, and at the same time, it also increases the aroma of the beef. The volatile oils in the grass fruit can penetrate into the fibers of the beef, making it softer and more flavorful. Of course, the amount of grass fruit should not be too much grass. Adding too much grass fruit may make the stewed beef more intense, masking the flavor of the beef itself and affecting the overall taste.

Now let's talk about the "2 don't put go" of beef stew

First: Sichuan peppercorns

Beef stew: Keep in mind that "3 put 2 don't put it" The beef is soft and rotten and does not stuff your teeth, and the key is that it is not fishy

Sichuan pepper is a common seasoning in every household. However, it is not very suitable to add Sichuan peppercorns when stewing beef. Because the spicy taste of Sichuan pepper will cover the umami flavor of the beef itself, making the stewed beef taste poor. Especially in beef stew, peppercorns can make the soup taste unacceptable. In addition, adding Sichuan pepper when stewing beef will also make the meat quality of the beef slowly age and turn into firewood, so that its taste is greatly reduced.

Second: cooking wine

Beef stew: Keep in mind that "3 put 2 don't put it" The beef is soft and rotten and does not stuff your teeth, and the key is that it is not fishy

Cooking wine is a commonly used seasoning in cooking, which has the effect of removing the smell and increasing the flavor. However, cooking wine is not suitable for beef stew. Because the alcohol in cooking wine will volatilize during high-temperature stewing, not only can it not play a role in removing the smell and increasing the flavor, but also may affect the taste of the beef.

Beef stew: Keep in mind that "3 put 2 don't put it" The beef is soft and rotten and does not stuff your teeth, and the key is that it is not fishy

By mastering the cooking technique of "3 puts and 2 puts", we can stew beef that is soft and delicious, does not stuff your teeth and has no fishy smell. During the stewing process, spices such as cardamom, hawthorn slices and grass fruit should be used in moderation to enhance the taste and aroma of the beef; At the same time, it is necessary to avoid using seasonings such as peppercorns and cooking wine, so as not to affect the taste and texture of beef. With careful cooking, we can enjoy a feast for the taste buds brought by the delicious beef stew.

Finally, I would like to share with you a recipe for beef stew:

1 gram of sand kernels, 2 grams of coriander seeds, 1.5 grams of nutmeg, 3 grams of angelica, 3 grams of grass fruit, 3 grams of kaempfera, 3 grams of cumin, 1.5 grams of cinnamon, 0.5 grams of cloves, 2 grams of licorice, 2 grams of hawthorn slices.